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Vocab Quiz: The Catcher in the Rye

  1. innumerable - adjective, too many to be numbered.

  1. scrawny - adjective, exceptionally thin and slight or meager in body or size.

  1. sadist - noun, a person who takes pleasure in inflicting pain.

  1. falsetto - noun, an artificially high voice.

  1. qualms - noun, a feeling of uneasiness about a point, especially of conscience or propriety.

  1. unscrupulous - adjective, not principled.

  1. pacifist - noun, someone who opposes war or violence as a means of settling disputes.

  1. rostrum - noun, a stage for public speaking.

  1. incognito - adjective, with one's identity concealed.

  1. putrid - adjective, morally corrupt.

  1.  sterling - adjective, conforming to the highest standard.

  2.  blasé - adjective, apathetic to pleasure or excitement.

  1.  inane - adjective, lacking significance, meaning, or point.

  1.  foyer - noun, an entrance hallway.

  1.  nonchalant - adjective, having an air of easy unconcern or indifference.

  1.  digress - verb, to turn aside, especially from the main subject of attention or course of argument.

  1.  pedagogue - noun, a dull, formal, or pedantic teacher.

  1.  provocative - adjective, serving or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate.

  1.  harrowing - adjective, acutely distressing or painful.

  1.  reciprocal - adjective, shared, felt, or shown by both sides.

  1.  scraggy - adjective, rough, jagged appearance.

 22. tiff - noun, a petty quarrel


Vocab Quiz: The Catcher in the Rye

  1. innumerable - adjective, too many to be numbered.

  1. scrawny - adjective, exceptionally thin and slight or meager in body or size.

  1. sadist - noun, a person who takes pleasure in inflicting pain.

  1. falsetto - noun, an artificially high voice.

  1. qualms - noun, a feeling of uneasiness about a point, especially of conscience or propriety.

  1. unscrupulous - adjective, not principled.

  1. pacifist - noun, someone who opposes war or violence as a means of settling disputes.

  1. rostrum - noun, a stage for public speaking.

  1. incognito - adjective, with one's identity concealed.

  1. putrid - adjective, morally corrupt.

  1.  sterling - adjective, conforming to the highest standard.

  2.  blasé - adjective, apathetic to pleasure or excitement.

  1.  inane - adjective, lacking significance, meaning, or point.

  1.  foyer - noun, an entrance hallway.

  1.  nonchalant - adjective, having an air of easy unconcern or indifference.

  1.  digress - verb, to turn aside, especially from the main subject of attention or course of argument.

  1.  pedagogue - noun, a dull, formal, or pedantic teacher.

  1.  provocative - adjective, serving or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate.

  1.  harrowing - adjective, acutely distressing or painful.

  1.  reciprocal - adjective, shared, felt, or shown by both sides.

  1.  scraggy - adjective, rough, jagged appearance.

 22. tiff - noun, a petty quarrel
