Population Health: Focuses on health outcomes of a defined group and the distribution within that group.
Health Equity: Realization that equal opportunities lead to equal health outcomes.
Theories and Models: Key theories that inform population health practices.
Health Belief Model (HBM): Focus on individual's beliefs about health.
Four components:
Individual's perceptions
Modifying factors
Cues to action
Likelihood of action
Transtheoretical Model (TTM): Stages of change for health behaviour.
Diffusion of Innovation Theory: Classifies individuals adopting innovations based on their adoption rates.
Early adopters
Early majority
Late majority
Assess client's readiness to change.
Provide information on health risks (e.g., smoking).
Develop plans for behaviour changes and follow-up support.
Strengthen community action by encouraging involvement.
Build healthy public policies to sustain improvements in health.
Create supportive environments for healthy living.
Develop personal skills through education.
Reorient health services toward prevention rather than cure.
Upstream: Address root causes of health issues (e.g., socio-political factors).
Midstream: Focus on community and organizational policy changes.
Downstream: Concentrate on immediate health needs and services.
Key Factors: Various factors that influence health outcomes, including:
Economic inequality
Social support
Food Security: Access to sufficient and nutritious food is essential for health.
Problem: Children are often not transported safely, with improper car seat usage.
Statistics indicate only 10% are used correctly.
Proposed Goals: Increase awareness and capacity for proper car seat installation.
Train community health nurses in car seat installation.
Host car seat clinics with local businesses.
Advocate for provincial legislation regarding car seat use.
Understand and integrate SDOH when assessing clients' health.
Include SDOH questions in assessments and follow-ups.
Organize community resources to support client needs.
Goals: Address SDOH by integrating health policies and community needs for improved health outcomes.
Key Strategies: Strengthen poverty reduction strategies and integrate child health into schools.
By employing theoretical frameworks and community-specific strategies, nurses can positively impact population health and contribute to health equity.