When a chemical system at equilibrium is disturbed by a change in a property (such as concentration, temperature or pressure), the system in a way that opposes the change.
Any change in a system that results in a change in reactant and product concentration is known as an equilibrium shift.
Nature of Change
Adding or removing [R]
Adding or removing [P]
Increasing or decreasing pressure by increasing or decreasing volume
Adding or removing heat energy
Adding a catalyst or inert gas does not change equilibrium concentrations (catalysts make the system reach equilibrium faster, but result is the same)
Add [R]
increase frequency of collisions between Reactants
increase in [P]
increase forward Rx
Remove [P]
decrease frequency of collisions between products
increase in [P]
increase forward Rx
Add [P]
increase frequency of collisions between products
increase in [R]
increase reverse Rx
Remove [R]
decrease frequency of collisions between reactants
increase in [R]
increase reverse Rx
Note: addition/removal of a substance in solid or liquid state does not change equilibrium