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Chapter 12 notes

Definition of a Problem:

  • A problem is an obstacle between a current state and a goal, where the solution is not immediately clear (Duncker, 1945; Lovett, 2002).

  • It involves a situation where a goal needs to be achieved, but the path to it isn’t obvious.

The Gestalt Approach to Problem Solving:

  • Introduced in the 1920s, the Gestalt psychologists expanded their interest from perception to learning, problem solving, and attitudes (Koffka, 1935).

  • Problem solving is seen as:

    1. Representation in the Mind: How individuals mentally visualize a problem.

    2. Restructuring: The process of reorganizing this mental representation to find a solution.

Representing a Problem in the Mind:

  • Representation varies among individuals and can differ from the physical presentation of the problem.

  • For example, in a crossword puzzle, people may focus on different sections or types of words, leading to various mental representations.

Influence of Representation on Problem Solving:

  • The Gestalt psychologists believed that the success of solving a problem is significantly influenced by its mental representation.

  • A problem’s solution often depends on how it is represented in the mind.

Example of Problem Representation and Restructuring:

  • Kohler’s problem: Determining the length of segment x in a circle with radius r.

  • The problem is initially represented as a circle with lines creating a triangle.

  • The restructuring involves seeing the triangle as a rectangle with x as the diagonal.

  • Recognizing that the diagonal is equal to the radius, we conclude that the length of x is equal to r.

Key Concept:

  • Restructuring is a pivotal concept in the Gestalt approach, where the perception of the problem changes, leading to a solution without the need for mathematical equations.

Insight in Problem Solving:

  • Definition: Insight is a sudden comprehension or realization that leads to a solution, involving a reorganization of a person’s mental representation of a stimulus, situation, or event (Kounios & Beeman, 2014).

  • Key Components:

    • Restructuring: Corresponds to the reorganization of mental representation.

    • Sudden Comprehension: Aligns with the Gestalt emphasis on the immediate realization of a solution.

Metcalfe and Wiebe’s Experiment:

  • Objective: To differentiate between insight problems (solutions appear suddenly) and noninsight problems (solutions emerge through a methodical process).

  • Method: Participants were given both types of problems and asked to rate their “warmth” (closeness to a solution) every 15 seconds.

  • Findings:

    • Insight Problems: Participants’ warmth ratings remained low until they experienced a sudden jump to a high rating just before solving the problem.

    • Noninsight Problems: Participants’ ratings increased gradually, indicating a steady approach towards the solution.

Examples of Insight Problems:

  1. Triangle Problem: Requiring the repositioning of dots to change the triangle’s orientation.

  2. Chain Problem: Finding a cost-effective way to join chain pieces into a loop with limited funds.

Examples of Noninsight Problems:

  • Algebraic equations that require systematic analysis and application of learned techniques.

Results Interpretation:

  • The experiment showed that insight problem solutions do occur suddenly, as participants were unable to predict their proximity to a solution until just before they found it.

  • In contrast, participants solving algebra problems could sense their gradual progress towards the solution.

Debate Among Modern Researchers:

  • There is ongoing discussion about whether the processes involved in insight problem solving are always distinct from those in analytical, noninsight problem solving.

Obstacles to Problem Solving:

  • Fixation: A major obstacle where focus on specific characteristics prevents finding a solution.

  • Functional Fixedness: A type of fixation where familiar functions or uses of an object hinder problem-solving (Jansson & Smith, 1991).

Examples of Functional Fixedness:

  • Candle Problem (Duncker, 1945): Using a matchbox as a support rather than a container.

  • Two-String Problem (Maier, 1931): Using pliers as a weight to create a pendulum, not just as a tool.

Mental Set:

  • A preconceived notion about how to approach a problem based on past experiences.

  • Can arise from knowledge about usual uses of objects or from the situation created while solving a problem.

Luchins Water Jug Problem (1942):

  • Demonstrates how mental set influences problem-solving.

