Sound: a vibration
Sound wave: a moving vibration
Echo: a sound you hear a second time
Mach 1: 760 miles per hour
Supersonic speed: anything faster than 760 mph.
Sonic boom: the sound of something breaking the sound barrier.
Infra-sound: a sound too low for us to hear.
Pitch: how we describe the sound we hear.
Timbre: quality of sound.
Sonar: sound navigation and ranging.
Bio-acoustics: study of sound made by wildlife.
Nuclear fusion: when particles join together and fuse
Radiant energy: light
Incandescent light: light hot enough to glow.
Light emitting diode: LED
Opaque: if light can’t pass through something.
translucent/transparent: if light can pass through.
Shadow: Blocked light.
Electromagnetic energy:Energy that reaches from the sun to the earth.
Invisible spectrum: colours we can’t see
Colour spectrum/ visible spectrum: everything we can see
Ultraviolet: higher frequency than violet
Infrared: has longer wavelengths and generates heat
Angle of incidence: the angle of reflection
Refraction: bending of light
Laws of thermodynamics: four special laws that deal with energy and all kinds of matter
Thermodynamics: the study of thermal energy.
Zeroth law: if two bodies are each in thermal equilibrium with some third body, then they are also in equilibrium with each other
First law of thermodynamics: energy and matter can never be created or destroyed.
second law of thermodynamics: the universe as a whole is becoming less and less organised.
Entropy: a measure of disorder.
Third law of thermodynamics: the entropy of a system reaches its minimum the cooler it gets.
Heat source: the hotter of two items.
Heat sink: the cooler of two items
Radiation: energy that moves through space
Radiant heat: heat that moves through space
Convection: heat that transfers from liquids
Sea breeze: air over the ocean that rushes in to fill the space rising air leaves.
Land breeze: the air that replaces a sea breeze
Conduction: when a heat source and heat sink are connected through matter
Combustion: chemical reaction when something reacts with oxygen
Fire triangle: heat, fuel, oxygen.
Fahrenheit: US way to measure heat. 32 degrees fahrenheit to one degree celsius.
Celsius: was to measure heat outside of the US. The boiling point of water is 100 degrees and the freezing point of water is 0 degrees celsius.
Kelvin: form of measurement for heat that scientists use. Water freezes at 273.15 kelvins and boils at 373.15 Kelvins.
Thermal expansion: when things expand as they heat up.