Vocabulario del Aula/Class Vocabulary
For this week, we are focusing on syllables and how they work together to form words. Each syllable is typically a consonant and a vowel.
In Spanish, nouns are gendered. They are either masculine or feminine. Masculine nouns are “el” words while feminine nouns are “la” words. Verbs are not gendered. The use of the word “gender” with nouns has nothing to do with boys and girls in lists like this.
El lápiz
| Pencil
El borrador
| Eraser
El papel
| Paper
El cuaderno
| Notebook
La carpeta
| Folder
La silla
| Chair
La mesa
| Table
El estuche
| Pencil case
| Studying
escuchar | Listening
11. tener | To have |
12. necesitar | To need |