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Enron Scandal

  • Enron Corporation, an energy, commodities, and service company based in Houston Texas, filed for bankruptcy on December 2 2001


  • 25,000 employees lost their jobs

  • Employees lost their investments

  • CEO Jeffery Skilling and Chairman Kenneth Lay were charged with conspiracy securities fraud, and insider trading

  • Enron executives used Special Purpose Entities & Mark- to- Market accounting to hide debt& alter financial statements, breaking trust requiring severe punishment to prevent similar misconduct

  • 2 billion dollars in pension saving & 1.2 billion dollars in retirement funds were lost

People Involved

  • VP Sherron Watkins exposed fraudulent activities in 2001

  • CEO Jeffery Skilling

  • Chairman Kenneth Lay

Enron Scandal

  • Enron Corporation, an energy, commodities, and service company based in Houston Texas, filed for bankruptcy on December 2 2001


  • 25,000 employees lost their jobs

  • Employees lost their investments

  • CEO Jeffery Skilling and Chairman Kenneth Lay were charged with conspiracy securities fraud, and insider trading

  • Enron executives used Special Purpose Entities & Mark- to- Market accounting to hide debt& alter financial statements, breaking trust requiring severe punishment to prevent similar misconduct

  • 2 billion dollars in pension saving & 1.2 billion dollars in retirement funds were lost

People Involved

  • VP Sherron Watkins exposed fraudulent activities in 2001

  • CEO Jeffery Skilling

  • Chairman Kenneth Lay