HLTH 143 Test 1

1.        What are the characteristics of a team?

a.        Doing their job, communication, trust, good leadership, teamwork

2.        Define interprofessional practice.

a.        Practice of approaching patient care from a team based perspective

3.        List the member of the health care team and their responsibilities.

a.        AT: acute emergency care, collaborate with physician

b.        MD: ultimate medical authority

c.        EMT: transportation, work under medical oversight, basic medical care

d.        Medic: prehospital and out of hospital setting, airway, cardiac care

e.        RN: provides health are patients, under direction of a MD

f.           Pharmacist: prepare and dispense medication, wellness screening

g.         PT: movement, patient education

h.        Orthopedic tech.: apply and remove cast, assist during clinical visits

Medical Terminology

1.        Be able to define or select all the medical terms on the lecture slides.

a.        Cardiac: heart

b.        Cyanosis: skin turning blue

c.        Diagnosis: specific injury/injury

d.        Etiology: cause of injury (acl tear: plantar flexion of the foot + internal rotation of tibia)

e.        Pathology: nature of disease and its cause/development

f.           Hyper: above average

g.         Hypo: below average

h.        Syncope: to faint


Universal Precautions

1.        What is a blood-borne pathogen (BBP)?

a.        Microorganism that causes disease in humans

2.        List where BBPs can be found.

a.        Semen, vaginal secretion, cerebrospinal fluid, synovial fluid in joints, any fluid contaminated w/ blood

3.        What are the three most common BBPs?   

a.        HIV, Hepatitis B, Hapatitis C

4.        List examples of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

a.        Glove, goggles, mask, gowns, mouthpiece

5.        What does OSHA stand for? What do they do?

a.        Occupational safety and health administration. Assure safe and healthy working conditions by providing training, outreach education and assistance

6.        List the types of supplies and equipment healthcare facilities should have.

a.        Disinfectant, red containers and biohazard bags, sharp containers

7.        What are the steps of a Reporting Exposure Plan?

a.        Clean area with soap and water

b.        Determine severity of exposure

c.        Report to supervisor

d.        Referral to MD

e.        Post exposure eval and follow up

f.           Training

g.         recordkeeping

8.        What are the steps for caring for an open wound?

a.        Control bleeding Clean woundMedicateDress the woundrefer to physician for sutures if necessary

9.        List the pressure points in the body to control bleeding.

a.        brachial (between bicep and triceps)

b.        femoral artery (crease of the hip)

Legal Responsibility

1.        What are the three legal responsibilities of health care professionals (HCPs)?

a.        Obtaining patient consent

b.        Maintaining patient confidentiality

c.        Document records and reports

2.        Define the following terms and describe the criteria for each –

a.        Consent: person who is alert, rational and capable of making informed decisions (children cannot give consent)

b.        Informed: oral consent from patient/guardian

c.        Expressed: does something to comply with consent (rolls up sleeve to give blood)

d.        Implied: when patient is not capable of giving consent; situation is urgent

3.        Define the Good Samaritan Law

a.        Protect HPC and emergency personnel from being sued because of providing help to a victim during and emergency situation

b.        What are the five elements of the Good Samaritan Law?

                                                                                             i.         Incident must be an emergency

                                                                                          ii.         Act of rendering care must be voluntary

                                                                                       iii.         Person receiving care must be accepting of it (expressed or implied consent)

                                                                                       iv.         Care provided must be a good faith effort to help

                                                                                          v.         Provider must not receive reimbursement for any care provided

4.        List the types of confidentiality rules in health care.

a.        Protected Health Information (PHI) – individually identifiable health information, protected by federal law

b.        Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA)

c.        Privacy Rule

d.        Security rule

e.        Notice of privacy practices

f.           Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act

5.        What is a patient care report?

a.         Legal document recording all aspects of care from initial assessment to arrival at hospital provided to the patient

6.        Know what professionals are mandatory reporters.

a.        Social workers

b.        Teacher, principles and other school personnel

c.        Coaches, athletic directors, athletic staff

d.        Physicians, nurses etc. 

e.        Counselors, therapists, etc.

f.           Child care providers

g.         Medical examiner/coroners

h.        Law enforcement officers

7.        Know the following reporting criteria –

a.        What to report: self-harm, harm to others, child/elder abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence

b.        Who to report to: campus police – blue phone

Planning for Emergencies

1.        Examples of life and limb-threatening emergencies.

a.        Abdominal injuries

b.        Anaphylaxis, bleeding, blunt chest trauma or severe breathing problems

2.        Emergency terms –

a.        Emergencies: unplanned or imminent events that affect the health, safety, or welfare of people and requires a planned response

b.        Catastrophic injuries: severe functional disability, surgery or medical disqualifications

c.        Critical incidents: unexpected traumatic events involving personal or professional threat that evokes extreme stress, fear or injury

d.        Traumatic events: person experience event that involves actual, threatened or perceived death/injury

3.        What is the purpose of an EAP?

a.        Allows everyone to know their roles and responsibilities in the case of emergencies

4.        What are the main components of an EAP?


a.        Personnel

                                                                                             i.         Roles & responsibilities

b.        Supplies and equipment

c.        Communication

d.        Venue directions

Vital Signs

1.        How do HCPs assess level of consciousness?

a.        AVUP: alert, verbal, pain, unresponsive and ACDU: alert, confusion, drowsy, unresponsive

2.        What vital signs are assessed during an emergency?

a.        Pulse, respiration, BP, temp, pupils, capillary refill

3.        How long and how often are they assessed during an emergency?

a.        Every 10 minutes for at least 30 minutes

4.        Know normal ranges, how to assess, name of equipment, special considerations for the following vital signs –

a.        Pulse: 60-100; axillary, carotid, dorsal

b.        Respiration rate: 12-20 in adult, 20-25 in children

c.        Blood pressure: measured with sphygmomanometer 80/120 (systolic: 90-130; diastolic: 60-90)

d.        Temperature: 98.2-98.6

e.        Eyes: PERRL: light reflex, tracking ability, depth perception

f.           Capillary Refill: fingers and toes on nail and palm side
