Periodontal disease


Periodontal ligament -pillow for the tooth

No probing, with dental probe, greater than 3mm (this information varies between textbooks)

 like an orange peel

Pink ( on a white person )

Periodontal disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults

Biofilm-  (enzyme and toxin production)

Calculus and plac

Other risk factors alter the body’s response to bacteria that are present in the mouth

Pus (exudate) around the teeth or gingival tissues

Symptoms may be localized; affecting less than 30% of teeth

or generalized, 30% or more of the dentition.

Chronic inflammatory periodontal disease may significantly affect health conditions such as coronary heart disease, stroke, or preterm birth

Chronic inflammation appears to do harm to the entire body

Cardiovascular disease

•Individuals with periodontal disease have a greater incidence of coronary heart disease (3x stroke, 3.6x heart disease)

Preterm/low birth weight (PLBW)

•Women with severe periodontal disease have seven times the risk of PLBW infants (less than 5.5lbs and less than 37 weeks gestation)





Respiratory disease

•Individuals with periodontal disease may be at increased risk for respiratory infection


Other related conditions:

  Alzheimer’s Disease



  GI disease


•Gingivitis ( gums)

•Periodontitis ( bone)


Other types of gingivitis are associated with the following:

• Puberty

• Pregnancy

• Use of birth control medications

•Gingivitis is painless and often goes unrecognized until a dental professional emphasizes its importance

•Improved daily oral hygiene will reverse gingivitis


•Periodontitis means “inflammation of the supporting tissues of the teeth”

•Extension of the inflammatory process from the gingiva into the connective tissue and alveolar bone that supports the teeth

•Progression of periodontitis involves the destruction of connective tissue attachment at the most apical portion of a periodontal pocket

Didn't manage gingivitis

Same idea as a splinter

Classifications systems

•Staging system

•Grading system


Stage I–Stage IV



•Extent and distribution

Tooth loss, probing depth from chart

Grading chat

•Grade A: Slow rate of progression

•Grade B: Moderate rate of progression

•Grade C: Rapid rate of progression

Bone Loss over 5 years, modifiers

•Periodontal disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults

•Almost all adults and many children have calculus on their teeth

Chapter 16 – student work book, watch staging and grading video