  • Participants used a formula (B - A - 2C) to solve a series of problems.

  • When presented with simpler solutions (A + C or A - C), those with a mental set were less likely to use them.

Impact of Mental Set:

  • Mental Set Group: Established a mental set for using a specific procedure, leading to less use of simpler solutions.

  • No Mental Set Group: Not exposed to the procedure, used simpler solutions more often.

Gestalt Psychology’s Contribution:

  • Emphasizes that problem-solving depends on the representation of the problem in the mind.

  • This concept has influenced modern research and the information-processing approach to problem-solving.

Newell and Simon’s Problem-Solving Approach:

  • Initial State: The starting conditions of a problem.

  • Goal State: The solution of the problem.

  • Operators: Actions that transition the problem from one state to another, governed by rules.

  • Problem Space: All possible states that could occur when solving a problem.

Tower of Hanoi Problem:

  • Objective: Move discs from the left peg to the right peg, following specific rules.

  • Rules:

    1. Move one disc at a time.

    2. Only move a disc if there are no discs on top of it.

    3. Never place a larger disc on top of a smaller disc.

Problem-Solving as Search:

  • Involves a sequence of choices and steps, creating intermediate states towards the goal state.

  • The process includes establishing subgoals to create intermediate states closer to the goal.

Key Concepts:

  • Means-End Analysis: A strategy to reduce the difference between the initial and goal states.

  • Subgoals: Smaller goals that aid in creating intermediate states, sometimes appearing to increase the distance to the goal state but ultimately leading to the shortest path.


  • Initial State: All three discs are on the left peg.

  • Intermediate State: After moving the smallest disc to the right peg, the two larger discs remain on the left.

  • Goal State: All three discs are on the right peg.

  • Subgoal Example: To free up the medium-sized disc, move the small disc from the middle peg back to the left peg.

Tower of Hanoi & Means–End Analysis:

  • Problem Space: Includes the initial state, goal state, and all possible intermediate states.

  • Optimal Solution Path: The shortest path from the initial to the goal state, which may not be immediately apparent.

Means–End Analysis Strategy:

  • Goal: Reduce the difference between the initial and goal states.

  • Subgoals: Create intermediate states that bring you closer to the goal.

  • Forward Planning: Look ahead to avoid moves that may seem beneficial but ultimately hinder progress.

Application of Strategy:

  • Subgoal 1: Free up the large disc.

  • Subgoal 2: Free up the third peg.

  • Subgoal 3: Move the large disc onto the third peg.

  • Subgoal 4: Free up the medium disc by moving the small disc back to the first peg.

Real-Life Application:

  • Planning a trip with multiple flights, considering factors like layover time and budget constraints.

  • Setting subgoals that may initially seem counterintuitive, such as flying away from the final destination to eventually get closer to it.


  • Demonstrates the practical application of problem-solving strategies in everyday situations.

  • Highlights the importance of subgoals and the ability to adapt strategies when faced with new information or constraints

Mutilated Checkerboard Problem:

  • Problem Statement: Can 31 dominos cover a checkerboard with two opposite corners removed?

  • Key Principle: Each domino covers two squares of different colors.

  • Solution: No, it’s not possible because the two removed corners are of the same color, leaving an imbalance in the count of the two colors.

Influence of Problem Representation:

  • Different representations (blank, colored, labeled with “black and pink,” or “bread and butter”) affect the ease of finding the solution.

  • The “bread and butter” representation led to quicker solutions due to the strong association and contrast between the two elements.

Think-Aloud Protocol:

  • A method where participants verbalize their thought process while solving a problem.

  • Reveals shifts in perception and problem representation, akin to the Gestalt concept of restructuring.

Analogical Transfer:

  • Drawing parallels between the checkerboard problem and a story about pairing up individuals in a village.

  • Understanding the connection between the pairs in the story and the checkerboard squares aids in solving the problem.


