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Ethics - [A]rc Presentations

Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)

  • Born into Southern Nepal Royal Family — promised to be Great Leader or Great Religious leader

  • Story

    • Locked into the palace as he grew up

    • Chariot rides around kingdom

      • Old Person, Sick Person, Dead Person

      • Encounter with an Ascetic (religious)

    • Joined group of ascetics

      • Did not find his answers

    • Set off towards Bodhi tree: meditated for sic days

      • Developed middle path between extreme poverty and extreme indulgence

  • Philosophy

    • Reincarnation of suffering (samsara)

    • 4 noble truths: suffering due to attachment (care, desire)

      • Eightfold Path

Martin Luther

  • German

  • Man of many talents and job titles

  • Lived in times of greed, corruption of church, ignorance

  • Pivoted to a monk lifestyle

    • Why?

  • Impact

    • 95 Theses: criticism of church indulgences

    • Vernacular bible — amplified by printing press

    • Protestant Reformation - focus on faith over good works

  • Ethics

    • Spiritual over physical

    • Salvation from faith and grace alone

    • Scripture had highest authority

Thomas Robert Malthus

  • Ideas of population growth and resource scarcity

    • Population growth = geometric growth (exoponential)

    • Agriculture growth = arithmetic growth (linear)

  • Top English economist

  • Impacted democracy and social policy

  • Population undermines social progress

  • No regulation of reproduction → bad

  • Supply/demand

  • Value, rent, population

  • Related to climate change, poverty rate

Nicolaus Copernicus

  • Rich Polish family background (merchants)

  • Good education

  • Major in liberal arts, astronomy, and astrology

  • Heliocentric theory

    • Refuted geocentric (Earth center)

    • Problem: planets moved backward

    • More accurate way to tell time

    • Basis for Gregorian calendar

  • Ethics

    • Challenged existing beliefs and authority structures

    • Evidence-based reasoning

    • Renaissance era: pursuit of truth

David Hume (me)

Catherine of Siena

  • Visions

  • Stigmata → Markings of Christ

  • Physical Suffering

  • Ended Avignon Papacy

    • Convinced people to return to prayer

  • Philosophy

    • Humility, Love, Obedience to God, United through prayer, Active service

  • Many writings offering guidance and advice, pursuit of morality

  • The Dialogue - conversations of Catherine and God

    • Shaped feminine spirituality

  • Canonized a saint


  • Notable Chinese philosopher

  • Five Classics important to Confucianism

    • Book of Changes - divination text

    • Book of Documents - rhetorical proses

    • Classic of Poetry - collection of ancient Chinese poetry

    • Book of Rites - traditions of Zhou dynasty

    • Spring and Autumn Annals - chronicle of state of Liu

  • Commoner school → six arts

  • Golden rule

  • Main philosophies

    • Benevolence, Propriety (Etiquette), Filial piety (respect elders), Faithfulness, Righteousness (integrity)

Niccoló Machiavelli

  • Born to prominent wealthy family in Florence

  • Placed in charge of republic’s foreign affairs - diplomatic missions

  • Wrongly suspected of assassination attempt against Medicis

  • Condemned the government and clergy

  • Disapproved of the Medici regime

  • Advised for Pope to revive republic

  • The Prince

    • Pragmatic guide for new princes

    • Bad rep for violence and tyranny

    • Based on Roman and Greek philosophical ideas

  • “Ends always justify the means” → Machiavellian

    • “Amoral opprtunist” - Shakespeare

  • Better feared than loved

  • Strive to appear virtuous if possible


  • Born in Greece

  • Studied at Plato’s Academy

  • Traveled to Asia Minor after Plato death

  • Lyceum and libraries

  • Tutor of Alexander the Great

  • Eudaimonia

    • Well-being or happiness

    • Social relationships and community should partner to pursue common good

  • Nicomachean Ethics (extended teachings of Socrates and Plato)

  • Docusesn on nature of human action and ethics

  • Golden mean

  • Cirtue ethics

  • Basis of Western philosophical thought


  • Born in Latium, Italy to wealthy family

  • Military service

  • Lawyer

  • Quaetor (financial institution)

  • Invited to join first triumvirate, rejected

  • Faced brief exile due to exile

  • Key ideas

    • Politicians had no virtue

    • Translated Greek to Latin

    • Skepticism and Stoicism

    • Question of how much value does virtue have

    • No skeptic to politics

    • Gods existed and loved humans

    • Human decorum

    • Reason

    • Following natural law (arises from reason)

Jeremy Bentham

  • Philosophist

  • Utilitarianism — specific actions are right because they give happiness to max people

  • British

  • Frustrated with English law

  • At confliction with status quo of society

  • Focuses on principle of utility

  • Good → happiness

  • Punishment creates more evil

  • Welfare economics

  • Wrote pamphlets

  • Colonialism = detrimental

  • Gender/sexual equality

  • Animals should not suffer unless it benefits society

John Locke

  • Puritans

  • British (?)

