Attempts at Autonomy (right to self-government)
Pueblo Revolt 1680
Spanish Mission System
Powhatan Uprising
King Philip’s War, Pequot War
Pontianc’s Rebellion
The Business of Jamestown was Business
Indentured Servitude
New England:
City on a Hill
Mayflower Compact
Dissent - Rhode Island and Connecticut, Roger Williams and Thomas Hooker
Great Awakening
Connection to Protestant Christianity
Belief in being Chosen
Connection to Revolution
Development of Universities
Enlightenment and Ideals
Impact on the Revolution and on the Constitution
View of Americans as having the best form of government
Republican Motherhood
Atlantic Trade
Silver, Sugar, Tobacco Trade
Encomienda System
Mercantilism (Spain is currently most wealthy)
Atlantic Slave Trade
British Plantation System
Encomienda System (forced Spanish labor system)
Atlantic Slave Trade
Atlantic Creoles (People who speak multiple languages and are familiar with multiple cultures, and therefore can communicate with many different people)
Indentured Servants
By 1800 - Slavery ends in North, continues in South
NE and Middle Colonies
Mixed economy
Role of trade
Role of non-plantation farming
Fr. & In. War Debt
Acts created by England
Stamp Act
Sugar Act
Townshend Acts
Role of Mercantilism (the notion that Great Britain is going to control the economy in the colonies across seas and domestic trade and not foreign trade)
All of these acts are eventually repealed
Diversity in Amerindian Communities
Impact of the environment on how Amerindians lived
Arid SW
Iroquois were not a nomadic people
Columbian Exchange (DISEASE KILLS 99% of AMERINDIANS smallpox and influenza)
Impact of Disease
“The Great Dying”
Smallpox, Influenza
Decimation of Amerindian populations in Caribbean and along the coast
French Use of Environment
Fur Trade
Settlement along waterways
Environmental Impact on Colonies
North - Mixed economy
South - tobacco
Proclamation Line of 1763
Buffer zone to stop encroachment on Amerindians and also to stop warfare
Spanish and French Treatment of Amerindians: Conversions to Catholicism
English Treatment to Amerindians: Get rid of them and take their land
Spanish and French Missions
Puritans and theocracy in Massachusetts
Anglicans and compulsory church in VA Maryland and the Act of Toleration First Great Awakening - connection to the American Revolution
Idea of Separation of Church and State and Religious Freedom in RI and CT
Perfection in Government
Locke, Montesquieu, Voltaire
Influence on the Revolution
Common Sense - Thomas Paine Republican Motherhood
North - mixed economy
South - tobacco, indigo, rice
Economic Ideals:
Navigation Acts 1763
Laws of the 1760s and 1770s - Boston has right to tax people
Expansion of Slavery in Lower South
Debt - states and the Central Government ] Critical Time Period 1780’s
Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation ] Critical Time Period 1780’s
Biggest weaknesses of Articles of Confederation: CAN NOT TAX, NO MILITARY, CAN NOT ENFORCE LAWS
Hamilton’s Financial Plan: Wanted mixed economy
Assumption of State Debts
Support of infant industries
Taxes through tariffs - does two things at once
Whiskey Tax
Solved problems of Critical Time Period
No income tax until Progressive Era
1787: Constitution
Federalists and Anti-Federalists
Federalists vs the Democratic/Republicans
VA and KY Resolutions - question the alien and sedition acts and call them unconstitutional and want the states to have the right to declare federal laws unconstitutional (overruled by Marbury v. Madison - judicial review)
Unit 1-3 Migration Review
Land Bridge/Corn
Migration over land bridge between Asia and North America -Theory