  1. Psychological Definition of a Problem:

    • A problem is defined as an obstacle that prevents a person from easily achieving a desired goal. It involves a situation where the solution is not immediately obvious or available.

  2. Gestalt Approach to Problem Solving:

    • The basic principle is that problem-solving is a matter of perceiving the structure of the problem in the right way. It often requires a reorganization or restructuring of this perception.

    • Circle Problem: Illustrates restructuring by recognizing a line as the diagonal of a rectangle, leading to the realization that its length is equal to the radius of the circle.

    • Candle Problem: Demonstrates functional fixedness, where individuals are fixated on the typical function of an object (a box as a container) and fail to see alternative uses (a box as a support).

    • Two-String Problem: Shows how functional fixedness can be overcome by using an object (pliers) in an unconventional way (as a weight to create a pendulum).

    • Water Jug Problem: Highlights how mental sets can lead to a fixation on a particular solving strategy, which may not always be the most efficient.

  3. Insight:

    • Insight is a sudden realization that can lead to a solution of a problem. It involves a reorganization of a person’s mental representation of a problem.

    • Evidence: Experiments like those by Metcalfe and Wiebe show that people solving insight problems have a sudden increase in their “warmth” ratings, indicating a sudden realization of the solution.

  4. Newell and Simon’s Approach:

    • They described problem-solving as a search through a problem space from the initial state to the goal state, using operators to transition between states.

    • Means–End Analysis: Illustrated by the Tower of Hanoi problem, it involves setting subgoals to reduce the difference between the current state and the goal state.

    • Think-Aloud Protocol: A method where individuals verbalize their thought process during problem-solving, providing insight into their cognitive strategies.

  5. Mutilated Checkerboard Experiment:

    • Shows that the way a problem is presented can significantly influence the ability to solve it. Different representations can lead to quicker or slower solutions.

    • Implications: Suggests that the problem space approach must consider how information is presented and perceived, as this can greatly affect the search process within the problem space.

Analogical Problem Solving:

  • Definition: Using the solution to a similar, previously solved problem to guide the solution of a new problem.

  • Effectiveness: Depends on the ability to recognize similarities between the source and target problems.

Analogical Transfer:

  • Target Problem: The new problem that needs to be solved.

  • Source Problem: A problem that shares similarities with the target problem and can suggest a solution.

  • Successful Transfer: Occurs when the solution to the source problem enhances the ability to solve the target problem.

Duncker’s Radiation Problem:

  • Problem Statement: Destroying a tumor with rays without harming healthy tissue.

  • Solution: Use multiple low-intensity rays from different directions to converge on the tumor.

Fortress Story:

  • Analogy: The dictator’s fortress corresponds to the tumor; small groups of soldiers on different roads correspond to the low-intensity rays.

  • Result: Reading the story improved participants’ ability to solve the radiation problem, but many still struggled without a prompt to think about the story.

Three Steps of Analogical Problem Solving:

  1. Noticing: Recognizing the analogous relationship between the source and target problems.

  2. Mapping: Identifying the correspondence between elements of the source problem and the target problem.

  3. Applying: Generalizing the solution from the source problem to the target problem.


  • Noticing and Mapping: These are the most difficult steps, often requiring explicit prompting or training to achieve.

Analogical Encoding:

  • A training procedure that helps individuals notice similarities between problems, facilitating analogical transfer.

Analogical Encoding:

  • Definition: A process where similarities between two problems are identified to facilitate problem-solving.

  • Experiment by Gentner and Goldin-Meadow (2003): Demonstrated that comparing two cases that illustrate a principle can help participants discover similar problem features.

  • Negotiation Strategies: Participants learned about trade-off and contingency strategies and then applied these strategies to new negotiation problems.

  • Results: Participants tended to use the strategy emphasized in the sample cases when presented with a new problem.

Analogy in the Real World:

  • Analogical Paradox: Despite difficulties in laboratory settings, analogies are commonly used in real-world problem-solving.