  • Admitted to Christ Church for college

  • Two Treatises of Government argued against general monarchy

  • Fled to Netherlands (suspected of Rye House Plot)

  • Studied philosophy in Netherlands

  • Returned to England after glorious revolution

  • Religious tolerance

  • More religions actually keep order instead disrupting it (except catholics and atheists)

    • Contrary to Hobbes

  • Natural Rights and Social Contract

    • Right to life, liberty, property

  • The Human Mind: conscious thinking is sensible

  • “All men are created equal”

St. Thomas Aquinas (a-kwEYE-nus)

  • Combined Theology and Philosophy

  • Taught in Paris, Naples, Rome

  • Fiercely defended unknowns explained by philosophical principles (logic)

  • Defended Catholicism

  • Wrote in textbook style with a twist

  • Socratic method

Hypatia of Alexandria

  • From Egypt

  • Earliest female mathematician

  • Number theory, conics, arithmetic

  • Neoplatonist and seen as pagan

  • Power in Society

    • Connection with city council

    • Influenced many with her involvement in ethical and political life

  • Beliefs

    • Holistic view of ethics, spirituality, science

    • Metaphysical views (rationality and spirituality)

  • Her knowledge of opposition and anti censorship led to her death

René Descartes

  • “I think therefore I am”

  • French

  • Parents = farmers

  • Grew up Catholic in a mostly protestant community

  • Enrolled at Jesuit College

  • Studied many topics, most importantly Aristotle

  • Law degree at Poitiers in 1616

  • Went to netherlands to study math and architecture

  • Later adulthood

    • Invented analytic geometry and deductive reasoning in Bohemia

    • Esoteric knowledge

    • Wrote treatises in Paris

  • Works

    • Rules for the Direction of the Mind (deductive reasoning)

      • Accept nothing as true, divide problems to simple parts, Work small to large, check

    • The World

      • Heliocentric model

    • Discourse on the Method

      • Written in vernacular

      • 4 moral laws

      • Knowledge as a tree

    • Meditations on First Philosophy

      • Methodic doubt, question everything

Thomas Hobbes

  • Born in England

  • Father abandoned him

  • Worked for a rich family after earning degree at Oxford

  • Connected with the king and parliament

  • Acquainted with Parisian scientists and philosophers

  • Pioneered theories in ethics

  • The Elements of Law

    • Text starting a pattern of discussion on mind and knowledge

  • De Cive: Liberty, Empire, Religion, Argues Aristotle (humans are unsuited to political life)

  • De Corpore: Logic, language, method, metaphysics, math, physics

  • De Mine: physiology, optics

  • Leviathan (leh-v-EYE-ah-thun): civil obligations of Christian believers

    • Believers do not endanger their faith by obeying a sovereign

    • Influenced future of political philosophy (church/state symbiosis)

  • Empiricist

  • AP Euro supplement:

    • Anti-enlightened assumptions

    • English Civil War displayed chaos, disorder, and danger

      • Beheading of a king

      • People massacring each other

      • Hobbes lived through this, impacted his views

      • Lenses are different; varying views

    • Humans: dominated by passion, appetites, and physical needs (mechanistic)

    • Satisfy needs at expense of other men (selfish/individualistic)

    • State of nature = constant warfare

      • Selfish needs drive war

    • Solution: social contract giving up power to an absolute ruler

      • Why give democracy to people when people are selfish

    • Absolute ruler wants power and wealth

      • Needs to be careful, be good to the people to continue his rule

      • Interests of the ruler aligns with the people to prevent overthrow

    • State of nature is worse than tyranny

Lady Anne Conway

  • Enlightenment era

  • Professor at Cambridge

  • Monistic metaphysics (everything is from one)

  • Converted to Quakerism

  • Continuum of being

  • Strive towards perfection

Mary Wollstonecraft

  • English philosopher, author, women rights activist

  • Relationships damaged her reputation

  • Feminist and Philosopher: Vindication of the Rights of Woman

  • Gender equity is necessary

    • Basic human rights

    • Equality in understanding society

    • Moral reasoning and decision making

    • Helps society as a whole

      • Better parenting

      • Advancements with equal education

Ethics - [A]rc Presentations

Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)

