Work out the order of the four bases (A, C, G, and T) in fragments of DNA, usually amplified by PCR or DNA cloning
Possible since 1977 - Increasingly sophisticated and increasingly affordable
In principle and in practice, RNA is sequenced indirectly through the sequencing of cDNA
Possible since 1950 (insulin)
Classical protein sequencing is time consuming and requires relatively high amounts →Increasingly replaced by modern methods
Single-read sequencing
Maxam-Gilbert method
Based on chemical degradation
Sanger method
Based on primer extension chain termination
Dominating method until NGS – still used
Massive parallel sequencing = Next-generation sequencing (NGS)
Based on primer extension
Fully automated
A revolution in progress
- DNA sequencing with chain-terminating inhibitors
- dideoxy sequencing (ddNPTs)
Used for sequencing single genes and fragments of DNA
Understanding the structure of the fragment
Mutation screening in specific genes
Validations of findings from NGS
Highly accurate
Need to produce multiple copies of the DNA fragment to be sequenced
Clone the DNA fragment into a plasmid and grow in E Coli or
Amplify the DNA fragment by PCR
Denature the sequence by heating (or by adding NaOH) to produce single-stranded DNA
Prepare a DNA polymerase, primer, dNTPs and ddNPTs
DNA synthesis does not start from scratch
Primer sequence needed to anneal to template strand
Synthesis of new strand - by adding bases to the primer that are complementary to the template→ extending the primer
DNA polymerase synthesises complementary strand
Starting from the primer
Forms a complementary copy to the template strand
Dideoxyribonucleic triphoshates (ddNTPs) — terminator nucleotides
Modified version of the normal DNA building blocks (dNTPs)
Uses the same bases (A/C/G/T), but the sugar is modified
Wherever the ddNTP has been incorporated, DNA synthesis can proceed no further
The lack of a 3’ OH group in the dideoxynucleotide prevents the formation of phosphodiester bond
Multiple strands due to DNA amplification
Excess of normal dNTPs against the amount of ddNTPs (100:1), which compete against each other in DNA synthesis
Termination happens at different places at different strands→ result is a set of DNA sequences of varying length, each ending to a ddNTP
Primer, DNA polymerase & mix of normal (unlabelled) dNTPs & labeled ddNTPs
Labeled used to be radioactive - now fluorescent dyes used
Correct order reached through gel electrophoresis & fluorescence detection
In genotyping, where only single SNP is genotyped, process is similar, but no normal (unlabelled) dNTPs are added
Nucleid acids cary many -ve charged phosphate gps
Migrate towards +ve electrode when placed in electric field
Porous gel acts as sieve → small mols. pass more easily than larger ones
Radioactive labelling, requiring 4 separate reaction tubes for each ddNTP - separated individually on large (30cm x 50cm) slab electrophoresis gels→ dry & X-ray
X-ray film, heavy X-ray film cassettes, darkroom film manipulation
Manual reading of autoradiogram & feeding into computer (re-reading often required)
1.5 days from set up to results
1986 onwards
Fluorescent dye labelling - using mixed reaction tube containing all 4 ddNTPs
Automated, optical detection system using scanning laser
Direct automated entry of DNA base sequence data into computer
Time-consuming due to handling of gel plates
Slab gel electrophoresis is manual (slow, prone to human error) - capillary gel electrophoresis is automated
Fluorescently-labelled DNA samples migrate through long, v. thin tubes containing polyacrylamide gel (instead of running gel for a finite time)
Machine uses laser to detect fluorescence a fixed point just before end of gel
Allows longer reads (up to 1000 bases)
separation not stopped at specific point
each fragment is allowed to proceed to bottom of gel where resolution is highest
Faster & cheaper
Highly accurate sequences ~99.95%
Several 100 bases long (800-1000bp)
Gel eletrophoresis not suitable for handling large no. of samples at a time - not fully automated
not suitable to genome sequencing
Human Genome Project 2001 → daft genome compromising of DNA from several volunteers
