Night Vision - Dominique Morisseau
Oedipus - Sophocles
The Importance of Being Earnest - Oscar Wilde
The Cherry Orchard - Anton Chekhov
Introductory material for Joe Turner’s Come and Gone a presented in lecture - August Wilson
Definitions of theatre offered in lecture
(Actor + Idea + Audience)/Time
“What to Pay Attention to When Reading a Play” (list of six things)
Character Descriptions/Breakdown
Opening Moments
Closing Moments
Barbara Clayton’s Elements of Production
Spatial Relationships
Fuchs’ Questions for a Small Planet
How does TIME behave on this planet?
What is the CLIMATE of this planet?
What is the MOOD on this planet?
What are the HIDDEN WORLDS on this planet like?
What patterns of sound make up the MUSIC of this planet?
What are the CLASS RULES of this planet?
In what kinds of PATTERNS do people on this planet arrange themselves?
How do figures DRESS on this planet? (APPEARANCE)
How do figures INTERACT on this planet?
Who has POWER on this planet?
What are the LANGUAGE HABITS on this planet?
Aristotle’s Six Elements of Drama
Selections from Aristotle’s The Poetics
an imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude
[written] in language embellished* with each kind of artistic ornament
in the form of action, not of narrative
through pity and fear affecting the proper purgation of these emotions.
Selection from Wilson’s The Ground on Which I Stand
Fortunes rise for central character
employs exaggerated characters and situations
depends on an intimate familiarity with the model of the parody
mocks weaknesses and exposes problems
uses visual images, language, symbols, and situations from the model of the
Fortunes fall for central character
Combination of a tragedy and a comedy
a way of thinking, a school of thought in international relations, an artistic movement, or a philosophical viewpoint
The ten-minute play
“For me, ten minutes leaves nothing to do but scratch the surface, and yet ten minutes also makes a matter and story extremely urgent. We don’t have a lot of time, so we have to get right at the heart of the matter.”
Representational acting
illusion that the artist represents life
utilizes fourth wall
performer focused
audience is passive observer
Presentational acting
no attempt to hide theatrical “tricks”
actor knows the audience is present
audience focused
passivity of the audience is challenged
Fatal Flaw
A tragic flaw (or sometimes an error in judgement) that contributes to a character’s downfall
In the context of tragic drama, catharsis is the process of purging emotions of pity and fear within an audience by the action of the play
Ultimately, catharsis is an emotional experience that (hopefully) leads to a feeling of renewal born from the purging of emotions
Unity of plot
“. . . the structural union of the parts being such that, if any one of them is displaced or removed, the whole will be disjointed and disturbed.”
Epigrams invert traditional platitudes through clever turns of phrase
meaning that is implied or even explicit that does not match (or complicates) the words being spoken
Fourth wall
The fourth wall is the theatrical convention that there is an invisible, imaginary “wall” that separates actors from an audience
Panoramic focus
a wide field of vision, or the ability to see a broad view
Parallel monologue
when two people speak at the same time without listening to each other
Central character
The CC is in the play
The CC is at the center of things
The CC drives the play’s action and generally has the greatest journey
Main oppositional character
The MOC is in the play
The MOC stands in opposition to the CC’s objective and point of view
The MOC is not the foil
Historian for a play
Types of theatre stages and configurations
Thrust - on three sides
Proscenium - traditional stage
Found space - not on a stage
In the round - on all sides
Colorblind casting
Casting who ever with no change to the story
Color-conscious casting
Casting with importance of the race of the people