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Gaffney S1 Finals

Dichotomy-Two Contrasting Things Example Hot/Cold

Foil- A Character That Contrasts The Protagonist Example Draco/Harry

Epic Simile- A Multi Sentence Simile No Like Or As

Epiphany- Sudden Realization Literally Means Lifting Of The Veil

Juxtaposition- Putting Different Things Side By Side To Show Their Differences

Assonance- Repetition Of A Vowel

Motif- A Reoccurring Theme Idea Or Subject

Persona- Narrator But NOT The Writer (For the Most Part) Means Mask

4 Types Of Conflict- Person vs Self (Internal) Person vs Nature (External) Person vs Person (External) Person vs Society (External)

Personification- Giving Human Qualities To Something Not Human

End Stopped Lines- When a Line Of Poetry Is Stopped

Enjamed Lines- When There Is Nothing At The End Of A Line

Pure Rhyme- 3/3 Of Criteria (Same # Of Syllables, Same Vowel Sounds & Same Consonance Sounds) Ex Lake/Cake

Slant Rhyme- 2/3 Or 1/3 Criteria Is Met Ex Lake/Awaken (2/3)

Situational Irony- Difference In What Is And What Appears To Be

Verbal Irony- What Is Said Doesn’t Reflect What is Meant

Dramatic Irony- When We Know More Than The Characters

Metaphor- Comparing 2 Things With No Like Or As

5 Stages Of Plot- Exposition Rising Action Turning Point (Climax) Falling Action Resolution

1st Point Of View- Character Is Narrating Uses: Me My or I (Most Times Dont Get The Whole Story)

3rd Limited Point Of View- One Characters Thoughts

3rd Objective Point Of View- No One’s Thoughts

3rd Omniscient Point Of View- Everyone’s Thoughts

Simile- Comparing While Using Like Or As

Static Charecter- A Character That Doesnt Really Change

Dynamic Character- A Character That Does Change

Symbolism- Something That Stands For Something

Alliteration- Words With The Same Letter/ Sound At the Beginning

Allusion- A Reference To Something Popular That Many People Know Of (Many Examples In O Brother Where Art Thou)

Assimilation- When A Minority Changes And Becomes The Majority

Consonance- Repeating Consonance Sounds In Words

Foreshadowing- Hinting At Something To Happen In The Future

In Medias Res- To Start In The Middle Then Flashback To How You Got There Then The End

Meter- Basic Rhythmic Structure Of A Verse Or Lines In Verse

Theme- The Lesson An Author Wants You To Learn From Their Story

Epic- A Really Long Form Of Spoken Poetry Can Be Fiction Or Fact

Gaffney S1 Finals

Dichotomy-Two Contrasting Things Example Hot/Cold

Foil- A Character That Contrasts The Protagonist Example Draco/Harry

Epic Simile- A Multi Sentence Simile No Like Or As

Epiphany- Sudden Realization Literally Means Lifting Of The Veil

Juxtaposition- Putting Different Things Side By Side To Show Their Differences

Assonance- Repetition Of A Vowel

Motif- A Reoccurring Theme Idea Or Subject

Persona- Narrator But NOT The Writer (For the Most Part) Means Mask

4 Types Of Conflict- Person vs Self (Internal) Person vs Nature (External) Person vs Person (External) Person vs Society (External)

Personification- Giving Human Qualities To Something Not Human

End Stopped Lines- When a Line Of Poetry Is Stopped

Enjamed Lines- When There Is Nothing At The End Of A Line

Pure Rhyme- 3/3 Of Criteria (Same # Of Syllables, Same Vowel Sounds & Same Consonance Sounds) Ex Lake/Cake

Slant Rhyme- 2/3 Or 1/3 Criteria Is Met Ex Lake/Awaken (2/3)

Situational Irony- Difference In What Is And What Appears To Be

Verbal Irony- What Is Said Doesn’t Reflect What is Meant

Dramatic Irony- When We Know More Than The Characters

Metaphor- Comparing 2 Things With No Like Or As

5 Stages Of Plot- Exposition Rising Action Turning Point (Climax) Falling Action Resolution

1st Point Of View- Character Is Narrating Uses: Me My or I (Most Times Dont Get The Whole Story)

3rd Limited Point Of View- One Characters Thoughts

3rd Objective Point Of View- No One’s Thoughts

3rd Omniscient Point Of View- Everyone’s Thoughts

Simile- Comparing While Using Like Or As

Static Charecter- A Character That Doesnt Really Change

Dynamic Character- A Character That Does Change

Symbolism- Something That Stands For Something

Alliteration- Words With The Same Letter/ Sound At the Beginning

Allusion- A Reference To Something Popular That Many People Know Of (Many Examples In O Brother Where Art Thou)

Assimilation- When A Minority Changes And Becomes The Majority

Consonance- Repeating Consonance Sounds In Words

Foreshadowing- Hinting At Something To Happen In The Future

In Medias Res- To Start In The Middle Then Flashback To How You Got There Then The End

Meter- Basic Rhythmic Structure Of A Verse Or Lines In Verse

Theme- The Lesson An Author Wants You To Learn From Their Story

Epic- A Really Long Form Of Spoken Poetry Can Be Fiction Or Fact