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Unit 3 (1754-1800)

French and Indian war (7 year war)

  • Began on Americans soil, due to British colonist due to french encroachment on their west boarders

  • conflict erupted

  • Colonies met up to have better frontier defense

Albany plan of Union

  • a more coordinated effort

  • “ JOIN OR DIE “

  • to unite all colonies

Ended by signing “the peace of Paris”

  • Louisiana was given to Spain

  • British doubled land due to the war


  • due to being hungry, “eating” more land began to push westward (they grabbed this land due to ‘winning the land’ though the Indians were there)

  • conflicts with Indians who lived there, receiving raids

  • very expensive (doubled in the cost)

Royal proclamation of 1763

  • forbade colonist to gather land westward

  • Angered the colonies, feeling entitled due to fighting in the war

Taxation w/o representation

  • British decided to implicate taxes (1/3)

  • Navigation act

    • avoided these laws by smuggling in trades

  • Quartering Act 1765

    • British troops remained in the land, making the colonist to feed the soldiers

  • Sugar Act

    • taxes on “luxury” items


        • response of the sugar act implemented

          angered colonist

          50 colonist disguised as Indians threw the tea

    • Coercive act

      • closed down the Boston Harvard until everything was paid for

  • Stamp act

    • All paper items, contracts, etc

    • can’t be ignored, now heating up the conflict

      • Stamp act congress

        • Petition to repeal the act, due to Taxation w/o representation was Tirane

  • Protests occurred, acts were repealed

  • Declaratory act

    • to remind them that they’re in charge by the British

  • Townsend act

    • taxes on items imported to the colonies

      • Protested by boycotting

      • women who bought manufacture goods would do it their own way

        • spun their own cloth

        • grew their own tea


  • boys insulted the soldiers, leading soldiers to shoot at colonists, wounding 11 colonists and 4 died.

Salutary neglect

  • gave the colonist that they were alone w/o British controlling them


  • colonists began to organize in groups to vowing to protect themselves from British Tirane

Continental congress

  • all agreed to resist the British, but still wanted to remain citizens as independence was not an idea

    • They bought back the ideas of the Enlightenment

    • Natural rights were a deep philosophy of theirs

Separation of power - Enables the various branches to check and balance the powers of the others


  • continental congress was in their second meeting

  • came to a point that independence from Britain was the only way they can survive

Thomas Paine

  • common sense was created

  • the idea of independence of Britain was the only way to give them freedom

Thomas Jefferson

  • wrote the declaration of independence

    • “ we hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal “

    • document deeply influenced by enlightenment thoughts

    • July 4th, made public

      Revolutionary war started

  • Loyalist did not want to separate from Britain

  • George Washington was the leader

  • Had a bad army, weak, getting defeated, and surely to lose.

  • 1777 at the battle of Sara toga convinced the french to ally with the Americans to help them.

  • French sent guns and ships, Fighting Frenchman LAFAYETTE!

  • British army surrendered


Articles of confederation

  • states had assembled their own constitution in governance

    • put the power in the law maker body

  • Now made the constitution


  • all federal gov would be put into this (had limited power to ask for taxes)

Congress passed the Northwest Ordinances 1787

  • provided how unformed territories can be occupied to the Union for statehood

  • abolish slavery in northwest territory


      • Farmers fell into debt, and couldn’t pay due to inflation

      • Farmers were rebelling, about to arm themselves

      • this displayed the weakness of the Articles of Confederation

Constitutional convention 1787

  • rewrite a new constitution

  • Two parties started

    • Federalist

      • wanted stronger central government

    • Anti-Federalist

      • wanted the states to have the power

  • Argument on how the people would be Representative

    • 2 plans were showed

      • Virginian plan

        • representation by big states

        • favored big states

      • New Jersey Plan

        • equal representation regardless of population

        • Favored the small states

The Great compromise

  • Legislated branch

    • split into 2 houses


      • based on population

  • Senate

    • States would have equal votes

    • 2 votes per state

  • How do we account for the large enslaved population?

    • south wanted all slaves to count, as it would boost their power in the house

    • north who had few slaves, opposed that, as they would not be in favor

3/5 compromise (was created for voting to Black Men)

  • every 5 slaves would be accounted for 3

Provided central gov.

