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Chapter 5 Notes

Structure & Shape of Organic Molecules


Functional Groups

Alkane (alkyl): single C–C bond

Alkene (alkenyl): double C=C bond

Alkyne (alkynyl): triple C≡C bond

Aromatic compound (aryl): benzene ring

  • Alkyl halide (halo) R – X

  • Alcohol R – OH

  • Ether R – O – R

  • Amine R – NH3 (primary, secondary R – NH – R, tertiary R – N – R2 )

  • Thiol R – SH (smell bad)

  • Sulfide R – S – R

  • Nitro compound R – NO2

  • Aldehyde (doubled bonded O at the end of a chain)

  • Ketone (double bonded O in the middle of the chain)

  • Carboxylic Acid (double bonded O and 1 H bond)

  • Ester (double bonded O and ether (O link) group)

  • Amide (double bonded O and an N group)


Infrared Spectroscopy

  • IR light excites nuclear vibrations in a molecule

  • Different functional groups, and structures of the molecules absorb IR light at different frequencies

Energy Absorption

  • Due to quantum theory, energy levels in atoms are quantized, therefore a molecule can only exist in certain vibrational states

  • The difference in energy between the ground & excited states is equal to the energy absorbed

  • Wavenumber (cm-1) (ν), used because they have value in a more manageable range

  • When a molecule absorbs IR light at the proper wavelength(/wavenumber) the bonds are excited, not the electrons (excited e- cause UV/visible light)

  • Energy in the 5-50 kJ mol-1 range

Types of Vibration

  1. Stretching Vibrations:
    - Symmetric Stretching: both arms stretch out
    - Asymmetric Stretching: one arm stretches while one condenses, vv

  2. Bending Vibrations:
    - Scissoring: arms move inward (like scissors)
    - Rocking: side-to-side
    - Wagging: back & forth
    - Twisting: arms twist

  • Fingerprint Region: 1500-500cm-1, very complex pattern but unique to compounds

  • Functional Group Region: 4000-1500cm-1, useful for identifying functional groups

Harmonic Oscillator

  • Molecular bonds can be thought of balls and spring that vibrate

  • Bond stretches & compresses more but average bond length remains the same

, where v= frequency, k= force constant, μ= reduced mass (kg)

  • Stronger bonds vibrate at higher frequencies (wavenumbers)

  • Triple bonds > double bonds > single bonds

  • Hybridization: sp > sp2 > sp3

  • Mass difference: bonds of higher masses vibrate at lower frequencies

    1. Vibrational frequency of an A – X bond decreases with increasing atomic mass of X (as m2 ↑, μ ↑)

  • Alcohols have a wide, deep peak

  • Carbonyls have an overtone ~3500cm-1, echo of the C=O stretch (close to fingerprint)



  • Saturated hydrocarbons, only single bonds

  • CnH2n+2

  • Homologous series: structurally related

  • The bigger the molecules, the higher the boiling point (dispersion forces are stronger)

  • C1-C4= gases, C5-C17=liquids, C>17 = solids or waxes @ room temp.

Constitutional Isomers: same molecular formula, different bonding sequence (connectivity)

3D Structures

  1. Dot-line-wedge: dotted line goes into the page; wedge comes out of the page

  2. Newman projections: looks down the C – C axis

    1. Eclipsed conformation: front atoms cover back atoms (less stable)

    2. Staggered conformation: rotated 60º

Conformations: non-permanent spatial arrangements of atoms by rotation about single bonds

Relative Energies of Conformations:

  • Dihedral angle: angle between methyl groups

  • Lower energy if the dihedral angle is larger because charges repel

  • Gauche is to the left (or right), right next the atom

  • Most stable is staggered anti (methyl groups are as far as possible)

  • “steric strain/hinderance” replusive forces between molecules

Cycloalkanes: CnH2n because 2 H atoms were removed to close the ring

  • Cyclopropane (60º) are highly strained because all C – H bonds have a eclipse conformation

  • Cyclobutane (~90º) & Cyclopentane (~109.5º) are puckered (reduces repulsion of adjacent eclipsed C – H bonds & lowers strain)

  • Cyclohexane (109.5º, sp3 hybrids)

    1. Boat Conformation: base of the base Cs are eclipsed, uncommon
      due to flagpole interactions (peaks interact)

    2. Chair Conformation: all C – H bonds are staggered & no flagpole
      interactions, therefore lower energy

  • Axial Substituents: point straight up or down

  • Equatorial Substituents: point laterally (outward)

