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GLS 1OAV - Kickstart

Wednesday, July 24th, 2024

8:30-9:30 am 

Test Format

Part A - Health & Wellness (10 marks)

Part B - Math (10 marks)

Part C - Literacy (10 marks)

Part D - Pathways & Mental Health (10 marks)

Part A - Health & Wellness

  1. What is Stress? How would you define it?

Stress is one's mental state, and natural reaction when they are worried about an event in the future. 

  1. What is the FFF response? What does it stand for?

The FFF response is the Flight, Freeze or Fight response, and is when your body responds to danger.

  1. What is the difference between a fixed and growth mindset? 

A fixed mindset is when one believes that they are incapable of developing skills, that some are naturally talented, and believing that their worth is tied to their failures. A growth mindset is a very healthy way of living where you believe that you can improve at something no matter what skill level you are at, with dedication and effort. 

  1. What do the 4 S’s of the 24 hour movement guideline stand for? How many minutes of exercise should you be getting per day (5-17 year olds)?

The 4 S’s stand for Sleep, Sit, Step, Sweat. 60 minutes.

  1. What is the IDEAL decision making model and what does each section stand for?


I: Identify the problem

D: Discuss Options

E: Evaluate Options
A: Act on Decisions

L: Learn from Decisions

6.  What are the 3 different categories of symptoms of anxiety? 

7. List the various symptoms of anxiety for each category. 

PART B- Numeracy

  1. Complete this table: 




























  1. BEDMAS Operations  

 32 - ( -2 + 4)2            

9 - ( -2 + 4)2

9- (2)2 



43 + (22 - 33)= 41

64 + (4 - 27) = 41

  1. Operations with fractions: 


11 x 2 =22

10 x 1 =10 


  1. Proportions

1. If you scored 4 points in 10 minutes, how many points would you score in 70 minutes?


2. If you ran 1km in 5 minutes, how many km would you run in 30 minutes?


  1. Algebra 

Simplify the following expressions by collecting and combining like terms.

  1. 5x + 4x - 9 =  9x-9 b. -7xy + 6yz - 3yx + 4yz = -4xy + 10yz

PART C- Literacy

  1. Define and provide an example (panels from the text) from New Kid  for each literary device: 

    1. Onomatopoeia: Definition: Onomatopoeia is a word that phonetically imitates the sound that it describes.

Example: In New Kid, an example might be the sound "BANG!" when a locker door is slammed shut in the school hallway.

  1. Symbolism: Definition: Symbolism is the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities.

Example: In New Kid, the sketchbook that Jordan carries symbolizes his unique perspective and creative outlet, representing his identity and individuality.

  1. Foreshadowing:Definition: Foreshadowing is a literary device where a writer gives an advance hint of what is to come later in the story.

Example: Early in New Kid, when Jordan feels anxious about starting at the new private school, this foreshadows the struggles and challenges he will face in fitting in and dealing with prejudice.

  1. Simile: Definition: A simile is a figure of speech that directly compares two different things, usually by employing the words "like" or "as."

Example: In "New Kid”, Jordan might describe his feelings about the new school by saying, "I felt like a fish out of water," comparing his sense of discomfort and unfamiliarity to a fish out of its natural environment.

  1. Write a Work Cited MLA citation for a book with one author using the following information: 

Author’s Name: Jerry Craft

Text Title: New Kid

Date: 2019

Publisher: Harper Collins

Craft, Jerry. New Kid. Harper Collins, 2019.

  1. Discuss 1 internal and 1 external conflict in New Kid  using textual examples to support your claims using complete sentences. 

Internal Conflict: Jordan struggles internally with his sense of identity and belonging. For example, he feels torn between fitting in at his new private school and staying true to his roots and interests, such as his love for drawing.

External Conflict: Jordan faces external conflict through racial prejudice and stereotyping at his new school. For instance, other students and teachers often make assumptions about him based on his race, which creates barriers to his acceptance and success.

