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bio term 2 2024

  • prokaryotic cell: single cells and have no membrane-bound nucleus or organelles

  • bacteria and archaea: prokaryotic

  • eukaryotic cells: membrane-bound nucleus and membrane-bound organelles

  • microscope and cells: allowed scientists to see cells for the first time

  • magnification: how much an image has been increased in size

  • resolution: minimum distance objects need to be apart to be able to be seen separately

  • light microscope: pass light rays through thin specimens that are magnified by convex glass lenses, living and non-living specimens can be viewed

  • magnification and resolution in light microscope: up to 2000×, maximum resolution 200 nm

  • electron microscopes: transmission electron microscopes (TEM) and scanning

    electron microscopes (SEM). No living specimens can be viewed with an electron microscope.

  • transmission electron microscopes: beams of electrons pass through a specimen and produce a two-dimensional image. Very high magnification and resolution are possible, up to ten million times

  • scanning electron microscopes: electron beams bounce off surfaces and create a three-dimensional image

  • organelle: membrane-bound internal structures, each with a specific function to ensure the efficient functioning of the cell

  • organelle surface area: most organelles have structures that maximise the surface area

  • organelles observable by light microscope: cell membrane, cell wall, nucleus,

    chloroplasts and vacuoles

  • cell membrane:Selectively permeable boundaries, control the movement of substances into and out of the cell/organelle

  • nucleus: The control and information centre

  • smooth endoplasmic reticulum: transports lipids

  • rough endoplasmic reticulum: transports proteins

  • golgi apparatus: package and sort proteins

  • ribosomes: protein synthesis

  • lysosomes: Digestion and cell destruction

  • Mitochondria: Cellular respiration – production and storage of energy (ATP)

  • Vacuoles: Storage and support

  • Chloroplasts: Photosynthesis

  • Plant cell wall: Shape and support

  • cell membrane: selectively permeable barrier and performs the function of controlling the movement of substances into and out of the cell

  • fluid mosaic model: fluid’ phospholipid bilayer with different types of proteins embedded in it, creating a ‘mosaic’ effect. Proteins either penetrate from one side to the other or are only partially embedded

  • cell membrane proteins: form pores, some form active carrier systems or channels for transport, and others have carbohydrates attached for cell recognition.

  • scientific model: used in science for a number of reasons, including to simplify a concept, make a

    visual representation of something that can’t be seen, or make predictions of expected results

  • scientific model validation: Before a model is accepted, it needs to be validated – that is, certain predictions should be made and, when tested using the model, should hold true

  • cell requirements: Gases, nutrients, water and ions are required by the cell, while wastes and cellular products need to be removed from the cell

  • permeability of membrane: depends on its size, electrical charge and its lipid solubility.

  • diffusion: movement of particles from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration until equilibrium is reached.

  • equilibrium: no net movement of particles in either direction.

  • diffusion and energy: does not require the input of energy but occurs faster with a higher temperature or a steeper concentration gradient.

  • easily diffused molecules: Small, uncharged molecules such as oxygen and carbon dioxide

  • passive diffusion: allows larger molecules and small electrically charged ions to diffuse across the cell membrane aided by carrier or channel proteins

  • solution: a solute dissolves in solvent

  • concentrated solution: has a high concentration of solute and a low concentration of water

  • osmosis: the process by which water moves from a region of high concentration of water (dilute – low solute) to a region of low concentration of water (concentrated – high solute) which requires no energy input

  • osmotic pressure: the minimum pressure which needs to be applied to a solution to stop osmosis

  • Isotonic: fluids inside and outside a cell are of equal solute concentration – no net water movement

  • Hypertonic: a solution of higher solute concentration (lower water concentration) that surrounds a cell – net movement of water molecules will be out of the cell.

  • Hypotonic: a solution of lower solute concentration (higher water concentration) that surrounds a cell – net movement of water molecules will be into the cell.

  • Active transport: the movement of molecules from a region of low concentration to a region of high concentration. moves against the concentration gradient and requires the input of energy

  • passive transport: the movement of molecules from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration. moves with the concentration gradient and doesn’t requires the input of energy

  • Endocytosis: moves large molecules that cannot cross the cell membrane into a cell by creating a vesicle around it. It requires the expenditure of energy

  • Exocytosis: reverse of endocytosis and used to remove waste

  • vesicles: small structures in a cell with a lipid layer

  • surface area to volume ratio: determine how efficiently substances move into and out of a cell.

  • high surface area to volume ratio: allows the most efficient movement of substances into and out of the cell and is mostly large cells

  • enzyme: proteins that control cellular reactions

  • enzyme-catalysed reactions: the substrate attaches to the shape on the surface of the enzyme (the active site) and forms an substrate–enzyme complex

  • substrate: substance where an enzyme acts on

  • enzyme models: lock and key model and induced fit model

  • enzymes and temperature: The activity of an enzyme increases as temperature increases until the optimal temperature is reached. With further temperature increases the enzyme activity decreases and then stops completely when the high temperatures denature the structure of the enzyme

  • enzymes and ph: Each enzyme has an optimum pH at which it functions most efficiently

  • enzymes and substrate concentration: As the substrate concentration increases, the activity of the enzyme increases until all the enzymes are saturated. After this, further increases in substrate concentration will not lead to increases in enzyme activity.

