Class 6_PopulationHealth_cvv_Studentv2025 (1).pptx

Population Health Overview

  • Population Health: Focuses on health outcomes of a defined group and the distribution within that group.

  • Health Equity: Realization that equal opportunities lead to equal health outcomes.

Theoretical Frameworks

  • Theories and Models: Key theories that inform population health practices.

    • Health Belief Model (HBM): Focus on individual's beliefs about health.

      • Four components:

        1. Individual's perceptions

        2. Modifying factors

        3. Cues to action

        4. Likelihood of action

    • Transtheoretical Model (TTM): Stages of change for health behaviour.

      • Stages:

        1. Precontemplation

        2. Contemplation

        3. Preparation

        4. Action

        5. Maintenance

        6. Termination

    • Diffusion of Innovation Theory: Classifies individuals adopting innovations based on their adoption rates.

      • Categories:

        1. Innovators

        2. Early adopters

        3. Early majority

        4. Late majority

        5. Laggards

Health Promotion Strategies

Effective Health Promotion Techniques

  • Assess client's readiness to change.

  • Provide information on health risks (e.g., smoking).

  • Develop plans for behaviour changes and follow-up support.

Goals in Promotion

  • Strengthen community action by encouraging involvement.

  • Build healthy public policies to sustain improvements in health.

  • Create supportive environments for healthy living.

  • Develop personal skills through education.

  • Reorient health services toward prevention rather than cure.

Upstream, Midstream, and Downstream Thinking

  • Upstream: Address root causes of health issues (e.g., socio-political factors).

  • Midstream: Focus on community and organizational policy changes.

  • Downstream: Concentrate on immediate health needs and services.

Social Determinants of Health (SDOH)

  • Key Factors: Various factors that influence health outcomes, including:

    • Poverty

    • Economic inequality

    • Stress

    • Education

    • Social support

  • Food Security: Access to sufficient and nutritious food is essential for health.

Child Safety Issue Analysis

  • Problem: Children are often not transported safely, with improper car seat usage.

    • Statistics indicate only 10% are used correctly.

  • Proposed Goals: Increase awareness and capacity for proper car seat installation.

  • Strategies:

    • Train community health nurses in car seat installation.

    • Host car seat clinics with local businesses.

    • Advocate for provincial legislation regarding car seat use.

Actions for Nurses

  • Understand and integrate SDOH when assessing clients' health.

  • Include SDOH questions in assessments and follow-ups.

  • Organize community resources to support client needs.

Health Accord for Newfoundland & Labrador

  • Goals: Address SDOH by integrating health policies and community needs for improved health outcomes.

  • Key Strategies: Strengthen poverty reduction strategies and integrate child health into schools.


  • By employing theoretical frameworks and community-specific strategies, nurses can positively impact population health and contribute to health equity.