  1. Discuss two themes from New Kid using reference to the text (you may paraphrase in your answer).

Theme 1: Identity and Belonging

New Kid explores the theme of identity and belonging as Jordan navigates the challenges of being one of the few students of color at his new private school. His sketchbook entries and interactions with peers and teachers highlight his journey in finding where he fits in while staying true to himself.

Theme 2: Racism and Stereotyping

Another prominent theme in New Kid is racism and stereotyping. Jordan's experiences at school often involve confronting and overcoming prejudices and assumptions made by others, which underscores the broader social issues of racial inequality and the need for empathy and understanding.

  1. Identify the protagonist, antagonist, secondary characters of New Kid.

Jordan Banks: An artistic and caring Black student who dreams of going to art school but is sent to a predominantly white private school by his parents.


Andy Peterson: A school bully who often comes across as racist and rude, thinking he is superior to others.

Secondary Characters:

Liam Landers: The first kid Jordan meets at his new school, from a wealthy family but humble about his wealth.

Drew Ellis: Jordan's best friend who bonds with him over shared experiences, particularly being mistaken for another Black student.

Mama Banks: Jordan's supportive, picture-loving mother who wants the best for him.

Chuck Banks: Jordan's father who wants his son to be happy and feel like he fits in.

Miss Neal: The neighborhood watch lady who is almost like family to the Banks.

Kirk: One of Jordan's old friends who doesn't judge him for attending a private school.

Ashley Martin: A student who has a crush on Drew.

Ruby Wu: A student who has a crush on Jordan.

Alexandra: A classmate known for her puppet, hiding a burn scar, representing themes of not judging others.

Mr. Roche: Jordan's biology teacher and soccer coach, often overly apologetic to avoid seeming racist.

Mr. Landers: Liam's wealthy but distant father.

Maury: A Black student involved in musicals, bullied for acting "white."

Deandre, Winston, and Eric: Sophomore bullies.

Ms. Rawle: Jordan's homeroom teacher, known for racist tendencies.

Mr. Garner: A long-time teacher at the school often mistaken for the coach because of his race

  1. What is the importance  of Jordan’s sketchbook?

It helps him vent his feelings and emotions by doing something he is passionate about, which makes him a calmer and more composed kid.

  1. Properly complete an in-text citation for the following quote:  

(Craft 45)

****HINT: where do quotation marks and punctuation appear?

"Finding a new book... makes me one happy kid!" (Craft 45).

PART D- Pathways and Arts

  1.  What is the difference between being proactive and reactive?  

Proactive: Taking responsibility for your actions

Reactive: Be acted upon and controlled by events and emotions

  1. What 5 things do you need to complete to earn your OSSD? (Hint: you can opt out of 1 of these)

  1. 17 compulsory credits

  2. 13 optional credits

  3. The literacy requirement

  4. At least 2 online learning credits (you can opt out of this)

  5. 40 hours of volunteering

  1.  Review how to read a course code.

  1.  What are the 3 most common pathways choices?  

  • University

  • College

  • Apprenticeship

  1.  What is a goal?  Why is it important for us to plan out our goals?

To make sure you can achieve your goals, you must always plan them out properly and make them more obtainable. 

  1.  What does it mean to have a “win win” attitude?

Win-win means agreements or solutions are mutually beneficial and satisfying for both parties. 

  1. Which of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens involve working with others?

  • The ability to believe everyone can win.

  • The willingness to understand others before they seek to be understood.

  • An eagerness to work with others to create better results.

  1.  What is a Tableaux?  List 5 things necessary to create a successful tableaux.  

  • Facing the audience

  • Not talking

  • Not moving

  • Levels

  • Facial expressions

  1.  When thinking about “sharpening the saw”, what are the 4 aspects of ourselves we need to focus on? 

Body (Physical)


Soul (Spiritual)

Brain (Mental)

  1.  How many Community Service Hours do you need to complete to graduate?


  1.  What are the 5 Golden Rules when helping a friend who is struggling?

  1. Connect to help

  2. Know your role 

  3. Hear them out

  4. Show you care

  5. Say what you see


GLS 1OAV - Kickstart

Wednesday, July 24th, 2024

8:30-9:30 am 

Test Format

Part A - Health & Wellness (10 marks)

Part B - Math (10 marks)

Part C - Literacy (10 marks)

Part D - Pathways & Mental Health (10 marks)

Part A - Health & Wellness

  1. What is Stress? How would you define it?

Stress is one's mental state, and natural reaction when they are worried about an event in the future. 

