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Here are the words in alphabetical order with flashcards:

## Flashcards

### 1. acclaimed


- The director's latest film was acclaimed by critics as a masterpiece. (Example of the meaning "widely praised and admired")

- The acclaimed author received numerous awards for her work. (Example of the meaning "widely praised and admired")


- признанный

- прославленный

- известный

### 2. alarming


- The alarming rise in crime rates has the community concerned. (Example of the meaning "causing great concern or worry")

- The alarming news about the natural disaster spread quickly. (Example of the meaning "causing great concern or worry")


- тревожный

- вызывающий тревогу

- угрожающий

### 3. anxious


- The student was anxious about the upcoming exam. (Example of the meaning "feeling or showing worry, nervousness, or unease about something")

- The anxious dog paced back and forth waiting for its owner. (Example of the meaning "feeling or showing worry, nervousness, or unease about something")


- тревожный

- встревоженный

- беспокойный

### 4. appalling


- The appalling conditions in the refugee camp were unacceptable. (Example of the meaning "horrifying or shocking")

- The appalling behavior of the politician was widely condemned. (Example of the meaning "horrifying or shocking")


- ужасающий

- возмутительный

- шокирующий

### 5. breakneck


- The driver was going at a breakneck speed down the highway. (Example of the meaning "extremely fast or hurried")

- The company's breakneck expansion left employees struggling to keep up. (Example of the meaning "extremely fast or hurried")


- головокружительный

- стремительный

- бешеный

### 6. candid


- The politician gave a candid interview, openly discussing the controversial issue. (Example of the meaning "straightforward and honest")

- The candid feedback from the teacher helped the student improve their work. (Example of the meaning "straightforward and honest")


- откровенный

- прямой

- честный

### 7. entrancing


- The entrancing melody of the violin performance captivated the audience. (Example of the meaning "charming or fascinating")

- The entrancing scenery of the mountain landscape was breathtaking. (Example of the meaning "charming or fascinating")


- очаровательный

- пленительный

- завораживающий

### 8. feasible


- The proposed solution seemed feasible and worth considering. (Example of the meaning "possible to do easily or conveniently")

- The company determined that the new project was feasible within their budget. (Example of the meaning "possible to do easily or conveniently")


- осуществимый

- реализуемый

- выполнимый

### 9. groundbreaking


- The scientist's groundbreaking research led to a major breakthrough in the field. (Example of the meaning "innovative and important, marking a significant shift or advance")

- The groundbreaking ceremony for the new hospital was an exciting event. (Example of the meaning "innovative and important, marking a significant shift or advance")


- новаторский

- революционный

- прорывной

### 10. pretentious


- The pretentious art exhibit left many visitors confused and unimpressed. (Example of the meaning "attempting to impress by affecting greater importance or merit than is actually possessed")

- The pretentious language used in the academic paper made it difficult to understand. (Example of the meaning "attempting to impress by affecting greater importance or merit than is actually possessed")


- напыщенный

- высокомерный

- самовлюбленный

### 11. saddening


- The saddening news of the accident left the community in mourning. (Example of the meaning "causing sadness or distress")

- The saddening images from the war zone were difficult to witness. (Example of the meaning "causing sadness or distress")


- печальный

- удручающий

- огорчительный

### 12. tedious


- The tedious paperwork required for the application process was frustrating. (Example of the meaning "too long, slow, or dull; tiresome and monotonous")

- The tedious task of sorting through the files took hours to complete. (Example of the meaning "too long, slow, or dull; tiresome and monotonous")


- скучный

- утомительный

- монотонный

### 13. tremendous


- The tremendous success of the new product line exceeded all expectations. (Example of the meaning "very large in scale or amount; enormous")

- The team's tremendous effort led them to victory in the championship. (Example of the meaning "very large in scale or amount; enormous")


- огромный

- колоссальный

- грандиозный

### 14. unconventional


- The artist's unconventional approach to painting challenged traditional norms. (Example of the meaning "not conforming to accepted rules or standards")

- The unconventional teaching methods used in the classroom were effective in engaging the students. (Example of the meaning "not conforming to accepted rules or standards")


- нетрадиционный

- необычный

- новаторский

### 15. unsettling


- The unsettling news of the natural disaster left the community on edge. (Example of the meaning "causing a feeling of unease or anxiety")

- The unsettling behavior of the stranger in the park made the woman feel uneasy. (Example of the meaning "causing a feeling of unease or anxiety")


- тревожный

- беспокоящий

- волнующий

### 16. uplifting


- The uplifting message of the commencement speech inspired the graduates. (Example of the meaning "making you feel better or more hopeful")

- The uplifting music during the concert had a positive impact on the audience. (Example of the meaning "making you feel better or more hopeful")


- вдохновляющий

- воодушевляющий

- приподнимающий настроение

Term - the front-side

Definition - back-side


Here are the words in alphabetical order with flashcards:

## Flashcards

### 1. acclaimed


- The director's latest film was acclaimed by critics as a masterpiece. (Example of the meaning "widely praised and admired")

- The acclaimed author received numerous awards for her work. (Example of the meaning "widely praised and admired")


- признанный

- прославленный

- известный

### 2. alarming


- The alarming rise in crime rates has the community concerned. (Example of the meaning "causing great concern or worry")

- The alarming news about the natural disaster spread quickly. (Example of the meaning "causing great concern or worry")


- тревожный

- вызывающий тревогу

- угрожающий

### 3. anxious


- The student was anxious about the upcoming exam. (Example of the meaning "feeling or showing worry, nervousness, or unease about something")

- The anxious dog paced back and forth waiting for its owner. (Example of the meaning "feeling or showing worry, nervousness, or unease about something")


- тревожный

- встревоженный

- беспокойный

### 4. appalling


- The appalling conditions in the refugee camp were unacceptable. (Example of the meaning "horrifying or shocking")

- The appalling behavior of the politician was widely condemned. (Example of the meaning "horrifying or shocking")


- ужасающий

- возмутительный

- шокирующий

### 5. breakneck


- The driver was going at a breakneck speed down the highway. (Example of the meaning "extremely fast or hurried")

- The company's breakneck expansion left employees struggling to keep up. (Example of the meaning "extremely fast or hurried")


- головокружительный

- стремительный

- бешеный

### 6. candid


- The politician gave a candid interview, openly discussing the controversial issue. (Example of the meaning "straightforward and honest")

- The candid feedback from the teacher helped the student improve their work. (Example of the meaning "straightforward and honest")


- откровенный

- прямой

- честный

### 7. entrancing


- The entrancing melody of the violin performance captivated the audience. (Example of the meaning "charming or fascinating")

- The entrancing scenery of the mountain landscape was breathtaking. (Example of the meaning "charming or fascinating")


- очаровательный

- пленительный

- завораживающий

### 8. feasible


- The proposed solution seemed feasible and worth considering. (Example of the meaning "possible to do easily or conveniently")

- The company determined that the new project was feasible within their budget. (Example of the meaning "possible to do easily or conveniently")


- осуществимый

- реализуемый

- выполнимый

### 9. groundbreaking


- The scientist's groundbreaking research led to a major breakthrough in the field. (Example of the meaning "innovative and important, marking a significant shift or advance")

- The groundbreaking ceremony for the new hospital was an exciting event. (Example of the meaning "innovative and important, marking a significant shift or advance")


- новаторский

- революционный

- прорывной

### 10. pretentious


- The pretentious art exhibit left many visitors confused and unimpressed. (Example of the meaning "attempting to impress by affecting greater importance or merit than is actually possessed")

- The pretentious language used in the academic paper made it difficult to understand. (Example of the meaning "attempting to impress by affecting greater importance or merit than is actually possessed")


- напыщенный

- высокомерный

- самовлюбленный

### 11. saddening


- The saddening news of the accident left the community in mourning. (Example of the meaning "causing sadness or distress")

- The saddening images from the war zone were difficult to witness. (Example of the meaning "causing sadness or distress")


- печальный

- удручающий

- огорчительный

### 12. tedious


- The tedious paperwork required for the application process was frustrating. (Example of the meaning "too long, slow, or dull; tiresome and monotonous")

- The tedious task of sorting through the files took hours to complete. (Example of the meaning "too long, slow, or dull; tiresome and monotonous")


- скучный

- утомительный

- монотонный

### 13. tremendous


- The tremendous success of the new product line exceeded all expectations. (Example of the meaning "very large in scale or amount; enormous")

- The team's tremendous effort led them to victory in the championship. (Example of the meaning "very large in scale or amount; enormous")


- огромный

- колоссальный

- грандиозный

### 14. unconventional


- The artist's unconventional approach to painting challenged traditional norms. (Example of the meaning "not conforming to accepted rules or standards")

- The unconventional teaching methods used in the classroom were effective in engaging the students. (Example of the meaning "not conforming to accepted rules or standards")


- нетрадиционный

- необычный

- новаторский

### 15. unsettling


- The unsettling news of the natural disaster left the community on edge. (Example of the meaning "causing a feeling of unease or anxiety")

- The unsettling behavior of the stranger in the park made the woman feel uneasy. (Example of the meaning "causing a feeling of unease or anxiety")


- тревожный

- беспокоящий

- волнующий

### 16. uplifting


- The uplifting message of the commencement speech inspired the graduates. (Example of the meaning "making you feel better or more hopeful")

- The uplifting music during the concert had a positive impact on the audience. (Example of the meaning "making you feel better or more hopeful")


- вдохновляющий

- воодушевляющий

- приподнимающий настроение

Term - the front-side

Definition - back-side