Development is:
Multi-directional: losses and gains at every age
Plastic: within-person variability
Foetal brain is a dynamic structure
Affects of Poverty
Increased stress
Fewer but more hostile interactions
External environmental risks
Serious developmental risks
The range of possible intellectual ability is largely genetically predetermined, however, where on that range one is going to end up is going to be affected by the environmental factors. Growing up in a restricted, more poor environment might lead to not fulfilling the intellectual potential, by contrast to growing up in an enriched environment where that fulfilment is easier and therefore more likely.
Due to unique genetic makeup, we respond differently to the same environments, but same genes also respond differently to same environments when exposed at different periods of development
Teratogens: harmful environmental agents/conditions that impair prenatal development and lead to death, birth defects, or later emotional, behavioural, and/or intellectual impairments; due to key stages of prenatal period, same agents can harm foetus in different ways.
Teratogens Risk Factors:
Hereditary: alcohol dehydrogenase gene
Interaction effects: no safe thresholds for alcohol and marijuana
Timing: sensitive and critical periods
Environmental interactions: low SES, smoking, developmental delays
In terms of development, 7% is purely environmental, 20-25% is purely genetic, and around 70% is mixed or multifactorial
Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders is a group of conditions that occur in babies when a mother drinks alcohol during pregnancy. Alcohol exposure in the womb can cause lifelong physical, behavioural, and cognitive disabilities.
There is no safe/no-risk level of alcohol consumption during pregnancy (NHMRC).
Results from exposure to alcohol:
1 - 3 per day: ARND (Alcohol-Related Neurodevelopmental Disorder) or Foetal Alcohol Effects
> 3 per day in early pregnancy: Foetal Alcohol Syndrome
Expression of FAS depends on:
Timing of alcohol consumption relative to the stage of foetal development
Dose and frequency of consumption
Socio-behavioural risk factors
Infant brain is only 25% of adult brain weight at birth, however by the time a child reaches 2 years old the brain reaches 80% of the adult brain weight. It is attributed to the dendrite growth and myelination. Brain development is determined by maturation and stimulation.
The sooner an infant is taken out of the deprived environment, the less effect it is going to have on their cognitive development.