Slowly population migrated south and east over Western Hemisphere
Early Agricultural Revolution - corn 8000 BCE
European Impact and Slave Trade
European Colonization leads to large-scale European Migration
Atlantic Slave Trade Develops in 1550 - most not to English Colonies
Indentured Servants vs. Enslaved
Early English Colonial
Migration - Mainly Indentured Servants
Bacon’s Rebellion and Shift of Enslaved force labor Bacon’s Rebellion (former indentured servants who got screwed in their contract and can’t make a living, so they burn villages and riot)
Colonial Land and Migration
Proclamation line of 1763 (French and Indian war is over, British government is having trouble on frontier, don’t cross the line of the Appalachian mountains, protected native American lands and angered colonists towards Great Britain)
Western Movement in New Republic
Frontier vs. Coasts - Migration and what it means to be American - Turner Thesis
Northwest Ordinance - Now Colonies - States with Equal Rights
Unit 4 Foreign Policy Review 1800 - 1848
Manifest Destiny
Louisiana Purchase
Mexican American War
Foreign Policy and Slavery
Haitian Revolution
End of Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade - Sort of…
American Colonization Society - forcing African Americans to go back to Africa
Manifest Destiny/Monroe Doctrine
Trade/Impressment Issues
War of 1812
Oregon Territory Conflict
Mexican American War
How is the US an Isolationist Nation if they issue the …
Monroe Doctrine
Manifest Destiny
Mexican American War
Marshall Court
Major cases:
Marbury v Madison
McCulloch v MD
Dartmouth v Woodward
Gibbons v Ogden
Fletcher v Peck
Major Ideas:
Federal Supremacy over the states
Support the growth of business
Sanctity of contracts and also support capitalism
War of 1812
War Hawks
Impressment of Sailors
GB in NW territory
Embargo Act
Hartford Convention - idea of Secession
Birth of War Hero = > Political Leader
Ends in statement BUT:
New sense of American identity and Independence Support notion of Manifest Destiny but no longer trying for Canada
Death of Federalist Party
Era of Good Feelings
One party system
Henry Clay’s American System
Missouri Compromise
Jacksonian Democracy
Universal White Male Suffrage
Second Party System - The Democracy (a party) and the Whigs
“Common Man” Presidency
Indian Removal
Tariff Crisis
Bank Crisis
Pro Manifest Destiny
Reform Movements
Abolition Movement - American Colonization Society vs. Garrison, Douglass, Nat Turner
Unit 5 Foreign Policy
Manifest Destiny
Mexican American War
Oregon Territory Conflict
Transcontinental Railroad
Foreign Policy and Slavery
Mexican American War
Lack of European Support for Confederacy
Mexican American War
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (ended war)
Civil War and Foreign Policy
Commodore Perry and Japan
US Missionaries in African and East Asia
Social Darwinism
Funded by private investors and/or local governments
Erie Canal is the most profitable example
C and O Canal local example
National Road - Federally Funded
Idea of connecting the USA
Most in the NE, some in the SE, then spreading West
Transcontinental RR - 1863-1869
Immigration From Europe
1820 -1840s
Mostly from Ireland and Germany
Know Nothing Party (against immigration/ protestant)
Manifest Destiny
Louisiana Purchase
War of 1812
Role of Cotton and Slavery Expansion
Texas - Independence (1836) - Annexation (1845)
Gold Rush (1848-1850)
Impact of the Compromise of 1850
Oregon Trail, Mormon Trail, Push westward for opportunities - economic, freedom
Political Connection to Manifest Destiny
Republican Party
Pushed for...