  • legislative

  • executive

  • judicial

    • New constitution went to the states for agreement

  • Federalist wrote numerous essays to convince the public, Alexander Hamilton being one of those Anonymous writers

    • Federalist Papers

Constitution was in effect

Desire to have a distinctive American Culture

  • State national leaders implemented education

  • Artists devoted attention for noticeable themes

    • Republican motherhood

      • mother can best influence political ideas by raising virtuous SONS

George Washington elected president autonomously

  • Established department of treasury and state

    • Alexander Hamilton Secretary of Treasury

      • Due to debts, he established a bank, to improve the credit of the nation

        • Many argued that this is not constitutional

      • Elastic clause, which says that the Congress can actually implement any laws that is necessary and proper in order to carry other responsibilities

    • Bank was necessary and proper

      • Had the effects that he promised

  • Both tried to remain neutral

Whiskey Rebellion (implemented a law by Alexander Hamilton, causing riots)

  • made + consumed by farmers

    • angry farmers~!

  • Attacked tax collectors to collect revenue

    • Hamilton was sent to stop this, proving the strength of the American Constitution

  • Democratic Republicans

    • Thomas Jefferson + James Madison

      • thought that the bank was being instituted, and the whiskey rebellion was an overreach of power

George Washington Farewell (He did not run a 3rd time)

  • Cautioned the nation of the difference in political parties

    • cautioned America to not get tangled in European alliances

  • America ignored this.

John Adams was the next president

War broke out in Britain and France

  • Adams insisted that America would be solitary

    • French would seize America trade ships that would go to settlement

  • Americans went to France, which 3 french men who met them bribed them about 250,000 to just meet.

XYZ affair

  • outrage shared between federalist and demo republic

Alien and Sedition Acts

  • legal and easy to deport non-citizens

    • aimed to Scottish immigrants

  • Made it illegal to criticize the gov public ally

    • Demo rep. sees this as federal overreach

Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

  • shows that any law that is passed by fed. gov. that is unconstitutional can be nullify

Relationship between the US, Britain, Spain, and Indians

Indian trade and intercourse act

  • in order to deal with Americans traveling west,

    • provision for fair dealings

      • settlers ignored this

  • Westward migration increased, conflicts w/ Indians (British supported this)

Pinckney treaty

  • decided the border between Us. and Spain

  • established at the 31st parallel


  • Northern states

    • rapid population growth of free blacks

      • New Jersey granted free blacks the right to vote

    • Philadelphia, African Americans created the first church called

      • African Methodist Episcopal Church

  • South states

    • Black population was mostly slave, growing rapidly

    • made it impossible to free slaves

      • Slave holders would migrate, bringing slaves with them to places where it never existed.


Unit 3 (1754-1800)

French and Indian war (7 year war)

  • Began on Americans soil, due to British colonist due to french encroachment on their west boarders

  • conflict erupted

  • Colonies met up to have better frontier defense

Albany plan of Union

  • a more coordinated effort

  • “ JOIN OR DIE “

  • to unite all colonies

Ended by signing “the peace of Paris”

  • Louisiana was given to Spain

  • British doubled land due to the war


  • due to being hungry, “eating” more land began to push westward (they grabbed this land due to ‘winning the land’ though the Indians were there)

  • conflicts with Indians who lived there, receiving raids

  • very expensive (doubled in the cost)

Royal proclamation of 1763

  • forbade colonist to gather land westward

  • Angered the colonies, feeling entitled due to fighting in the war

Taxation w/o representation

  • British decided to implicate taxes (1/3)

  • Navigation act

    • avoided these laws by smuggling in trades

  • Quartering Act 1765

    • British troops remained in the land, making the colonist to feed the soldiers

  • Sugar Act

    • taxes on “luxury” items


        • response of the sugar act implemented

          angered colonist

          50 colonist disguised as Indians threw the tea

    • Coercive act

      • closed down the Boston Harvard until everything was paid for

  • Stamp act

    • All paper items, contracts, etc

    • can’t be ignored, now heating up the conflict

      • Stamp act congress

        • Petition to repeal the act, due to Taxation w/o representation was Tirane

  • Protests occurred, acts were repealed

  • Declaratory act

    • to remind them that they’re in charge by the British

  • Townsend act

    • taxes on items imported to the colonies

      • Protested by boycotting

      • women who bought manufacture goods would do it their own way

        • spun their own cloth

        • grew their own tea


  • boys insulted the soldiers, leading soldiers to shoot at colonists, wounding 11 colonists and 4 died.

Salutary neglect

  • gave the colonist that they were alone w/o British controlling them


  • colonists began to organize in groups to vowing to protect themselves from British Tirane

Continental congress

  • all agreed to resist the British, but still wanted to remain citizens as independence was not an idea

    • They bought back the ideas of the Enlightenment

    • Natural rights were a deep philosophy of theirs

Separation of power - Enables the various branches to check and balance the powers of the others


  • continental congress was in their second meeting

  • came to a point that independence from Britain was the only way they can survive

Thomas Paine

  • common sense was created

  • the idea of independence of Britain was the only way to give them freedom

Thomas Jefferson

  • wrote the declaration of independence

    • “ we hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal “

    • document deeply influenced by enlightenment thoughts

    • July 4th, made public

      Revolutionary war started

  • Loyalist did not want to separate from Britain

  • George Washington was the leader

  • Had a bad army, weak, getting defeated, and surely to lose.

