economics: the study of how people in society choose to employ scarce resources that have alternative uses in order to produce goods and services now and in the future and distribute to various groups and people in society
how society chooses to deal with scarcity
economics in NOT the study of:
stock markets. bond markets, or other financial markets
it’s not about money or how to make money
it/s not about government or government policies
economics is the systematic framework for making decisions
at the heart of economics is the idea of choice and understanding how individuals make their choices
understanding choice, implies we need to understand the objectives of the decision makers
understanding choice, involves understanding the options that decision makers have
if we understand how people make choices, we might be able to better understand:
the observed movements in the stock markets, bond markets, or other financial markets
what career choices will help me make money
Why did the people in government choose this policy? What were they hoping to achieve?
Thinking Like an Economist: Understanding Choices
cost-benefit principle: people make choices and with each choice there are costs and benefits
opportunity cost principle: before an individual makes a choice, they consider alternatives
thinking on the margin principle: most choices involve a little bit more a little bit less
marginal always means additional
the interdependence principle: how different decisions depend on each other