    1. If you change which C is the top peak in a chair conformation, all the axial substituents become equatorial, & eq 🡪 axial

    2. Change if there are axial substituents repelling each other (steric repulsion), equatorial makes them further away, more energetically stable

    3. Change rapidly interconvert 🡪 not isomers

Constitutional Isomerism in Cycloalkanes

  • Cis/trans isomers: non-hydrogen substituents on different Cs occupy different positions relative to the plane of the ring

  • Cis: both on the same side

  • Trans: opposite sides of the ring

    1. Affects properties of the molecule

Stereoisomers: same molecular formula, same bonding sequence (connectivity), different non-interconverting 3D structures

  • Oriented differently in space, cannot be interconverted by rotations around single bonds

  • Can’t have cis/trans isomers if there is ambiguity (don’t know which substituent to compare to)

Alkenes & Alkynes

  • Unsaturated, 1/more double bonds

  • Alkene C=C (CnH2n)

  • Alkynes C≡C (CnH2n-2)

  • For every 2 H atoms removed, 1 “unit of unsaturation”, each unit of unsaturation could be a π bond of a ring

  • Each C involved in C=C bond is bonded to 2 atoms & is sp2 (trigonal planar 120º)

  • Each C involved in C≡C bond is bonded to 2 atoms & is sp (linear 180º)

Stereoisomerism in Alkenes

  • No rotation about the π bond, therefore cis/trans may occur

  • Rings with 7 members/less, a double bond within the ring can have only the cis geometry because the trans would be too strained

  • Possible number of cis/trans isomers= 2n, where n is the # of bonds with 2 different substituents on each C

Vitamin A

  • In the body, as retinal (Vitamin A aldehyde), deficiency causes blindness

  • Retinal contains chain of 4 C=C bonds in trans configuration

  • An enzyme breaks down the C=C bond & then restores the C=C in cis conf.

  • Cis-retinal allows vision, when light hits cells in reconverts & cycle continues

E,Z Nomenclature for Alkene Stereoisomers

  • Uses priorities to identity which substituents are cis/trans

  • E is opposite, Z is same side

  • RULES:

    1. Higher priority to higher atomic number

    2. If there’s a tie… continue down the chain to determine the highest out of those 2 sets

    3. Multiple bonds are given single bond equivalencies (double bond is treated as 2 single bonds)



  • Chiral objects: not superimposable, mirror images, no plane of symmetry

  • Achiral objects: superimposable, same object


  • 2 molecules that have the same molecular formula & bonding sequence but not superimposable (mirror images)

  • type of stereoisomer

  • exist in pairs

Stereocenters (Chiral Centers)

  • an atom bonded to 4 different groups in a tetrahedral geometry

  • most common is a chiral carbon

* if you switch any 2 groups @ a chiral center you get the mirror image,
if there are 2 chiral centers in the molecule you have to switch both

Fisher Projections

  • 3D structure of molecules

  • “hug me but don’t kiss me”

  • tetrahedral shape from a different perspective

  • useful for chiral carbons

R & S Designation of Enantiomer Configuration

  • assign priority using same rules as E,Z

  • orient molecule so that lowest priority group is behind the plane

  • direction of rotation can be R or S

  • R is clockwise, S is counterclockwise

Chirality in Biomolecules

  • Many physiologically active molecules exist as enantiomers

  • Enantiomers behave very differently (“life or death”)


  • Anti-morning sickness drug in 1960s

  • The R form had the desire anti-nausea effect

  • The S form caused birth defects

Number of Stereosiomers

  • The maximum # of stereoisomers in a molecules with n stereocenters is 2n

  • Molecules can exhibit cis/trans and R,S stereoisomerism simultaneously

Plane-Polarized Light & Optical Activity

  • When all waves oscillate in the same plane, light is said to be plane-polarized

  • Achiral molecules have no effect

  • Chiral molecules rotate the plane of polarization (are “optically active”)

  • Clockwise (right) + is dextrorotation (d–)

  • Counterclockwise (left) – is laevorotation (l–)

  • D/L is based on how fisher projections are drawn

Same Formula

Same Connectivity Different Connectivity
∴ same molecule ∴ constitutional isomers