  • energy in cells: transported within cells by small and mobile ATP molecules

  • atp: stores energy in a high-energy bond that attaches the third phosphate group to the ADP molecule and when energy is required, the high-energy bond is broken, releasing energy, a phosphate group and ADP.

bio term 2 2024

  • prokaryotic cell: single cells and have no membrane-bound nucleus or organelles

  • bacteria and archaea: prokaryotic

  • eukaryotic cells: membrane-bound nucleus and membrane-bound organelles

  • microscope and cells: allowed scientists to see cells for the first time

  • magnification: how much an image has been increased in size

  • resolution: minimum distance objects need to be apart to be able to be seen separately

  • light microscope: pass light rays through thin specimens that are magnified by convex glass lenses, living and non-living specimens can be viewed

  • magnification and resolution in light microscope: up to 2000×, maximum resolution 200 nm

  • electron microscopes: transmission electron microscopes (TEM) and scanning

    electron microscopes (SEM). No living specimens can be viewed with an electron microscope.

  • transmission electron microscopes: beams of electrons pass through a specimen and produce a two-dimensional image. Very high magnification and resolution are possible, up to ten million times

  • scanning electron microscopes: electron beams bounce off surfaces and create a three-dimensional image

  • organelle: membrane-bound internal structures, each with a specific function to ensure the efficient functioning of the cell

  • organelle surface area: most organelles have structures that maximise the surface area

  • organelles observable by light microscope: cell membrane, cell wall, nucleus,

    chloroplasts and vacuoles

  • cell membrane:Selectively permeable boundaries, control the movement of substances into and out of the cell/organelle

  • nucleus: The control and information centre

  • smooth endoplasmic reticulum: transports lipids

  • rough endoplasmic reticulum: transports proteins

  • golgi apparatus: package and sort proteins

  • ribosomes: protein synthesis

  • lysosomes: Digestion and cell destruction

  • Mitochondria: Cellular respiration – production and storage of energy (ATP)

  • Vacuoles: Storage and support

  • Chloroplasts: Photosynthesis

  • Plant cell wall: Shape and support

  • cell membrane: selectively permeable barrier and performs the function of controlling the movement of substances into and out of the cell

  • fluid mosaic model: fluid’ phospholipid bilayer with different types of proteins embedded in it, creating a ‘mosaic’ effect. Proteins either penetrate from one side to the other or are only partially embedded

  • cell membrane proteins: form pores, some form active carrier systems or channels for transport, and others have carbohydrates attached for cell recognition.

  • scientific model: used in science for a number of reasons, including to simplify a concept, make a

    visual representation of something that can’t be seen, or make predictions of expected results

  • scientific model validation: Before a model is accepted, it needs to be validated – that is, certain predictions should be made and, when tested using the model, should hold true

  • cell requirements: Gases, nutrients, water and ions are required by the cell, while wastes and cellular products need to be removed from the cell

  • permeability of membrane: depends on its size, electrical charge and its lipid solubility.

  • diffusion: movement of particles from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration until equilibrium is reached.

  • equilibrium: no net movement of particles in either direction.

  • diffusion and energy: does not require the input of energy but occurs faster with a higher temperature or a steeper concentration gradient.

  • easily diffused molecules: Small, uncharged molecules such as oxygen and carbon dioxide

  • passive diffusion: allows larger molecules and small electrically charged ions to diffuse across the cell membrane aided by carrier or channel proteins

  • solution: a solute dissolves in solvent

  • concentrated solution: has a high concentration of solute and a low concentration of water

  • osmosis: the process by which water moves from a region of high concentration of water (dilute – low solute) to a region of low concentration of water (concentrated – high solute) which requires no energy input

  • osmotic pressure: the minimum pressure which needs to be applied to a solution to stop osmosis

  • Isotonic: fluids inside and outside a cell are of equal solute concentration – no net water movement

  • Hypertonic: a solution of higher solute concentration (lower water concentration) that surrounds a cell – net movement of water molecules will be out of the cell.

  • Hypotonic: a solution of lower solute concentration (higher water concentration) that surrounds a cell – net movement of water molecules will be into the cell.

  • Active transport: the movement of molecules from a region of low concentration to a region of high concentration. moves against the concentration gradient and requires the input of energy

  • passive transport: the movement of molecules from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration. moves with the concentration gradient and doesn’t requires the input of energy

  • Endocytosis: moves large molecules that cannot cross the cell membrane into a cell by creating a vesicle around it. It requires the expenditure of energy

  • Exocytosis: reverse of endocytosis and used to remove waste

  • vesicles: small structures in a cell with a lipid layer

  • surface area to volume ratio: determine how efficiently substances move into and out of a cell.

  • high surface area to volume ratio: allows the most efficient movement of substances into and out of the cell and is mostly large cells

  • enzyme: proteins that control cellular reactions

  • enzyme-catalysed reactions: the substrate attaches to the shape on the surface of the enzyme (the active site) and forms an substrate–enzyme complex

  • substrate: substance where an enzyme acts on

  • enzyme models: lock and key model and induced fit model

  • enzymes and temperature: The activity of an enzyme increases as temperature increases until the optimal temperature is reached. With further temperature increases the enzyme activity decreases and then stops completely when the high temperatures denature the structure of the enzyme

  • enzymes and ph: Each enzyme has an optimum pH at which it functions most efficiently

  • enzymes and substrate concentration: As the substrate concentration increases, the activity of the enzyme increases until all the enzymes are saturated. After this, further increases in substrate concentration will not lead to increases in enzyme activity.

  • energy in cells: transported within cells by small and mobile ATP molecules

  • atp: stores energy in a high-energy bond that attaches the third phosphate group to the ADP molecule and when energy is required, the high-energy bond is broken, releasing energy, a phosphate group and ADP.