Total Questions: 80
Midterm Material: 20 Questions
Post-Midterm Material: 60 Questions
Date: Monday, December 9
Time: 8am-10am
Test Length: Two hours
Location: Media Theater
Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace
Interpreter and promoter of Charles Babbage’s work.
Authored a plan for using the Analytical Engine for calculating Bernoulli sequences.
Recognized as the first computer programmer.
1943: Formation of a team to decipher Nazi codes.
Led by mathematician Alan Turing.
Developed Colossus, seen as the first electronic digital computer.
Involved in breaking the Enigma cipher.
Turing also prominent for the Turing Test for artificial intelligence.
Early Technology: Vacuum tubes used in computers.
Transistor Era: Replaced vacuum tubes starting in 1956.
Integrated Circuits: Emerged in the mid-1960s, known as silicon chips.
Freeware: Free software without restrictions, can be unsophisticated or sophisticated (e.g., Firefox, VLC Media Player).
Open Source: Not just free software, also free source code; allows downloading, modification, and improvement.
Defines the increase in transistor density on integrated circuits: doubles every two years.
Alternative views: doubling rate may happen every 18 months for processing speed and storage.
Acknowledge limits of growth described, highlighting miniaturization challenges.
Bits and Bytes: Quantification of digital information.
1 Byte = 8 bits
1 Kilobyte (KB) = 1,000 bytes
1 Megabyte (MB) = 1,000,000 bytes
1 Gigabyte (GB) = 1,000,000,000 bytes
1 Terabyte (TB) = 1,000,000,000,000 bytes
1 Petabyte (PB) = 1,000,000,000,000,000 bytes
Utilizing two symbols (0 and 1) to represent all numbers.
Each number viewed in terms of positional values (powers of 2).
Example: 19 as 00010011 in binary.
Developed in 1936 to enhance typing efficiency.
Layout designed to reduce finger movement.
Features letters AOEUIDHTNS on the home row.
Resistive: Uses light beams emitted from the edges for touch detection.
Capacitive: Detects touch via skin's electromagnetic field; supports multi-touch.
Commonly used in smartphones, tablets, and some laptops.
Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution grants Congress the power to enact copyright laws.
Copyright Duration: 70 years + lifespan of the author or 120 years for corporate works (changed by Bono Act of 1998).
Patents last for 20 years from the application date.
Duplication of copyrighted content is allowed for criticism, commentary, teaching, scholarship, or research.
Not absolute; courts consider the amount used and market impact.
Fair Use can be a defense in court but does not guarantee immunity from legal action.
Creator of Linux, an open source operating system kernel.
Developed Git for tracking changes in programming.
Major repository of open-source software: GitHub.
Popular Linux distributions: Ubuntu, CentOS, Fedora.
Natural Languages: Languages spoken by humans.
Programming Languages: Intermediate between machine language and natural languages.
Languages like C++, JavaScript, Perl, PHP are examples.
Machine Language: Numeric codes that represent data.
Testing Phases:
Alpha Testing: Internal testing by a small group.
Beta Testing: External testing by volunteers.
New releases often come with additional features and fixes for previous bugs; may introduce new issues.
Patches: Minor fixes often provided for free.
Simulate another operating system or hardware.
Not all applications will run perfectly; may cause performance drops.
Older systems are typically easier to emulate.
Licensing: Commercial software is copyrighted and cannot be distributed illegally.
Distribution Channels: Direct sales, retail stores, and websites.
End-User License Agreement (EULA) governs usage of software.
Device Drivers: Programs allowing I/O devices to communicate with the computer.
Issues often arise with video and printer drivers.
New PCs generally include current hardware compatible with the latest operating system.
Database Programs: Tools for organizing information storage and retrieval.
Databases: Collections of related information, often organized in tables.
Key components: fields, records, tables, and data types (text or numeric).
SQL (Structured Query Language): Standard language for programming complex database queries.
Users benefit from graphical interfaces for query execution without needing to learn SQL.
Software specifically designed for unique storage and retrieval purposes.
Geographical Information Systems (GIS): Utilize maps for geographic and demographic data.
Reduces file sizes for efficient transmission and storage.
Lossy Compression: Permanently loses some information.
Lossless Compression: Allows complete recovery of the original data.
Common Formats:
GIF: Supports animations, lossless compression but limited colors.
JPG: Various colors but uses lossy compression.
PNG: Lossless but larger file sizes, used for infographics.
WebP: New format that offers smaller sizes but compatibility issues.
Overview of audio file types:
WAV/AIFF: Standard formats for uncompressed audio, large file sizes.
MP3: Popular compressed format, significantly reduces file size.
WMA: Developed by Microsoft, offers better file fidelity.
AAC: Apple’s advanced compression, often superior to MP3.
FLAC: Open-source, retains full audio quality while compressing files.
Definition: A network combines two or more linked computers.
Benefits: Shared resources reduce costs, increase efficiency, and facilitate collaboration.
DSL, cable, satellite: Different types of broadband connections, defined by speed and provider.
Fiber Optic: Offers much greater bandwidth, superseding copper cables.
Different cable types: Twisted pair, Coaxial cable, Fiber optic, each having distinct uses and costs.
Wireless connections: Vary in capacity and distance, suitable for dynamic environments.
Private Browsing: Disables history but doesn’t anonymize from networks.
TOR Browser: For enhanced anonymity, connecting through an anonymizing network.
IP Address: Represents a computer on the network but is not a direct identifier of the user.
Duck Duck Go: Search engine that does not track user activity.
Virtual Private Networks (VPN): Services for anonymizing internet activity; careful when choosing providers.
Domain Name System (DNS): Translates IP addresses to human-readable names.
Recognizes top-level domains like .edu, .com, .gov, .org.
TCP: Breaks messages into packets for transmission, routed by routers.
IP Addresses: Unique identifiers for host computers, moving from IPv4 to IPv6 to accommodate growing address needs.
Malware: Encompasses harmful software, including Trojans, viruses, and worms.
Protection Measures: Keep software updated and have robust antivirus tools.
Use credit cards instead of debit cards for online purchases.
Secure transactions by checking for HTTPS in URLs.
Be cautious with personal information sharing.
Access based on various identification types: Identity tokens, passcodes, or biometrics.
Multi-factor Authentication: Combining identification methods enhances security.
Effective passwords: Long, complex, and changed frequently. Avoid personal words.
Watch for keyloggers and ensure your passwords are unique to each account.
Use encryption software to secure communication by scrambling messages, requiring a key to unscramble.
Utilize uninterruptible power supplies for surge protection.
Establish a regular backup routine; automated systems are recommended.