Definition: A summary of a country’s transactions with the rest of the world.
Composition: Includes two main parts:
Current Account (CA)
Financial Account (FA)
Statistical Discrepancy (SD): Balances out errors to ensure BOP = 0.
Equation: BOP = CA + FA + SD ≡ 0
Importance of Openness: Enables investment in domestic and foreign assets (bonds, equity). Facilitates portfolio diversification and speculation on foreign interest rates and foreign exchange (FX) movements.
Foreign Currency Transactions: Involves buying/selling foreign assets which implies trading foreign currencies.
Definition: Records net payments to/from the rest of the world (transactions above the line).
Equation: CA = NX + NIB = Trade Balance + Net Income Balance
Net Exports (NX): Exports (X) - Imports (IM)
Net Income Balance (NIB): Income received - Income paid
CA Surplus: CA > 0, indicating the country is lending to the rest of the world.
CA Deficit: CA < 0, indicating borrowing from the rest of the world.
Definition: Records net foreign holdings of domestic assets (transactions below the line).
Equation: FA = Increase in foreign holdings of US assets - Increase in US holdings of foreign assets + Net Capital Transfers
Net Capital Flows:
FA Balance = Net capital flows which indicates an increase in net foreign indebtedness.
FA Surplus: FA > 0 indicates positive net capital inflows.
FA Deficit: FA < 0 indicates negative net capital outflows.
BOP Balancing Equation: The financial account must equal the overall balance so that BOP = CA + FA + SD = 0.
Statistical Discrepancy (SD): It measures the gap between current and financial account transactions; expressed as SD = - (CA + FA).
Current Account:
Exports = $2,500 billion
Imports = $3,122 billion
Trade Balance (Deficit) = -$622 billion
Income Received = $1,200 billion
Income Paid = $1,067 billion
Net Income = $133 billion
Current Account Balance = -$489 billion
Financial Account:
Net Capital Transfers = Unknown
Increase in Foreign Holdings of US Assets = $811 billion
Increase in US Holdings of Foreign Assets = $301 billion
Calculated Financial Account Balance = $519 billion
Statistical Discrepancy = Financial Account - Current Account Balance = $30 billion.
GDP: Measures the value added domestically – a geographic production measure.
GNP: Measures value added by domestic factors of production – a production measure by nationality.
Equation: GNP = GDP + NIB (Net Income Balance)
Significance: For countries with large current account surpluses, GNP can exceed GDP due to substantial foreign asset accumulation.
Investment Decisions: In an open economy, investors allocate their fixed wealth across money and bonds (domestic or foreign).
Choice of Bonds: Depends solely on expected rates of return irrespective of risks/transaction costs.
Illustrative Example:
Investors compare returns on US bonds vs. UK bonds, considering exchange rates and interest rates.
Given: E = 0.79 £/$, US interest rate i = 10%, UK interest rate i* = 12%.
Domestic Bond Return Calculation:
$1 (1 + i) = $1 (1.10) = $1.10.
Foreign Bond Calculation Steps:
Convert $1 to pounds: $1 * E = £0.79.
Return on the UK bond in pounds: £0.79 * (1 + i*) = £0.88.
Convert back to $: £0.88 * (exchange rate) = $1.047.
Conclusion: The US bond has a better return than the UK bond.
Concept: In equilibrium, returns must be equal in an arbitrage scenario. This manifests in the Uncovered Interest Parity (UIP) principle.
UIP states that the difference in expected returns must match the difference in interest rates; all investors will seek the best returns disregarding transaction costs.
Expected Currency Movements:
If i* > i, then the domestic currency is expected to appreciate.
The reverse holds true if i* < i.
Fixed Exchange Rate Dynamics: Under fixed rates, UIP holds under certain credibility conditions to limit inflation and preserve monetary policy independence.
Openness impacts choice between domestic/foreign goods and assets based on relative rates of return and expected currency appreciation.
IS-LM Model Integration:
IS: Y = C(Y-T) + I(Y, r+x) + G + NX(Y, Y*, ε)
LM: r = r5
UIP Relation: i* - i = E0 = (Et+1 - Et) / Et
True/False: The nominal and real exchange rate always move in the same direction.
True/False: A nominal exchange rate of 0.75 implies 0.75 dollars exchange for one euro.
True/False: If the dollar appreciates against the yen, UIP suggests US nominal rates must exceed Japanese rates.