
Prokaryotic - no nucleus

Eukaryotic - Nucleus

Autotrophic - makes own food

heterotrophic - cannot make own food

Domain Bacteria

  • single celled and lack nucleus

  • binary fission allow them to reproduce very fast (Sextillions(10^24)

  • Colonies use cell signaling to communicate

  • can be autotrophs and heterotrophs

Bacteria come in many different morphologies (shapes)

  • Spherical (Cocci)

  • Rod-shaped (bacillus)

  • spiral (spirochetes)

Some use flagellum to move

30 major groups

  • Pathogenic bacteria cause harmful things, food poisoning, strep, gonorrhea, leprosy tuberculosis

  • most harmful bacteria secrete toxin in victims cells

  • antibiotics kill bacteria and not human cells

    Majority of bacteria are helpful (mutualistic)

    • essential for digestive system & immune health

    • bacteria works as nutrient recyclers

    • bacteria can help animals such as bobtail squid w/ bioluminescence

Domain Archaea (discovered by Wosse)

  • single celled, no nucleus

  • closer to eukarya domain then bacteria

  • most live in extreme habitats

Viruses are not prokaryotes or Eukaryotes

  • scientist categorize as invade of living thing, and NOT LIVING

  • not made of true cells and lack cellular organization


  • viruses that invade bacteria, cannot invade Eukaryotic cells

  • insert DNA, can either destroy bacterial cells, or use to continue reproducers

  • could become important

Antibodies - proteins made by the body for specific viruses. (limit infection and alert rest of immune system to eliminate viruses)

Immune memory - once exposed to pathogen, body has cells that recognize the pathogen and are ready to fight it off by making antibodies if exposed again

immunization - vaccines cause your body to start immune response (same way if you were exposed, but safer means of exposure) (Gains memory)
