ID Quiz unit 3 APUSH
First Great Awakening George Whitefield The Enlightenment John Locke French and Indian War Proclamation of 1763* Zenger Trial Stamp Act 1765* Townshend Acts Nonimportation Boston Massacre Intolerable Acts | Battles of Lexington and Concord Sons of Liberty Daughters fo Liberty Olive Branch Petition Thomas Paine Republicanism Republican Motherhood Battle of Saratoga Ben Franklin Treaty of Paris 1783* Pontiac’s Rebellion | Land Ordinance Northwest Ordinance Shays’ Rebellion New Jersey Plan Virginia Plan 3/5 Compromise Suffrage Manumission Federalists Anti-Federalists The Federalist Papers |
First Great Awakening George Whitefield The Enlightenment John Locke French and Indian War Proclamation of 1763* Zenger Trial Stamp Act 1765* Townshend Acts Nonimportation Boston Massacre Intolerable Acts | Battles of Lexington and Concord Sons of Liberty Daughters fo Liberty Olive Branch Petition Thomas Paine Republicanism Republican Motherhood Battle of Saratoga Ben Franklin Treaty of Paris 1783* Pontiac’s Rebellion | Land Ordinance Northwest Ordinance Shays’ Rebellion New Jersey Plan Virginia Plan 3/5 Compromise Suffrage Manumission Federalists Anti-Federalists The Federalist Papers |