Venn diagram solutions

AB (Intersection of A and B)

This represents the overlap between sets A and B, where both A and B occur.

AB (Union of A and B)

This represents the area covered by either A or B or both.

A′ (Complement of A)

This represents everything in the universal set U except for A.

AB′ (A and not B)

This represents the part of A that does not overlap with B.

A′B (Not A and B)

This represents the part of B that does not overlap with A.

AB′ (A or not B)

This represents everything that is in A or outside of B.

A′B (Not A or B)

This represents everything that is in B or outside of A.

AB′=(AB)′ (De Morgan's Law)

Everything except the intersection of A and B


Everything outside both A and B