Homestead Act
Pacific RR Act
Morrill Land Grant Act
Asian Migration
Increased with:
Gold Rush
Building of transcontinental railroad
Chinese Exclusion Act 1882
Unit 5 Government
Question of what to do with land gained from the US Mexican War
Wilmot Proviso
Compromise of 1850
Popular Sovereignty
Stephen Douglass
Mexican Cession
Kansas Nebraska Act
Dred Scott and John Brown
Civil War
Election of 1860 and Secession
Republican control of Federal Government
Civil War Battles
Anaconda Plan
Gettysburg, Vicksburg, Sherman’s March to the Sea
Political Achievements During the War
Homestead Act
Pacific Railway Act
Morrill Act
Three plans/Phases
Lincoln’s 10% plan
Presidential Plan for Reconstruction under Johnson
Radical Republican Control
Military Reconstruction
Lincoln’s 10% Plan/Johnson’s Plan
A plan of Amnesty
Johnson = Pardon, punish wealthy planters
Veto Freedmen’s Bureau
Black Codes put in place at state level
Radical Republican Phase
5 military Districts
Military Driven
Reconstruction Amendments
Three that you need to know:
13 - End Slavery
14 - Equal Protection Under the Law
15 - Voting for all male citizens
Compromise of 1877
Election of 1876
Hayes (Republican) vs. Tilden (Democrat)
Virtual Tie
Allows another Republican President but end to military construction and start to Jim Crow and disenfranchisement
Unit 5 Environment Review 1850 - 1877
Westward Migration and impact on the environment
Radical Republicans
Westward Migration
1862 - Homestead Act, Pacific RR Act, Morrill Land Grant Act
Transcontinental Railroad 1869
Growth of Cities
Manifest Destiny
Unit 5 Identity Review
Radical Republican notion of Citizenship during Reconstruction
Labor vs. Management
Post Reconstruction - Jim Crow and New South
Before Civil War only rich, white men had full citizenship
Reconstruction and Citizenship
Radical Republicans have notion of:
Freedmen’s Bureau
13, 14, and 15 amendments
Military Reconstruction
Workers and Owners
Labor System becoming increasingly differentiated based on Labor vs. Management
Post Reconstruction Identity
Plessy vs. Ferguson
Jim Crow
Unit 4-5 Ideas Review
Market Revolution Cont.
Wage vs. Slave Labor
Free Soil Party/Liberty Party
Industrialism Grows in North
North vs. South vs. West
Rise of Urbanization in Industrialism in North
Strengthening on Slave System in South
Continued Pursuit of Family Farm in West
Politics and Economics
Rise of Early Unions
Impact of Civil War on South
Economics and Western Movement
Homestead Act
Morrill Act
Pacific Railways Act
Completion of Transcontinental Railroad
Unit 6 Migration Review
Manifest Destiny Complete
Transcontinental Railroad
Homestead Act
Morrill Act
Reservation System
Frederick Jackson Turner - Frontier Thesis
Migration and Immigration
New Immigration
Chinese Exclusion Act
Annexation of Hawaii
Social Darwinism
What is an American?
Dawes Act
New Immigration Act
Social Darwinism
Spanish-American War - Guam, Philippines
Unit 6 Foreign Policy
Manifest Destiny
US Missionaries - China/Africa
Transcontinental Railroad
Social Darwinism
New Imperialism
Annexation of Hawaii
Spanish American War
Spanish American War
Conquest of the Philippines
Is America Moving Away from Isolationism?
What is an American?
Chinese Exclusion Act
Unit 6 Government Review
Gilded Age Politics
Political Machine
The Grange - Populism
Segregation - Jim Crow
Government Reform - Pendleton Act and ICC
Gilded Age Politics
Presidential Power weak in comparison to 20th-century
Rise of third parties - most notably the Populist Party
Local and State governments exerted a lot of control and power
Tammany Hall
Establishment of Jim Crow South
Money and Civil Service Reform were major issues
Gilded Age Politics
Money Issues
Free Silver!
Free Gold!
The Political Machine
Tammany Hall Best Example
Use of immigrant votes to stay in power
Graft in building new parts needed in cities
Coming out of National Grange
Idea of more government regulation
RRs, telegraph/telephone lines, electricity
Direct elections of senators
8-hour working day
Graduated income tax
Other ideas too = help the working class
William Jennings Bryan and the Cross of Gold Speech
Jim Crow Segregation
State level
Formal, codified system of racial segregation from late 1870s to the 1960s
Impacted all aspects of daily life
And more
Plessy v. Ferguson
Upheld Jim Crow
Established notion of Separate but Equal
Government Reform
The Pendleton Act
Helped lead to end of patronage for certain jobs
Social Darwinism - didn't lead to reform - but you should know - this was the prevailing view - which is why there is less government regulation
Government Reform
The ICC - Interstate Commerce Commission
All charges made for any service rendered or to be rendered in the transportation of passengers or property as aforesaid, or in connection therewith, or for the receiving delivering, storage, or handling of such property, shall be reasonable and just; and every unjust and unreasonable charge for such service is prohibited and declared to be unlawful.