  • Born into Southern Nepal Royal Family — promised to be Great Leader or Great Religious leader

  • Story

    • Locked into the palace as he grew up

    • Chariot rides around kingdom

      • Old Person, Sick Person, Dead Person

      • Encounter with an Ascetic (religious)

    • Joined group of ascetics

      • Did not find his answers

    • Set off towards Bodhi tree: meditated for sic days

      • Developed middle path between extreme poverty and extreme indulgence

  • Philosophy

    • Reincarnation of suffering (samsara)

    • 4 noble truths: suffering due to attachment (care, desire)

      • Eightfold Path

Martin Luther

  • German

  • Man of many talents and job titles

  • Lived in times of greed, corruption of church, ignorance

  • Pivoted to a monk lifestyle

    • Why?

  • Impact

    • 95 Theses: criticism of church indulgences

    • Vernacular bible — amplified by printing press

    • Protestant Reformation - focus on faith over good works

  • Ethics

    • Spiritual over physical

    • Salvation from faith and grace alone

    • Scripture had highest authority

Thomas Robert Malthus

  • Ideas of population growth and resource scarcity

    • Population growth = geometric growth (exoponential)

    • Agriculture growth = arithmetic growth (linear)

  • Top English economist

  • Impacted democracy and social policy

  • Population undermines social progress

  • No regulation of reproduction → bad

  • Supply/demand

  • Value, rent, population

  • Related to climate change, poverty rate

Nicolaus Copernicus

  • Rich Polish family background (merchants)

  • Good education

  • Major in liberal arts, astronomy, and astrology

  • Heliocentric theory

    • Refuted geocentric (Earth center)

    • Problem: planets moved backward

    • More accurate way to tell time

    • Basis for Gregorian calendar

  • Ethics

    • Challenged existing beliefs and authority structures

    • Evidence-based reasoning

    • Renaissance era: pursuit of truth

David Hume (me)

Catherine of Siena

  • Visions

  • Stigmata → Markings of Christ

  • Physical Suffering

  • Ended Avignon Papacy

    • Convinced people to return to prayer

  • Philosophy

    • Humility, Love, Obedience to God, United through prayer, Active service

  • Many writings offering guidance and advice, pursuit of morality

  • The Dialogue - conversations of Catherine and God

    • Shaped feminine spirituality

  • Canonized a saint


  • Notable Chinese philosopher

  • Five Classics important to Confucianism

    • Book of Changes - divination text

    • Book of Documents - rhetorical proses

    • Classic of Poetry - collection of ancient Chinese poetry

    • Book of Rites - traditions of Zhou dynasty

    • Spring and Autumn Annals - chronicle of state of Liu

  • Commoner school → six arts

  • Golden rule

  • Main philosophies

    • Benevolence, Propriety (Etiquette), Filial piety (respect elders), Faithfulness, Righteousness (integrity)

Niccoló Machiavelli

  • Born to prominent wealthy family in Florence

  • Placed in charge of republic’s foreign affairs - diplomatic missions

  • Wrongly suspected of assassination attempt against Medicis

  • Condemned the government and clergy

  • Disapproved of the Medici regime

  • Advised for Pope to revive republic

  • The Prince

    • Pragmatic guide for new princes

    • Bad rep for violence and tyranny

    • Based on Roman and Greek philosophical ideas

  • “Ends always justify the means” → Machiavellian

    • “Amoral opprtunist” - Shakespeare

  • Better feared than loved

  • Strive to appear virtuous if possible


  • Born in Greece

  • Studied at Plato’s Academy

  • Traveled to Asia Minor after Plato death

  • Lyceum and libraries

  • Tutor of Alexander the Great

  • Eudaimonia

    • Well-being or happiness

    • Social relationships and community should partner to pursue common good

  • Nicomachean Ethics (extended teachings of Socrates and Plato)

  • Docusesn on nature of human action and ethics

  • Golden mean

  • Cirtue ethics

  • Basis of Western philosophical thought


  • Born in Latium, Italy to wealthy family

  • Military service

  • Lawyer

  • Quaetor (financial institution)

  • Invited to join first triumvirate, rejected

  • Faced brief exile due to exile

  • Key ideas

    • Politicians had no virtue

    • Translated Greek to Latin

    • Skepticism and Stoicism

    • Question of how much value does virtue have

    • No skeptic to politics

    • Gods existed and loved humans

    • Human decorum

    • Reason

    • Following natural law (arises from reason)

Jeremy Bentham

  • Philosophist

  • Utilitarianism — specific actions are right because they give happiness to max people

  • British

  • Frustrated with English law

  • At confliction with status quo of society

  • Focuses on principle of utility

  • Good → happiness

  • Punishment creates more evil

  • Welfare economics

  • Wrote pamphlets

  • Colonialism = detrimental

  • Gender/sexual equality

  • Animals should not suffer unless it benefits society

John Locke

  • Puritans

  • British (?)