  • In Vivo Problem-Solving Research: Observational method used to study how people solve problems in natural settings.

  • Findings: Researchers and engineers frequently use analogies during meetings to solve scientific problems and design new products.

Implications for Expertise:

  • Practice and training can enhance problem-solving abilities, leading some individuals to become experts in specific areas

Understanding Expertise in Problem Solving:

1. Acquisition of Expertise:

  • Time Investment: Experts typically invest between 10,000 to 20,000 hours in their domain, leading to a high level of skill and knowledge.

  • Deliberate Practice: This time is spent not just playing or engaging in the activity but also in studying, analyzing, and actively improving their skills.

2. Expert vs. Novice Problem-Solving:

  • Speed and Success: Experts generally solve problems faster and with a higher success rate than novices due to their extensive domain-specific experience.

  • Knowledge and Chunking: Experts possess a vast amount of knowledge and can chunk information based on meaningful patterns, which novices cannot. This was demonstrated in Chase and Simon’s chess study, where masters excelled in memorizing actual game positions due to their ability to recognize and chunk familiar configurations of pieces.

3. Organization of Knowledge:

  • Principle-Based Categorization: Experts organize their knowledge based on underlying principles rather than superficial features. Chi et al.'s study on physics problems showed that experts categorized problems based on principles like conservation of energy, while novices focused on the appearance of diagrams.

4. Analytical Approach:

  • Problem Analysis: Experts spend more time analyzing problems before attempting to solve them. This initial investment in understanding the problem often leads to more effective solutions.

5. Domain-Specific Expertise:

  • Specialization: Expertise is highly domain-specific. Voss et al.'s study on political scientists and chemists highlighted that expertise does not necessarily transfer to unrelated fields.

  • Limitations of Expertise: Being an expert can sometimes be a hindrance, especially when problems require out-of-the-box thinking. Established knowledge can create cognitive biases that make experts less open to novel solutions.

6. Cognitive Processes in Expert Problem Solving:

  • Pattern Recognition: Experts have an enhanced ability to recognize patterns and apply them to solve new problems within their domain.

  • Memory Retrieval: They have efficient retrieval processes that allow them to access relevant information quickly.

  • Mental Simulations: Experts often run mental simulations to predict the outcomes of different problem-solving strategies.

7. Training for Expertise:

  • Analogical Encoding: A technique used to train individuals to notice similarities between problems, enhancing their problem-solving skills.

  • Real-World Application: Analogies are frequently used in professional settings, as shown by Dunbar’s in-vivo problem-solving research, which captures the natural use of analogy in scientific and engineering contexts

Creative Problem Solving:

  • Originality and Utility: Creativity is not just about originality; it also encompasses the usefulness of the solution. The story of Niels Bohr demonstrates that creative answers can sometimes defy conventional expectations, yet they can be practical and grounded in scientific principles.

  • a physics student, who is later revealed to be Niels Bohr, is asked during an exam to explain how to measure the height of a building using a barometer. Instead of providing the expected answer involving barometric pressure differences, the student offers a series of alternative solutions:

    1. String Method: Attach the barometer to a string, lower it from the building’s roof to the ground, and then measure the length of the string.

    2. Gravitational Fall: Drop the barometer from the roof and calculate the building’s height based on the time it takes to reach the ground, using the gravitational constant.

    3. Shadow Proportions: Place the barometer in the sun and measure the lengths of its shadow and the building’s shadow to determine the building’s height using proportions.

Defining Creativity:

  • Divergent Thinking: This form of thinking is characterized by generating multiple unique solutions to a problem. It’s a key aspect of creativity but not the entirety of it.

  • Usefulness: According to Kaufman, for a solution to be considered creative, it must also be useful or have potential value, which aligns with the definition by Smith et al.

Practical Creativity in Inventions:

  • Analogical Problem Solving: Many inventions arise from observing a phenomenon and drawing analogies to solve a problem. George de Mestral’s invention of Velcro and Jorge Odón’s birthing device are prime examples of creativity stemming from analogical thinking.