BAC - based sequencing (bacterial artificial chromosome)
Celera company 2001 → genome of J. Graig Venter
Expressed Sequence Tags (ETS)
Highly time-consuming & extremely expensive
HGP→ took 10 yrs & cost $2.7 billion (In 2022, costs ~$1000)
Also known as massively-parallel sequencing - sequencing millions of DNA fragments simultaneously
From 2005 onwards a tech revolution
Vast ↑ in amt. of sequencing data per run (seq. throughput) → dramatic ↓in cost
Moving from sequencing single gene & exons to:
Whole-genome sequences (WGS)
Whole-exome sequences (targeted DNA sequencing) (WES)
Whole-transcriptomes (RNAseq) & targeted transcriptomes
Methyl-Seq, ChIP-seq
Key Terminology:
Throughput→ amt. of seq. data (in Mb) that are processed in 1 run
Read length→ length of DNA fragments -measured in nucleotides
short read lengths can be processed w/ high throughput
Read depth→ seq. coverage i.e. how many times each seq. is represented
30x to 50x for WGS
100x for WES
important for small read lengths for genome assembly
Genome assembly→ aligning & merging sequenced pieces to make sense of seq. genome
de novo - 1st time sequencing a species or,
alignment against a previously obtained reference sequence
2nd-gen DNA seq.
From short (35 nucleotides) to medium-length seq. (up to 800 nucleotides)
High to v. high seq. throughput
Rel. high R of seq. errors in individual reads (overcome by ↑ coverage)
Roche/454 pyrosequencing
1st NGS tech in market (2005)- discontinued support in 2016
Rel. long reads & speedy but low throughput
Emulsion PCR
ABI SOLiD technique
checks each base independently twice → low error rate
“Wildfire” method for preparing seq. templates (v. similar to Bridge PCR by Illumina)
Illumina/Solexa sequencing
2008 - now market leader
Bridge PCR
Ion Torrent systems
Emulsion PCR
Rel. long reads & speedy but low throughput (similar to Roche/454)
Uses bead surfaces, H2O & oil
Simultaneous amplification of each seq. w/o risk of contamination
each bead act as microreactor for PCR - each containing 1 strand of DNA
Terminators are reversible - after chem deprotection, synthesis is possible
Whole Process
Genomic DNA→ Cut DNA→ Add linkers
Bridge amplification (𝘪𝘯 𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘶 PCR in figure above)
3rd-gen DNA sequencing - ‘single-molecule sequencing’ (SMS) → long-read sequencing
Long seq. (1000s of nucleotides) -modest throughput
important for assembly of genomes from newly seq. species & for distinguishing large-scale variations e.g. copy number variations in known ones
Release of protons (instead of fluorophore or phosphate) - recorded as electric current
Avoids problems related to DNA amplification (underrepresentation or overrepresentation of DNA after amplification)
Simple & cheap tech (small portable machines)
Higher error rates
Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) project - build a comprehensive public resource to study tissue-specific gene expression & regulation
54 non-diseased tissue sites across 1000 individual - for molecular assays inc. WGS, WES & RNA-Seq
Remaining samples available from GTEx Biobank
GTEx Portal provides open access to data inc. gene expression, QTLs & histology images
Possible to perform sequencing of genome, transcriptome & epigenome in a single cell
Traditional sequencing works on cell pop.→ resulting data are aggregate values
For understanding of cell-to-cell variation & identifying new cell types
Catalog of human cell types
stable cell properties
transient cell features
cell positions
lineage relationships (identification of novel stem cells)
Widely employed in cancer research
Output files consist of millions of short(~100bp) reads (2nd gen) or longer reads (3rd gen)
Reads are mapped to reference genome (if species known - as opposed to 𝘥𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘷𝘰 sequencing)
Variants are identified
Heavily computational project requiring several software tools & computational skills
Sanger sequence
cheap, fast, simple
highly accurate
gives an answer about a single, specific question
getting cheaper w/ more tech
more error-prone
highly versatile (WGS, WES, RNA-Seq, methyl-seq…)
computationally laborious