  1. What is the FFF response? What does it stand for?

The FFF response is the Flight, Freeze or Fight response, and is when your body responds to danger.

  1. What is the difference between a fixed and growth mindset? 

A fixed mindset is when one believes that they are incapable of developing skills, that some are naturally talented, and believing that their worth is tied to their failures. A growth mindset is a very healthy way of living where you believe that you can improve at something no matter what skill level you are at, with dedication and effort. 

  1. What do the 4 S’s of the 24 hour movement guideline stand for? How many minutes of exercise should you be getting per day (5-17 year olds)?

The 4 S’s stand for Sleep, Sit, Step, Sweat. 60 minutes.

  1. What is the IDEAL decision making model and what does each section stand for?


I: Identify the problem

D: Discuss Options

E: Evaluate Options
A: Act on Decisions

L: Learn from Decisions

6.  What are the 3 different categories of symptoms of anxiety? 

7. List the various symptoms of anxiety for each category. 

PART B- Numeracy

  1. Complete this table: 




























  1. BEDMAS Operations  

 32 - ( -2 + 4)2            

9 - ( -2 + 4)2

9- (2)2 



43 + (22 - 33)= 41

64 + (4 - 27) = 41

  1. Operations with fractions: 


11 x 2 =22

10 x 1 =10 


  1. Proportions

1. If you scored 4 points in 10 minutes, how many points would you score in 70 minutes?


2. If you ran 1km in 5 minutes, how many km would you run in 30 minutes?


  1. Algebra 

Simplify the following expressions by collecting and combining like terms.

  1. 5x + 4x - 9 =  9x-9 b. -7xy + 6yz - 3yx + 4yz = -4xy + 10yz

PART C- Literacy

  1. Define and provide an example (panels from the text) from New Kid  for each literary device: 

    1. Onomatopoeia: Definition: Onomatopoeia is a word that phonetically imitates the sound that it describes.

Example: In New Kid, an example might be the sound "BANG!" when a locker door is slammed shut in the school hallway.

  1. Symbolism: Definition: Symbolism is the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities.

Example: In New Kid, the sketchbook that Jordan carries symbolizes his unique perspective and creative outlet, representing his identity and individuality.

  1. Foreshadowing:Definition: Foreshadowing is a literary device where a writer gives an advance hint of what is to come later in the story.

Example: Early in New Kid, when Jordan feels anxious about starting at the new private school, this foreshadows the struggles and challenges he will face in fitting in and dealing with prejudice.

  1. Simile: Definition: A simile is a figure of speech that directly compares two different things, usually by employing the words "like" or "as."

Example: In "New Kid”, Jordan might describe his feelings about the new school by saying, "I felt like a fish out of water," comparing his sense of discomfort and unfamiliarity to a fish out of its natural environment.

  1. Write a Work Cited MLA citation for a book with one author using the following information: 

Author’s Name: Jerry Craft

Text Title: New Kid

Date: 2019

Publisher: Harper Collins

Craft, Jerry. New Kid. Harper Collins, 2019.

  1. Discuss 1 internal and 1 external conflict in New Kid  using textual examples to support your claims using complete sentences. 

Internal Conflict: Jordan struggles internally with his sense of identity and belonging. For example, he feels torn between fitting in at his new private school and staying true to his roots and interests, such as his love for drawing.

External Conflict: Jordan faces external conflict through racial prejudice and stereotyping at his new school. For instance, other students and teachers often make assumptions about him based on his race, which creates barriers to his acceptance and success.