The Process of Creative Problem Solving:

  • Basadur’s Model: Basadur et al. propose a four-stage process of creative problem solving, starting with problem generation and culminating in solution implementation

    Stage I: Problem Generation

    • Fact Finding: The first step involves gathering information, understanding the context, and identifying the need for a solution.

    • Problem Finding: This step is about defining the actual problem by analyzing the facts and understanding the underlying issues.

    Stage II: Problem Formulation

    • Idea Finding: Once the problem is clearly defined, this phase focuses on generating a wide range of potential solutions through brainstorming and divergent thinking.

    • Problem Definition: Here, the generated ideas are refined and clarified to define the problem more precisely, setting the stage for developing a solution.

    Stage III: Problem Solving

    • Evaluation and Selection: The ideas generated in the previous stage are critically evaluated, and the most promising solutions are selected based on criteria such as feasibility, impact, and innovation.

    • Planning: This step involves developing a detailed plan for implementing the chosen solution, including resources needed, timelines, and action steps.

    Stage IV: Solution Implementation

    • Selling Idea: Before a solution can be implemented, it often needs to be ‘sold’ or presented convincingly to stakeholders to gain their support and commitment.

    • Taking Action: The final step is the actual implementation of the solution, where plans are put into action, and the solution is brought to fruition..

  • Knowledge Base: The Wright brothers’ invention of the airplane showcases that a strong knowledge base is crucial for creative problem solving, as it provides the foundation for generating innovative ideas.

Generating Ideas:

  • Linus Pauling’s Principle: The key to generating ideas is to have many, learning which to discard and which to develop further.

  • Knowledge vs. Flexibility: While knowledge is essential, too much of it can lead to cognitive fixation, hindering creativity. This was evident in the case of Jorge Odón, whose lack of medical expertise allowed him to think outside the box.

Overcoming Preconceptions:

  • Functional Fixedness: Preconceptions can limit creativity, as demonstrated by Steven Smith’s experiment where provided examples influenced participants’ designs.

  • Brainstorming: Group brainstorming can be less effective than individual brainstorming due to social dynamics and cognitive load.

Creative Cognition Technique:

  • Ronald Finke’s Method: Finke’s creative cognition approach encourages individuals to combine random object parts to create novel inventions, fostering divergent thinking and innovation.

1. Deactivating Brain Areas to Increase Creativity:

  • The Nine-Dot Problem: A classic example where individuals often struggle to think beyond perceived boundaries.

  • Experiment by Chi and Snyder (2012): They hypothesized that deactivating the left anterior temporal lobe (ATL), which is involved in pattern recognition, might reduce cognitive constraints and enhance creative thinking.

  • Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS): This method was used to modulate the activity of the ATL, with the cathodal electrode reducing excitability in the left ATL and the anodal electrode increasing it in the right ATL.

  • Results: Participants who received tDCS were more likely to solve the nine-dot problem, suggesting that altering brain activity can impact creative problem-solving abilities.

2. Brain States Favoring Different Types of Problem Solving:

  • Insightful vs. Analytical Problem Solving: Research indicates that different brain states may be conducive to either insightful (sudden, creative solution) or analytical (step-by-step logical analysis) problem solving.

  • Neural Correlates: Insightful problem solving is often associated with a state of relaxation and diffused attention, potentially linked to alpha wave activity in the brain, while analytical problem solving is linked to focused attention and may involve beta wave activity.

3. Brain Networks and Creativity:

  • Default Mode Network (DMN): This network is active when the mind is at rest and not focused on the outside world. It’s associated with daydreaming, imagination, and the generation of new ideas.

  • Executive Control Network: Involved in planning, decision-making, and problem-solving. It’s thought to be engaged during the evaluation and refinement of creative ideas.

