Utilize learning objectives for structured study.
Focus on identifying areas of discomfort in understanding.
Speed of Movement: Xylem sap can travel up to 15 meters/hour.
Height Examples:
Redwood trees: 110 meters
Douglas fir: 100 meters
Sitka spruce: 90 meters
Forces Behind Movement:
Root Pressure: Creates pressure in roots, aiding upward water movement.
Transpiration Pull: Driven by water loss from leaves.
Leaves are crucial for water loss through transpiration.
Water Loss in Maple Trees: Up to 200 liters/hour on sunny days.
Properties of Water:
Cohesion: Water molecules stick together through hydrogen bonding.
Adhesion: Water molecules attach to other substances.
Xylem Structure: Made up of hollow cells (tracheids and vessel elements) with hydrophobic lignin walls.
Transpiration-Cohesion-Tension Theory: Explains upward water movement in plants due to transpiration in leaves.
Direction of Movement: From sources (e.g., leaves) to sinks (e.g., roots, fruits).
Phloem Loading:
Propelled by hydrostatic pressure from high sucrose concentration in the phloem.
Mechanism: Water from xylem enters phloem, creating pressure that pushes sap away from the source.
Guard Cells: Regulate stomatal pores for gas exchange, responsive to water uptake.
Water uptake decreases water potential (y), leading to guard cell turgidity and pore opening.
Potassium ions (K+) play a key role; proton pumps facilitated by ATP help regulate ion balance.
Stomatal Opening: Activated by blue light triggering proton pumps in guard cells, increasing sugar concentration and lowering water potential.
Stomatal Closing: In darkness, potassium ions exit, leading to flaccidity and closure. Water stress or abscisic acid can also trigger closure.
What creates the "push" and "pull" forces for sap movement?
How does sucrose concentration affect Ψp?
Explain how a maple leaf contributes to negative pressure for water movement.
Autotrophs: Plants produce their own food via photosynthesis and respiration.
Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen: Sourced from environment. Photosynthesis converts CO2 and H2O into carbohydrates.
Mineral Elements: Require various minerals for growth, often termed mineral nutrients.
Characteristic deficiency symptoms guide soil improvements.
Composed mainly of carbohydrates; provides structural support.
Some plants extract nutrients through parasitic relationships; may be photosynthetic or non-photosynthetic.
Nitrogen (N): Most limiting mineral for growth; cannot be utilized directly from atmosphere (N2). Requires nitrogen-fixing bacteria to convert N2 into usable forms.
Nitrogen Cycle Steps:
Conversion of N2 to ammonium (NH4+) facilitated by beneficial bacteria.
Plants exhibit indeterminate growth, continually responding to environmental stimuli.
Factors: Water, light, mechanical break, temperature (stratification) activate dormant embryos.
Water Imbibition: Starts germination; activates gibberellin (GA).
• Stimulates aleurone cells to produce a-amylase for starch digestion, fueling seedling growth.
Auxin: Regulates growth and phototropism.
Cytokinin: Promotes branching; counteracts auxin.
Abscisic Acid (ABA): Induces stomatal closure and seed dormancy.
Ethylene: Involved in fruit ripening.
Essential for photosynthesis, triggers flowering via critical daylength response. Photoreceptors like phytochrome mediate responses to light changes.
Structure includes sepals, petals, stamen, and pistil. Each plays a specific role in reproduction and attraction of pollinators.
Involves pollen recognition at stigma and germination leading to fertilization.
Provides nutrients for the developing embryo; GA facilitates processes necessary for germination.
Homeostasis: Maintaining internal stability (e.g., constant temp, pH levels) is vital for survival.
Includes temperature, pH, blood glucose, and ion concentrations.
Thermoregulation: Heat conservation/dissipation through blood vessel adjustments (vasoconstriction and vasodilation).
Indicates physiological sensitivity to temperature changes.
Q10 = 3 means the rate triples with a 10°C rise.
Homeotherms: Maintain a consistent body temperature (e.g., mammals).
Poikilotherms: Body temperature varies with the environment.
Muscles are specialized tissues that convert ATP to mechanical energy.
Skeletal Muscle: Voluntary, striated; responsible for body movement.
Cardiac Muscle: Involuntary, striated; pumps blood in the heart.
Smooth Muscle: Involuntary; controls hollow organ functions like digestion.
Comprised of muscle fibers and myofibrils, organized into contractile units (sarcomeres).
Neuromuscular Junction: Site of nerve impulse transmission, triggering contraction.
Calcium Ions: Vital in excitation-contraction coupling.
Neurons process sensory input, integrate information, and execute motor outputs.
Includes cell body, dendrites, axons, and axon terminals.
Rapid electrical changes essential for nerve impulse transmission.
Saltatory Conduction: Increases impulse speed via myelinated axons.
Sensory systems detect and interpret various stimuli for environmental interaction.
Include visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, tactile, and temperature sensations.
Mechanisms convert stimuli into electrical signals processed by the nervous system.
Ionotropic: Function as ion channels.
Metabotropic: Involved in secondary messenger systems.
Include olfactory, auditory, and visual systems with specialized receptors for detection.