A massive network of networks consisting of various computers and electronic devices.
Stands for "interconnected network".
Utilizes Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP).
World Wide Web (WWW):
A collection of multimedia web pages stored on websites.
Accesses information through the Internet using HTTP(S) protocols.
Internet: Network comprised of devices using TCP/IP protocols.
World Wide Web (WWW): Set of multimedia documents accessible via the Internet.
HyperText Mark-up Language (HTML): Language for designing web pages and writing HTTP(S) protocols.
Uniform Resource Locator (URL): Address specifying location of a web page.
Web Browser: Software that connects to Domain Name System (DNS) and interprets web data.
Internet Service Provider (ISP): Company providing Internet access, typically for a monthly fee.
Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN): Network for traditional phone calls and faxes.
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP): Technology converting voice into digital data for transmission over the Internet.
Internet Protocol (IP): Addresses devices on the Internet using IPv4 or IPv6 formats.
IPv4: Uses 32 bits for addressing (e.g.,
CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing): Improves IPv4 flexibility.
IPv6: Newer protocol using 128 bits (e.g., A8F0:7FFF:F0F1:F000:3DD0:256A:22FF:AA00).
Zero Compression: Method to shorten IPv6 addresses by replacing groups of zeroes with a double colon (::).
Sub-netting: Dividing networks into smaller sub-networks for management and efficiency.
Public IP Address: Assigned by the ISP for devices' identification on the Internet.
Private IP Address: Reserved for internal network use behind routers.
Translates domain names into IP addresses, allowing easy access without memorizing numerical addresses.
Device (Computer, tablet, mobile)
Connection (telephone line or mobile network)
Router (wired or wireless)
Internet Service Provider (ISP)
Web Browser
Network Connection:
PSTN connects devices across distances; fiber optic cables have replaced copper for improved performance.
High-speed broadband facilitates wireless local area networks (WLANs).
VoIP converts sound and video into digital packets; utilizes packet switching allowing data to travel efficiently without dedicated lines.
Cellular Networks: Mobile devices connect through cellular providers acting as ISPs.
Satellite Communications: Extends network coverage over vast distances, with different orbits (GEO, MEO, LEO) providing specific functionalities.
Connection is constant until hang-up; operational during power cuts.
Circuit switching maintains a dedicated circuit during calls.
Internet Calls:
Connection exists only during communication; uses packet switching for data transmission.
Efficient use of bandwidth as only active data is transmitted.
TCP/IP Protocols govern communication over the Internet.
IPv4 Addressing:
32-bit addressing structure using groups of 8 bits (e.g.,
Classifies networks: Class A (very large) to Class C (small networks).
Advantages of IPv6:
Supports a larger address space and complex addressing.
Eliminates the need for Network Address Translation (NAT).
Built-in authentication and efficient routing.
Example of zero compression for IPv6 addresses to reduce length and complexity.
Divides local area networks into smaller segments for reduced traffic and simplified management.
Private Addresses reserved for internal use; non-accessible externally.
Public Addresses identified by ISPs for external accessibility.
Web browsers utilize URLs to access web pages.
Components of a URL:
Protocol (http/https)
Domain name
Optional path/filename.
Translates user-friendly domain names into machine-readable IP addresses.
Involves a process of requesting and caching databases of URLs by DNS servers.
JavaScript (Client-Side): Runs on the user's computer; processes data from the server's response.
PHP (Server-Side): Code executed on the server, results sent to the client.
Sample JavaScript code checks temperature and provides a response based on the input.
Sample PHP code illustrates server-side processing and output handling.
Both programming languages are vital for creating dynamic web applications that enhance user interaction and management.