AKA - Regulation of the RRs
Unit 7 Economic Review
Industrialism Complete
Technological Innovation (Edison, Taylorism, Ford)
More people in Urban Areas than in Rural 1920
USA's Largest Industrial Economy
Industrial Regulation
Trust Busting
Child Labor Laws
Progressive Economic Reform
Federal Reserve
Labor Movement
Rise of Labor
Clayton Antitrust Act 1916
Collective Bargaining - Wagner Act
Great Depression
Consumerism of 1920’s
Bank Failure
Stock Market
Great Depression Impacts
New Deal and Great Depression - Growth of Federal Power over the Economy
Unit 7 Ideas and Identity Review
Major Events:
Imperialism - late 1800’s - 1910’s
Progressivism - 1900 - 1920
Great Depression/New Deal 1930’s
WWII - 1941 - 1945 for the USA, 1939 - 1945 for the World
Early Civil Rights
Ideas -
Booker T. Washington -
Cast Down your Bucket where you are
Tuskegee School
W.E.B. DuBois
Talented Tenth
Unit 7 Environment Review
Time Period: 1898-1945
Major Events:
Imperialism - late 1800s - 1910s
Progressivism - 1900 - 1920
Great Depression/New Deal - 1930s
WWII - 1941-1945 for the USA, 1939-1945 for the rest of the world
Fredrick Jackson Turner
Fredrick Jackson Turner Thesis
Closing the Frontier
Impact on Democracy
Progressive Era and Environmental Reform
Establishment of the National Park System (Teddy Roosevelt)
Debate over the use of lands
Example - Hech Heche in CA
Conservation Movement
John Muir - Sierra Club
Protection of Natural Resources
Began in the Progressive Era in the USA
Different gov’t acts to set aside lands
The Jungle - Upton Sinclair
Industrialization of Food
Industrialization of land use for agriculture
Great Migration
Connection to WWI and WWII and industrialization in North and Mid-West
WWII Rationing
Conversation of resources to support war effort
Victory Gardens
Less use of fuel and other foods
Less mass production for human consumption in USA
Unit 7 Ideas and Identity Review
Early Civil Rights
Booker T. Washington:
Cast Down your bucket where you are
Tuskegee School
W.E.B Dubois
Talented Tenth
The South of Black Folk
Idea of Agitation - immediate action for immediate rights
Don’t Accept Jim Crow
Foreign Policy Ideas
Isolationism - Idea
WWI, start of WWII
Continuation of Monroe Doctrine
Failure to join the League of Nations
Other Idea - American Exceptionalism - this is also identity
USA safeguarding Democracy
Connection to Imperialism
Roosevelt Corollary
Why we got involved in Spanish American War
Progressive Reform: Conservative of Liberal
Idea of Social Gospel Movement
Christian duty to help those in need
During the Progressive Era we see actual reform with:
Business Regualtion (trust busting)
Amendments - more democracy - direct election of senators - womens suffrage - plus some
Economic reform in income tax
State level - more democracy = Wisconsin Model
NO Civil Rights Legislation Passed - continuation of Jim Crow
With the rise of industrialization, we see more and more consumerism
1920’s - new technology (Radios! Cars! Vacuum Cleaners! Washing Machines!)
Billboard and Magazine Advertising
Connection of celebrity to advertising
Common culture due to radios and movies
Harlem Renaissance
Writers, Musicians, Artists
Duke Ellington
Langston Hughes
Zara Neale Hurston
Ideal of African American cultural flourishing
Black Separatism
Marcus Garvey
1920’s Writers
Common Idea of Alienation
Fitzgerald, Hemmingway, Stein
The Great Gatsby
In the 1930s - Steinbeck
Grapes of Wrath, of Mice and Men
New Deal - The Arts
WPA - New Deal Artists
Dorothea Lange
Plays, songs, artists
Government Funded
WWII Ideas
New Internationalism
USA as an Arsenal of Democracy
Lead into a Cold War and the USA as a World Super Power
WWII Fears
Japanese Internment - West Coast
Manhattan Project
Start of the Cold War
Peace Conferences - Yalta, Potsdam
Big Three
Promises of Democracy in Eastern Europe
Fall of the Iron Curtain
Containment Policy - Truman Doctrine
Marshall Plan
Dropping of Atomic Bomb
Development of Atomic Bomb in the USSR
Fall of China to Communism
Unit 7 Migration Review
New Immigration Cont.