  • 1777 at the battle of Sara toga convinced the french to ally with the Americans to help them.

  • French sent guns and ships, Fighting Frenchman LAFAYETTE!

  • British army surrendered


Articles of confederation

  • states had assembled their own constitution in governance

    • put the power in the law maker body

  • Now made the constitution


  • all federal gov would be put into this (had limited power to ask for taxes)

Congress passed the Northwest Ordinances 1787

  • provided how unformed territories can be occupied to the Union for statehood

  • abolish slavery in northwest territory


      • Farmers fell into debt, and couldn’t pay due to inflation

      • Farmers were rebelling, about to arm themselves

      • this displayed the weakness of the Articles of Confederation

Constitutional convention 1787

  • rewrite a new constitution

  • Two parties started

    • Federalist

      • wanted stronger central government

    • Anti-Federalist

      • wanted the states to have the power

  • Argument on how the people would be Representative

    • 2 plans were showed

      • Virginian plan

        • representation by big states

        • favored big states

      • New Jersey Plan

        • equal representation regardless of population

        • Favored the small states

The Great compromise

  • Legislated branch

    • split into 2 houses


      • based on population

  • Senate

    • States would have equal votes

    • 2 votes per state

  • How do we account for the large enslaved population?

    • south wanted all slaves to count, as it would boost their power in the house

    • north who had few slaves, opposed that, as they would not be in favor

3/5 compromise (was created for voting to Black Men)

  • every 5 slaves would be accounted for 3

Provided central gov.

  • legislative

  • executive

  • judicial

    • New constitution went to the states for agreement

  • Federalist wrote numerous essays to convince the public, Alexander Hamilton being one of those Anonymous writers

    • Federalist Papers

Constitution was in effect

Desire to have a distinctive American Culture

  • State national leaders implemented education

  • Artists devoted attention for noticeable themes

    • Republican motherhood

      • mother can best influence political ideas by raising virtuous SONS

George Washington elected president autonomously

  • Established department of treasury and state

    • Alexander Hamilton Secretary of Treasury

      • Due to debts, he established a bank, to improve the credit of the nation

        • Many argued that this is not constitutional

      • Elastic clause, which says that the Congress can actually implement any laws that is necessary and proper in order to carry other responsibilities

    • Bank was necessary and proper

      • Had the effects that he promised

  • Both tried to remain neutral

Whiskey Rebellion (implemented a law by Alexander Hamilton, causing riots)

  • made + consumed by farmers

    • angry farmers~!

  • Attacked tax collectors to collect revenue

    • Hamilton was sent to stop this, proving the strength of the American Constitution

  • Democratic Republicans

    • Thomas Jefferson + James Madison

      • thought that the bank was being instituted, and the whiskey rebellion was an overreach of power

George Washington Farewell (He did not run a 3rd time)

  • Cautioned the nation of the difference in political parties

    • cautioned America to not get tangled in European alliances

  • America ignored this.

John Adams was the next president

War broke out in Britain and France

  • Adams insisted that America would be solitary

    • French would seize America trade ships that would go to settlement

  • Americans went to France, which 3 french men who met them bribed them about 250,000 to just meet.

XYZ affair

  • outrage shared between federalist and demo republic

Alien and Sedition Acts

  • legal and easy to deport non-citizens

    • aimed to Scottish immigrants

  • Made it illegal to criticize the gov public ally

    • Demo rep. sees this as federal overreach

Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

  • shows that any law that is passed by fed. gov. that is unconstitutional can be nullify

Relationship between the US, Britain, Spain, and Indians

Indian trade and intercourse act

  • in order to deal with Americans traveling west,

    • provision for fair dealings

      • settlers ignored this

  • Westward migration increased, conflicts w/ Indians (British supported this)

Pinckney treaty

  • decided the border between Us. and Spain

  • established at the 31st parallel


  • Northern states

    • rapid population growth of free blacks

      • New Jersey granted free blacks the right to vote

    • Philadelphia, African Americans created the first church called

      • African Methodist Episcopal Church

  • South states

    • Black population was mostly slave, growing rapidly

    • made it impossible to free slaves

      • Slave holders would migrate, bringing slaves with them to places where it never existed.