Tensions increased among European powers due to:
Nationalism and competition over imperial possessions.
Aggressive policies under Wilhelm II led to the collapse of the Bismarckian alliance system.
The Balkans were a contentious area; Bismarck noted a future war would arise from a foolish incident there.
Timeline of alliances:
1873: Three Emperors’ League
1879: Dual Alliance
1882: Triple Alliance
1887: Reinsurance Treaty
1892: Franco-Russian Alliance
1904: Entente Cordiale
1907: Triple Entente
Why did these alliances develop and change over time?
Maintained status quo to prevent disruptions to German unification.
Aimed to avoid "encirclement" by enemies.
Sought to isolate France due to conflicts over Alsace-Lorraine.
An alliance between Germany, Russia, and Austria-Hungary collapsed due to rivalries over Balkan issues.
Germany and Austria-Hungary agreed to assist each other against Russia.
Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy formed an alliance against French threats, particularly after the French occupation of Tunisia.
Guaranteed neutrality between Germany and Russia.
Believed in ruling by divine right; more expansionist than Wilhelm I.
Sought Germany’s recognition as a Great Power, coining the phrase "a place in the sun."
Dismissed Bismarck in 1890.
Defensive alliance viewed as alarming by Germany, increasing the threat from both east and west.
Marked the end of British isolationism, promoting friendly relations with France.
Formed in response to Germany's naval expansion, encircling Germany with alliances.
1905: Germany supported Moroccan independence; Britain backed France.
1908: Annexation of Bosnia by Austria-Hungary upset Serbian nationalists.
1911: Second Moroccan Crisis almost led to war but resulted in a diplomatic agreement.
MILITARISM: Arms race led to larger military forces;
ALLIANCES: Obligations caused the conflict to escalate.
IMPERIALISM: Heightened rivalries and competition for colonies.
NATIONALISM: Pursuit of national supremacy and ethnic conflicts (e.g., Pan-Slavism vs. Pan-Germanism).
Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated by Gavrillo Princip, a Serbian nationalist.
Assassination invoked alliances: Russia supported Serbia, Germany backed Austria.
Austria's demands to Serbia included:
Cease anti-Austrian propaganda.
Allow Austria to investigate the assassination.
Stop nationalist movements.
Serbia's refusal led to Austria-Hungary mobilizing its army with Germany pledging support through a "blank check."
Austria declared war on Serbia on July 28, 1914; Russia began mobilization.
Explore how alliances transformed the conflict into a global war.
Initial enthusiasm for war expected it to be short; seen as a patriotic adventure but reality was grim.
German strategy was to defeat France quickly before Russia could mobilize by invading through Belgium. The plan ultimately failed due to the resilience of the Allies.
The Battle of the Marne (1914) demonstrated that WWI would become a war of attrition, leading to long trench warfare.
German forces effectively destroyed the Russian Army due to superior tactics and intelligence.
Showed strain on Russia due to its less industrialized nature.
Allies aimed to open a new front, but the campaign failed disastrously, impacting Winston Churchill's reputation.
VERDUN: Longest battle with massive casualties but no significant gains.
THE SOMME: Notable for tank use and high casualties on the first day.
TOTAL WAR: Involving civilians and soldiers in the war effort.
PROPAGANDA: Mobilized public support through fear, guilt, and patriotism.
Significant events leading to change of fortune:
May 1915: Sinking of the Lusitania.
January 1917: Zimmerman Telegram encouraging Mexico to attack the US.
April 1917: US enters the war alongside the Allies.
Failed Spring Offensive by Germany met by American troop influx.
Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicated; Wilson presented his 14 Points for peace.
Armistice signed on November 11, 1918.
Deemed "Dictated Peace," forcing Germany to:
Pay reparations and accept blame for war.
Lose significant territory, including Alsace-Lorraine and colonies.
Military limitations imposed (100,000 troops, limited naval capacity).
Establishment of the League of Nations.
Analyze the political, economic, and social effects of WWI. Prioritize the most significant consequences.