Untitled Flashcards Set

Nationalism - Loyalty to people who share common bonds or ancestry


Hapsburg: Ruling Family

Ruler of Austria 1888-1916: Franz Josef

3 reason of Hapsburg Fall - 7 weeks war, Austria-Hungary, World War 1

2 things that ended Romanov Dynasty - World War 1, Russian Revolution

Last Czar of Russia - Nicholas II

Ruling family of Russia- Romanovs

Breakup of the Ottoman Empire broke up and left the largest ethnic group? - Turkey

What state led to the unification of Italy? - Sardinia

King of Sardinia - Victor Emmanuel II

New appointed prime minister Italy - Cavour

Garibaldi's private army - Redshirts

4 stages of Italian unification - 1. Northern Italy (Need to defeat Austria with France’s help from Austria) 2. Get Venice as a gift from Prussia 3. Southern Italy 4. Rome ad the Papal states

Rome became capital of Italy in addition to the papal states

State that leads German Unification - Prussia

King of Prussia that leads unification - William I

Appoints chancellor to unify Germany - Bismarck

Land owning nobilities - Junkers

German work for King - Krunch

German word for Emperor- Kaizer

Danish War 1864

War with Austria after creating the border dispute - 7 weeks war

War with France - Franco-Prussian War

2 German Generals who pulled of the victories in these wars - Moltke and Roon

Bismark creates the Alliance system and creates Triple Alliance - Germany, Austria, Italy

Triple Entente -Russia, France, Great Britain

By 1871, Germany and Great Britain were the strongest countries

Industrial Revolution - Greatly increased output of machines made goods that began in England in 1700’s

Began in Great Britain

Began with clothes and textiles

Cotton gin and Steam Engine

Why did it begin in Great Britain - 1. Had rivers for inland transportation 2. Harbors for exports and imports 3. Large population 4. Political stability 5. Water and coal abundance 6. Iron ore 7. Great banking system already in place 8. Friendly parliament

British reform law of the 19th century - Mines Act, 10 Hours Act, Factory Act, Prohibited women and children from working in the mines

When workers refuse to work - Strike

When workers join together to join labor associations - Union

Large buildings that house machines of the Industrial Revolution - Factories

Person who manages, organizes, and takes on risk of a business - Entrepreneur

2 ways railroads revolutionized life in Great Britain - 1. Created jobs 2. People traveled 3. PRomoted industry 4. Promoted the agricultural and fishing industries

No gov. Intervention in business - Laissez Faire

City Building and movement of people to cities - Urbanization

Poor living conditions in British industrial cities - Trash, disease, lack of city planning

3 positive effects of the Industrial Revolution - 1.Education 2. Jobs 3. Hope 4. National Wealth 5. Technological progress 6. Raise standard of living

Rights of ownership in a company - Stock

A business owned by stockholders - Corporation

The ‘workers’ or ‘have nots’ - Proletariat

Founder of Communism - Carl Marx

23 page pamphlet written by Marx - Communist Manifesto

Complete form of socialism where means of production would be owned by the people - Communism

2 key things of Capitalism - Privately owned, for profit

Considered of capitalism - Adam Smith

Adam Smith’s book - Wealth of Nations

3 natural laws of economics - 1. Supply and demand 2. Self interest 3. Competition

Wrote an essay on the principle of population - Thomas Malthus

  • Malthus: Proposed that population growth would always outpace food supply, leading to inevitable famine and societal challenges.
