Thomas Jefferson
1801 - Begins presidency
Achievements included Declaration of Independence + public schools + Virginia Statute on Religious Freedom + Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions + Louisiana Purchase + Lewis & Clark Expedition + Embargo Act + classical architecture
Growth of the 2-party system
Promoted a weak central gov’t
Believed that slavery was the core of US’s problems
Election of 1800
Jeffersonian Revolution
The first peaceful transfer of ideological power based on election results
Jefferson’s election led to the rejection of elite leadership of Federalists
In the House of Representatives, Alexander Hamilton urged Federalists to vote for Jefferson (not Aaron Burr)
Aaron Burr
VP under Jefferson
Defeated for governor of NY (due to the intervention of Hamilton)
1804 - Killed Hamilton in a duel
Suspected to be involved in the Burr Conspiracy, where he wanted to create a new, separate country
Mosquito Fleet
Jefferson reduced the size of army + sold many US Navy ships
The Mosquito Fleet was made up of many small boats w/ minimal firepower
Era of Good Feelings
Collapse of Federalists led to only Anti-Federalists in power
Resulted in national unity
Rewarding political supporters with jobs + contracts + favors
Practiced by Madison + Monroe
Congressional Committee System
Decision making mostly by president + cabinet
Jefferson reduced power of executive branch, leading the legislative branch to fill the power vacuum
Committees review + introduce new legislation
Still exists today
Louisiana Purchase
The Haitian Revolution caused Napoleon to be less interested in America
After buying French land for $15 million, the size of the US doubled
More cheap land benefitted yeoman farmers settling west
Toussaint L’Ouverture
Leader of the Haitian Revolution, a slave rebellion
Created a precedent, as other nations broke away from European control in Central + South America
Lewis and Clark Expedition
1804-1806 - Journey of Meriwether Lewis + William Clark into Louisiana territory (Corps of Discovery)
Formed friendly relations w/ Native Americans + discovered economic opportunities
Found a river + land route to Pacific Ocean
Resulted in more interest in westward expansion
Symbolized rivalry between Native Americans tribes + the difficulties of European encroachment
1805 - Joined Corps of Discovery + provided assistance to Lewis & Clark
Zebulon Pike
An American brigadier general and explorer for whom Pikes Peak in Colorado was named
Explored West through Colorado into the Spanish territory that was later won by US in Mexican-American War
1791 - Attacked American military force
1811 - Worked with Prophet (brother) to form a confederacy of Native Americans against white expansion
Battle of Tippecanoe
In the War of 1812, he joined British military
Battle of Tippecanoe
William Henry Harrison stopped Tecumseh’s raids
British support for Native Americans decreased
Heightened tensions between Great Britain + US
Tripolitan War
Barbary Pirates of North Africa wanted bribes
1801 - Pasha of Tripoli declared war on US
US Navy ended threat to American shipping
Virginia Dynasty
4 of the first 5 presidents were from Virginia
Indirect support to slavery led to sectionalism among the states
Many Jeffersonian Republicans led to New Englanders resenting their presidential bias
Midnight Appointments
Federal judges put in office by John Adams on the last day of his term
John Adams was scorned but provided balance in the fed. gov’t
John Marshall was appointed as chief justice
Supreme Court was established as equal member of 3 branches
John Marshall
1801-1835 - Chief Justice of Supreme Court
Declared that federal authority was greater than the power of Individuals + states
Judicial review stated that the Supreme Court determines whether or not something is constitutional
Adam Smith
1776 - Wrote The Wealth of Nations
Believed in a supply + demand economy instead of mercantilism
People know how to produce wealth + make economic adjustments
The idea of the invisible hand, or laissez-faire, was that the government supports economic growth without interfering in it
Marbury v. Madison
William Marbury was a Federalist midnight appointment judge
James Madison denied to pay Marbury’s commission
John Marshall stated that Marbury cannot bring the suit under strict construction
Judicial review determined that the Supreme Court is the final interpreter of Constitution
McCulloch v. Maryland
Maryland tried to tax branch of the Bank of the United States
John Marshall declared that a state cannot control fed. gov’t institutions (federal law > state law)
Considered the elastic clause + implied powers
Dartmouth College v. Woodward
New Hampshire wanted to change the original charter of Dartmouth College
Daniel Webster defended Dartmouth
John Marshall declared that New Hampshire has no power to break charter (contract)
Protecting all contracts in the future would aid businesses
Gibbons v. Ogden
Emphasized a powerful fed. gov’t + the importance of interstate transportation & commerce
New York tried to grant a monopoly on water transportation
John Marshall declared that states don’t have power to control interstate commerce
Judicial Review
The courts are vested with the authority to determine the legitimacy of the acts of the executive and the legislative branches of government
Legacy of Marshall Court
Centralized power in Washington
Election of 1800 - Peaceful transition b/w Federalists + Democratic-Republicans
Era of Good Feelings - 1-party rule + factionalism & political parties are natural
Louisiana Purchase + Lewis & Clark - Westward expansion + exploration + settlement
Westward migration → Clashes w/ NA + federal vs. state authority
John Marshall - Judicial review