Different non-interconverting same non-interconverting

spatial arrangement spatial arrangement

∴ stereoisomers ∴ not stereoisomers

Chapter 5 Notes

Structure & Shape of Organic Molecules


Functional Groups

Alkane (alkyl): single C–C bond

Alkene (alkenyl): double C=C bond

Alkyne (alkynyl): triple C≡C bond

Aromatic compound (aryl): benzene ring

  • Alkyl halide (halo) R – X

  • Alcohol R – OH

  • Ether R – O – R

  • Amine R – NH3 (primary, secondary R – NH – R, tertiary R – N – R2 )

  • Thiol R – SH (smell bad)

  • Sulfide R – S – R

  • Nitro compound R – NO2

  • Aldehyde (doubled bonded O at the end of a chain)

  • Ketone (double bonded O in the middle of the chain)

  • Carboxylic Acid (double bonded O and 1 H bond)

  • Ester (double bonded O and ether (O link) group)

  • Amide (double bonded O and an N group)


Infrared Spectroscopy

  • IR light excites nuclear vibrations in a molecule

  • Different functional groups, and structures of the molecules absorb IR light at different frequencies

Energy Absorption

  • Due to quantum theory, energy levels in atoms are quantized, therefore a molecule can only exist in certain vibrational states

  • The difference in energy between the ground & excited states is equal to the energy absorbed

  • Wavenumber (cm-1) (ν), used because they have value in a more manageable range

  • When a molecule absorbs IR light at the proper wavelength(/wavenumber) the bonds are excited, not the electrons (excited e- cause UV/visible light)

  • Energy in the 5-50 kJ mol-1 range

Types of Vibration

  1. Stretching Vibrations:
    - Symmetric Stretching: both arms stretch out
    - Asymmetric Stretching: one arm stretches while one condenses, vv

  2. Bending Vibrations:
    - Scissoring: arms move inward (like scissors)
    - Rocking: side-to-side
    - Wagging: back & forth
    - Twisting: arms twist

  • Fingerprint Region: 1500-500cm-1, very complex pattern but unique to compounds

  • Functional Group Region: 4000-1500cm-1, useful for identifying functional groups

Harmonic Oscillator

  • Molecular bonds can be thought of balls and spring that vibrate

  • Bond stretches & compresses more but average bond length remains the same

, where v= frequency, k= force constant, μ= reduced mass (kg)

  • Stronger bonds vibrate at higher frequencies (wavenumbers)

  • Triple bonds > double bonds > single bonds

  • Hybridization: sp > sp2 > sp3

  • Mass difference: bonds of higher masses vibrate at lower frequencies

    1. Vibrational frequency of an A – X bond decreases with increasing atomic mass of X (as m2 ↑, μ ↑)

  • Alcohols have a wide, deep peak

  • Carbonyls have an overtone ~3500cm-1, echo of the C=O stretch (close to fingerprint)



  • Saturated hydrocarbons, only single bonds

  • CnH2n+2

  • Homologous series: structurally related

  • The bigger the molecules, the higher the boiling point (dispersion forces are stronger)

  • C1-C4= gases, C5-C17=liquids, C>17 = solids or waxes @ room temp.

Constitutional Isomers: same molecular formula, different bonding sequence (connectivity)

3D Structures

  1. Dot-line-wedge: dotted line goes into the page; wedge comes out of the page

  2. Newman projections: looks down the C – C axis

    1. Eclipsed conformation: front atoms cover back atoms (less stable)

    2. Staggered conformation: rotated 60º

Conformations: non-permanent spatial arrangements of atoms by rotation about single bonds

Relative Energies of Conformations:

  • Dihedral angle: angle between methyl groups

  • Lower energy if the dihedral angle is larger because charges repel

  • Gauche is to the left (or right), right next the atom

  • Most stable is staggered anti (methyl groups are as far as possible)

  • “steric strain/hinderance” replusive forces between molecules

Cycloalkanes: CnH2n because 2 H atoms were removed to close the ring

  • Cyclopropane (60º) are highly strained because all C – H bonds have a eclipse conformation

  • Cyclobutane (~90º) & Cyclopentane (~109.5º) are puckered (reduces repulsion of adjacent eclipsed C – H bonds & lowers strain)

  • Cyclohexane (109.5º, sp3 hybrids)

    1. Boat Conformation: base of the base Cs are eclipsed, uncommon
      due to flagpole interactions (peaks interact)

    2. Chair Conformation: all C – H bonds are staggered & no flagpole
      interactions, therefore lower energy

  • Axial Substituents: point straight up or down

  • Equatorial Substituents: point laterally (outward)