New Immigration 1880-1920
Rise in Urbanization
Ethnic Communities
Immigration Restrictions
Gentleman’s Agreement (Japanese out of US)
Impact of WW1
Red Scare
Immigration Acts of 1921 and 1924 (quota system)
What is an American?
Integration of White Ethnic Immigrants
Amerindians US citizenship - 1924
WWII and Jim Crow
Internal Migration
Great Migration 1915-1940/1970
Dust Bowl Migration (The center of the country had droughts, and people couldn’t make a living in the great plains)
Japanese Internment
Unit 7 Foreign Policy
New Migration
US Open Immigration till 1920
Immigration Acts of 1921 and 1924
US Reaction to WW1
Imperialism - 20th Century
Spanish American War
Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine (CONTRAST THESE)
Dollar Diplomacy
Moral Diplomacy
Red Scare
Is Globalism the New Imperialism?
Start of WW1
US Entry in WW1
Treaty of Versailles
US Isolationism after WW1
US Neutrality
Four Freedoms/Atlantic Charter
Pearl Harbor
War on Two Fronts
War Time Conferences
US as Global Power
Unit 7 Government Review
Populism (No actual party member elected but VERY influential)
Farmers and some industrial workers
Farmers Alliance and the Grange
Idea that there needs to be more government involvement to help the working class
Called for:
Direct Election of Senators
Gov’t control of the RRs, Telegraph and Telephone lines
8-hour working day
More money in circulation - Free Silver, Greenbacks
Willian Jennings Bryan - Cross of Gold Speech
Progressive Era
Umbrella of many different movements and groups of people arguing for reform
Found at every level of government
At state level - Wisconsin Model - Battling Bob Lafolette
Amendments - 16-19
TR, Taft and Wilson = all Progressive Presidents
Government Regulation
Trust Busting
Laws that benefited small businesses
Reluctance to get involved - connection to the Monro Doctrine
“Make the World Safe for Democracy”
Is this connected to Manifest Destiny?
The increased role of government to direct the war effort
Committee of Public Information
Not rationing but effort to get people to support the war
Supreme Court - Schenk vs. USA
Espionage and Sedition Act - Support the War effort
Red Scare
First Red Scare following Russian Revolution - 1917
Belief that Communism would spread here
Impacted groups:
Immigrants, especially from Southern and Eastern Europe
IWW - International Workers of the World
Palmer Raids - 1919
Deportation of Immigrants
League of Nations
Part of Wilson's 14 Points
USA does not join - afraid of entangling Alliances - think back to GW Presidency
Purpose - open communication between countries and to promote peace
19th Amendment
Women’s Sufferage
Movement goes back to 1848 and the Seneca Falls Convention
Division in these movements
First over issue of 15th Amendment
Second over role of women
Voting rights because of morality
Voting rights because equal citizens
New Deal - Rise of Liberalism
What is the responsibility of the Government in times of Economic Crisis?
New Deal = FDR = Relief, Recovery, Reform
Bank Holiday
Jobs Creation - CCC, WPA, TVA
Government Regulation - SEC, FDIC, Glass Steagall, Wagner Act - Pro-labor
Welfare - Social Security
Comparison to previous Presidents' reaction to crisis
New Deal Critics
Huey Long - Share Our Wealth
Supreme Court
Reaction - Court Packing
WWII before Pearl Harbor
America First Committee
Cash and Carry
Lend Lease
Quarantine Speech - cut off diplomatic relations
Atlantic Charter
Peacetime Draft of Soldiers
WWII after Pearl Harbor
Homefront = Arsenal of Democracy
Wage and Price Controls
War = Two fronts - Europe and Pacific
Japanese Internment - West Coast
Manhattan Project