  • Admitted to Christ Church for college

  • Two Treatises of Government argued against general monarchy

  • Fled to Netherlands (suspected of Rye House Plot)

  • Studied philosophy in Netherlands

  • Returned to England after glorious revolution

  • Religious tolerance

  • More religions actually keep order instead disrupting it (except catholics and atheists)

    • Contrary to Hobbes

  • Natural Rights and Social Contract

    • Right to life, liberty, property

  • The Human Mind: conscious thinking is sensible

  • “All men are created equal”

St. Thomas Aquinas (a-kwEYE-nus)

  • Combined Theology and Philosophy

  • Taught in Paris, Naples, Rome

  • Fiercely defended unknowns explained by philosophical principles (logic)

  • Defended Catholicism

  • Wrote in textbook style with a twist

  • Socratic method

Hypatia of Alexandria

  • From Egypt

  • Earliest female mathematician

  • Number theory, conics, arithmetic

  • Neoplatonist and seen as pagan

  • Power in Society

    • Connection with city council

    • Influenced many with her involvement in ethical and political life

  • Beliefs

    • Holistic view of ethics, spirituality, science

    • Metaphysical views (rationality and spirituality)

  • Her knowledge of opposition and anti censorship led to her death

René Descartes

  • “I think therefore I am”

  • French

  • Parents = farmers

  • Grew up Catholic in a mostly protestant community

  • Enrolled at Jesuit College

  • Studied many topics, most importantly Aristotle

  • Law degree at Poitiers in 1616

  • Went to netherlands to study math and architecture

  • Later adulthood

    • Invented analytic geometry and deductive reasoning in Bohemia

    • Esoteric knowledge

    • Wrote treatises in Paris

  • Works

    • Rules for the Direction of the Mind (deductive reasoning)

      • Accept nothing as true, divide problems to simple parts, Work small to large, check

    • The World

      • Heliocentric model

    • Discourse on the Method

      • Written in vernacular

      • 4 moral laws

      • Knowledge as a tree

    • Meditations on First Philosophy

      • Methodic doubt, question everything

Thomas Hobbes

  • Born in England

  • Father abandoned him

  • Worked for a rich family after earning degree at Oxford

  • Connected with the king and parliament

  • Acquainted with Parisian scientists and philosophers

  • Pioneered theories in ethics

  • The Elements of Law

    • Text starting a pattern of discussion on mind and knowledge

  • De Cive: Liberty, Empire, Religion, Argues Aristotle (humans are unsuited to political life)

  • De Corpore: Logic, language, method, metaphysics, math, physics

  • De Mine: physiology, optics

  • Leviathan (leh-v-EYE-ah-thun): civil obligations of Christian believers

    • Believers do not endanger their faith by obeying a sovereign

    • Influenced future of political philosophy (church/state symbiosis)

  • Empiricist

  • AP Euro supplement:

    • Anti-enlightened assumptions

    • English Civil War displayed chaos, disorder, and danger

      • Beheading of a king

      • People massacring each other

      • Hobbes lived through this, impacted his views

      • Lenses are different; varying views

    • Humans: dominated by passion, appetites, and physical needs (mechanistic)

    • Satisfy needs at expense of other men (selfish/individualistic)

    • State of nature = constant warfare

      • Selfish needs drive war

    • Solution: social contract giving up power to an absolute ruler

      • Why give democracy to people when people are selfish

    • Absolute ruler wants power and wealth

      • Needs to be careful, be good to the people to continue his rule

      • Interests of the ruler aligns with the people to prevent overthrow

    • State of nature is worse than tyranny

Lady Anne Conway

  • Enlightenment era

  • Professor at Cambridge

  • Monistic metaphysics (everything is from one)

  • Converted to Quakerism

  • Continuum of being

  • Strive towards perfection

Mary Wollstonecraft

  • English philosopher, author, women rights activist

  • Relationships damaged her reputation

  • Feminist and Philosopher: Vindication of the Rights of Woman

  • Gender equity is necessary

    • Basic human rights

    • Equality in understanding society

    • Moral reasoning and decision making

    • Helps society as a whole

      • Better parenting

      • Advancements with equal education