    1. If you change which C is the top peak in a chair conformation, all the axial substituents become equatorial, & eq 🡪 axial

    2. Change if there are axial substituents repelling each other (steric repulsion), equatorial makes them further away, more energetically stable

    3. Change rapidly interconvert 🡪 not isomers

Constitutional Isomerism in Cycloalkanes

  • Cis/trans isomers: non-hydrogen substituents on different Cs occupy different positions relative to the plane of the ring

  • Cis: both on the same side

  • Trans: opposite sides of the ring

    1. Affects properties of the molecule

Stereoisomers: same molecular formula, same bonding sequence (connectivity), different non-interconverting 3D structures

  • Oriented differently in space, cannot be interconverted by rotations around single bonds

  • Can’t have cis/trans isomers if there is ambiguity (don’t know which substituent to compare to)

Alkenes & Alkynes

  • Unsaturated, 1/more double bonds

  • Alkene C=C (CnH2n)

  • Alkynes C≡C (CnH2n-2)

  • For every 2 H atoms removed, 1 “unit of unsaturation”, each unit of unsaturation could be a π bond of a ring

  • Each C involved in C=C bond is bonded to 2 atoms & is sp2 (trigonal planar 120º)

  • Each C involved in C≡C bond is bonded to 2 atoms & is sp (linear 180º)

Stereoisomerism in Alkenes

  • No rotation about the π bond, therefore cis/trans may occur

  • Rings with 7 members/less, a double bond within the ring can have only the cis geometry because the trans would be too strained

  • Possible number of cis/trans isomers= 2n, where n is the # of bonds with 2 different substituents on each C

Vitamin A

  • In the body, as retinal (Vitamin A aldehyde), deficiency causes blindness

  • Retinal contains chain of 4 C=C bonds in trans configuration

  • An enzyme breaks down the C=C bond & then restores the C=C in cis conf.

  • Cis-retinal allows vision, when light hits cells in reconverts & cycle continues

E,Z Nomenclature for Alkene Stereoisomers

  • Uses priorities to identity which substituents are cis/trans

  • E is opposite, Z is same side

  • RULES:

    1. Higher priority to higher atomic number

    2. If there’s a tie… continue down the chain to determine the highest out of those 2 sets

    3. Multiple bonds are given single bond equivalencies (double bond is treated as 2 single bonds)



  • Chiral objects: not superimposable, mirror images, no plane of symmetry

  • Achiral objects: superimposable, same object


  • 2 molecules that have the same molecular formula & bonding sequence but not superimposable (mirror images)

  • type of stereoisomer

  • exist in pairs

Stereocenters (Chiral Centers)

  • an atom bonded to 4 different groups in a tetrahedral geometry

  • most common is a chiral carbon

* if you switch any 2 groups @ a chiral center you get the mirror image,
if there are 2 chiral centers in the molecule you have to switch both

Fisher Projections

  • 3D structure of molecules

  • “hug me but don’t kiss me”

  • tetrahedral shape from a different perspective

  • useful for chiral carbons

R & S Designation of Enantiomer Configuration

  • assign priority using same rules as E,Z

  • orient molecule so that lowest priority group is behind the plane

  • direction of rotation can be R or S

  • R is clockwise, S is counterclockwise

Chirality in Biomolecules

  • Many physiologically active molecules exist as enantiomers

  • Enantiomers behave very differently (“life or death”)


  • Anti-morning sickness drug in 1960s

  • The R form had the desire anti-nausea effect

  • The S form caused birth defects

Number of Stereosiomers

  • The maximum # of stereoisomers in a molecules with n stereocenters is 2n

  • Molecules can exhibit cis/trans and R,S stereoisomerism simultaneously

Plane-Polarized Light & Optical Activity

  • When all waves oscillate in the same plane, light is said to be plane-polarized

  • Achiral molecules have no effect

  • Chiral molecules rotate the plane of polarization (are “optically active”)

  • Clockwise (right) + is dextrorotation (d–)

  • Counterclockwise (left) – is laevorotation (l–)

  • D/L is based on how fisher projections are drawn

Same Formula

Same Connectivity Different Connectivity
∴ same molecule ∴ constitutional isomers

Different non-interconverting same non-interconverting

spatial arrangement spatial arrangement

∴ stereoisomers ∴ not stereoisomers