1. What is socialization?

    1. The process of learning how to interact with others and become a part of society. It shapes an individual's sense of self.

  2. What are the 2 types of socialization?

    1. Primary Socialization: Occurs during childhood.

    2. Secondary Socialization: Occurs later in life.

  3. Define determinism.

    1. The belief that all events, including human actions, are determined by causes such as natural laws or prior events, and that nothing happens by chance.

  4. What are the 2 types of determinism?

    1. Biological determinism (nature) versus

    2. Social or cultural determinism (nurture)

  5. What did Sigmund Freud argue shapes human personality?

    1. Both biological and social factors shape human personality.

  6. What are the 3 parts of the human mind according to Feud?

    1. The id, superego, and the ego.

  7. What is the role of the id?

    1. Represents unconsciousness, instinctive drives, including eros (pleasure-seeking and Thanatos (aggression and violence)

  8. What is the role of the superego?

    1. Polices the id and represents internalized moral messages from socializing agents.

  9. What is the role of the ego?

    1. The main agent of personality, balancing the demands of the id and the constraints of the superego.

  10. What did Erik Erikson believe about ego development?

    1. He believed that society influences ego development well into old age.

  11. What defines each stage of life according to Erikson?

    1. Each stage is defined by a central crisis that impacts individual development.

  12. Define behaviourism.

    1. A school of thought that emphasizes the power of learning and takes a cultural-determinist position.

  13. What do behaviourists believe shapes who we are.

    1. Much of who we are is shaped by how previous behaviour was responded to.

  14. What are agents of socialization?

    1. Groups that have a significant impact on one’s socialization.

  15. What did George Herbet Mead argue about socialization?

    1. Children are socialized by others and internalize norms and values.

  16. What are the two categories of agents of socialization according to Mead?

    1. Significant others (parents, siblings, friends)

    2. Generalized others (society)

  17. What are the 3 stages of socialization in Mead’s theory?

    1. Preparatory stage: imitation

    2. Play stage: role-taking

    3. Game stage: Considering multiple roles and viewpoints

  18. What is Charles Cooley’s concept of the looking-glass self?

    1. The looking-glass self is how an individual’s self-image is shaped by how they think others view them.

  19. What are the 3 components of the looking-glass self?

    1. How you imagine you appear to others.

    2. How you imagine others judge your appearance.

    3. How you feel as a result.

  20. Define risk behaviours.

    1. Lifestyle activities that place a person at increased probability of suffering negative consequences.

  21. What are 5 powerful socialization agents?

    1. Family

    2. Peer group

    3. Community and neighborhood

    4. Mass media

    5. Education

  22. What is the observational learning theory?

    1. People learn behaviours by observing others and imitating their actions.

  23. What is the desensitization theory?

    1. Repeated exposure to something like violence or distressing images reduces emotional reactions to it over time.

  24. Habitus and reproduction.

    1. Habitus refers to the deeply ingrained habits, skills, and dispositions that individuals acquire through socialization. 

    2. Reproduction is the process by which social inequalities are passed down from one generation to the next through habitus.

  25. What is secondary socialization?

    1. Occurs during adolescence and early adulthood, outside the family, and involves smaller groups like a new school or neighborhood.

  26. Define resocialization.

    1. The process of unlearning old behaviors, attitudes, and values, and learning new ones when moving into a different social environment.

  27. What are the two types of resocialization?

    1. Voluntary and involuntary.

  28. What is voluntary resocialization?

    1. Occurs when someone chooses to make a change, like starting school, a new job, or undergoing a religious conversion.

  29. What is involuntary resocialization?

    1. Happens when someone is forced to change, such as in total institutions like prisons or the military, where all aspects of life are regulated.
