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Module 5O: depressive disorders and bipolar disorders

Major depressive disorders

In absence of drug use or medical condition one symptom must 6e depressed mood

Or loss of interest or pleasure and last for more than two weeks

Depressive disorders

A group of disorders characterized by an enduring sad, empty, or irritable mood along with.

An physical change and cognitive functions that affect a person ability to function

Bipolar disorders

Disorders in which a person experiences the overexcited state of mania and usuallyexperiences

Periods of depression


An unusually excited and overall ambitious mood state in which people show dangerous poor judgement 'less need for sleep, and increased energy


Overthinking our problems and their causes


Module 5O: depressive disorders and bipolar disorders

Major depressive disorders

In absence of drug use or medical condition one symptom must 6e depressed mood

Or loss of interest or pleasure and last for more than two weeks

Depressive disorders

A group of disorders characterized by an enduring sad, empty, or irritable mood along with.

An physical change and cognitive functions that affect a person ability to function

Bipolar disorders

Disorders in which a person experiences the overexcited state of mania and usuallyexperiences

Periods of depression


An unusually excited and overall ambitious mood state in which people show dangerous poor judgement 'less need for sleep, and increased energy


Overthinking our problems and their causes