linked genes tend to be inherited together more than unlinked genes (which are on separate chromosomes)
recombination frequencies can be used to create genetic maps that show the distance between genes on a chromosomes
autosomes - chromosomes that are not directly involved in sex determinations
sex chromosomes - involved in sex determinations and genes have different inheritance patterns than autosomes
sex-linked genes - genes that are located on sex chromosomes
multiple gene inheritance - these traits wouldn’t follow the ratios predicted by mendelian laws
nonnuclear inheritance - genes on the mitochondria or chloroplast DNA don’t follow the inheritance patterns seen in genes located on nuclear DNA
eggs/ovules are larger —> contribute more mtDNA than sperm/pollen
ovules contribute more cpDNA than pollen
traits on nn DNA demonstrate maternal inheritance
phenotype = genotype + environment
environment could affect gene expression and the resulting phenotype of an organism
ex) different pH levels affect flower color, exposure to UV light affect melanin
phenotypic plasticity - ability of the same genotypes to produce different phenotypes in response to different environmental factors