  1. Discuss two themes from New Kid using reference to the text (you may paraphrase in your answer).

Theme 1: Identity and Belonging

New Kid explores the theme of identity and belonging as Jordan navigates the challenges of being one of the few students of color at his new private school. His sketchbook entries and interactions with peers and teachers highlight his journey in finding where he fits in while staying true to himself.

Theme 2: Racism and Stereotyping

Another prominent theme in New Kid is racism and stereotyping. Jordan's experiences at school often involve confronting and overcoming prejudices and assumptions made by others, which underscores the broader social issues of racial inequality and the need for empathy and understanding.

  1. Identify the protagonist, antagonist, secondary characters of New Kid.

Jordan Banks: An artistic and caring Black student who dreams of going to art school but is sent to a predominantly white private school by his parents.


Andy Peterson: A school bully who often comes across as racist and rude, thinking he is superior to others.

Secondary Characters:

Liam Landers: The first kid Jordan meets at his new school, from a wealthy family but humble about his wealth.

Drew Ellis: Jordan's best friend who bonds with him over shared experiences, particularly being mistaken for another Black student.

Mama Banks: Jordan's supportive, picture-loving mother who wants the best for him.

Chuck Banks: Jordan's father who wants his son to be happy and feel like he fits in.

Miss Neal: The neighborhood watch lady who is almost like family to the Banks.

Kirk: One of Jordan's old friends who doesn't judge him for attending a private school.

Ashley Martin: A student who has a crush on Drew.

Ruby Wu: A student who has a crush on Jordan.

Alexandra: A classmate known for her puppet, hiding a burn scar, representing themes of not judging others.

Mr. Roche: Jordan's biology teacher and soccer coach, often overly apologetic to avoid seeming racist.

Mr. Landers: Liam's wealthy but distant father.

Maury: A Black student involved in musicals, bullied for acting "white."

Deandre, Winston, and Eric: Sophomore bullies.

Ms. Rawle: Jordan's homeroom teacher, known for racist tendencies.

Mr. Garner: A long-time teacher at the school often mistaken for the coach because of his race

  1. What is the importance  of Jordan’s sketchbook?

It helps him vent his feelings and emotions by doing something he is passionate about, which makes him a calmer and more composed kid.

  1. Properly complete an in-text citation for the following quote:  

(Craft 45)

****HINT: where do quotation marks and punctuation appear?

"Finding a new book... makes me one happy kid!" (Craft 45).

PART D- Pathways and Arts

  1.  What is the difference between being proactive and reactive?  

Proactive: Taking responsibility for your actions

Reactive: Be acted upon and controlled by events and emotions

  1. What 5 things do you need to complete to earn your OSSD? (Hint: you can opt out of 1 of these)

  1. 17 compulsory credits

  2. 13 optional credits

  3. The literacy requirement

  4. At least 2 online learning credits (you can opt out of this)

  5. 40 hours of volunteering

  1.  Review how to read a course code.

  1.  What are the 3 most common pathways choices?  

  • University

  • College

  • Apprenticeship

  1.  What is a goal?  Why is it important for us to plan out our goals?

To make sure you can achieve your goals, you must always plan them out properly and make them more obtainable. 

  1.  What does it mean to have a “win win” attitude?

Win-win means agreements or solutions are mutually beneficial and satisfying for both parties. 

  1. Which of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens involve working with others?

  • The ability to believe everyone can win.

  • The willingness to understand others before they seek to be understood.

  • An eagerness to work with others to create better results.

  1.  What is a Tableaux?  List 5 things necessary to create a successful tableaux.  

  • Facing the audience

  • Not talking

  • Not moving

  • Levels

  • Facial expressions

  1.  When thinking about “sharpening the saw”, what are the 4 aspects of ourselves we need to focus on? 

Body (Physical)


Soul (Spiritual)

Brain (Mental)

  1.  How many Community Service Hours do you need to complete to graduate?


  1.  What are the 5 Golden Rules when helping a friend who is struggling?

  1. Connect to help

  2. Know your role 

  3. Hear them out

  4. Show you care

  5. Say what you see