  • Salience Network: Helps in switching between the DMN and the Executive Control Network, playing a role in identifying which ideas are worth pursuing

Preparation for Insight and Analytical Problem Solving:

EEG Activity: Before solving problems, EEG activity patterns differ depending on whether the solution will be reached through insight or analytical thinking. Increased frontal lobe activity is associated with insight solutions, while increased occipital lobe activity is linked to noninsight (analytical) solutions1.

Influence of Brain State: The state of the brain prior to encountering a problem can predispose an individual to solve it either through insight or analytical methods1.

Role of the Default Mode Network (DMN) in Creativity:

Mind Wandering and DMN: The DMN is active during mind wandering, which is often seen as a distraction but can also serve a creative function. Mind wandering can facilitate the incubation of ideas, leading to creative insights after a period of rest from focused work2.

Incubation Effect: Baird et al.'s study found that participants who engaged in an easy task, promoting mind wandering, showed a 40% increase in performance on a creative task compared to their baseline. This suggests that mind wandering can enhance creative problem-solving2.

DMN and Originality: Mayseless et al. demonstrated that higher originality in creative tasks correlates with increased activity in the DMN, supporting the idea that the DMN contributes to creative thinking2.

Executive Control Network and Creativity:

Balancing Creativity: While the DMN is associated with generating novel ideas, the executive control network is involved in planning, decision-making, and evaluating these ideas. The interplay between these networks is crucial for the creative process2.

Understanding the ECN and DMN in Creative Thinking

  • Executive Control Network (ECN):

    • Integral to creativity.

    • Directs attention during task performance.

    • Active during the evaluation phase of creative tasks.

  • Default Mode Network (DMN):

    • Typically associated with mind wandering.

    • Also more active during the evaluation phase of creative tasks.

    • Works in conjunction with the ECN during creative thinking.

Coordinated Effort Between ECN and DMN

  • Opposing Functions in Harmony:

    • ECN is usually active during focused tasks.

    • DMN is active during mind wandering.

    • In creativity, they work together to guide thought processes.

  • ECN as a “Traffic Cop”:

    • Guides thoughts in novel directions.

    • Helps avoid unoriginal ideas.

Research Findings by Melissa Ellamil and Roger Beaty

  • Ellamil’s 2012 Study:

    • Showed increased activity in both ECN and DMN during creative evaluation.

    • Suggests a coordinated effort in creative thinking.

  • Beaty’s Research:

    • Found stronger functional connectivity between DMN and ECN in highly creative individuals.

    • Indicates that creative individuals can better manage their imagination for complex idea exploration.

Implications for Creative Process

  • Collaboration Between Networks:

    • Traditionally antagonistic networks collaborate for creativity.

    • Highlights the brain’s adaptability in the creative process.

  • Facilitating Creativity:

    • The brain reconfigures its activity to enable creative thinking.

    • This cooperation is key to the unique nature of creative thinking.

Key Takeaways:

  • The ECN and DMN, though typically serving opposing roles, collaborate during creative tasks, particularly in the evaluation phase.

  • This collaboration may enhance the ability to manage imagination and explore complex ideas, which is crucial for creativity.

  • Understanding the interplay between these networks can provide insights into how to foster creativity in various contexts.

Daydreaming and Mind Wandering:

  • Volitional Daydreaming: Intentionally allowing your mind to wander can lead to creative insights. This deliberate disengagement from external tasks to engage in internal thought is linked to increased creativity.

  • Famous Examples: Historical figures like Charles Darwin and Friedrich Nietzsche used walking as a means to stimulate their minds, leading to creative thoughts and breakthroughs.

  • Research Support: Studies have shown that activities promoting mind wandering, such as walking, can significantly boost creative output.


  • Importance of Alone Time: Solitude can provide the mental space necessary for deep thought and reflection, which are crucial for creativity.

  • Creative Greats: Many renowned creators, including writers and scientists, have found solitude to be a vital component of their creative process.


  • Focused Attention: Mindfulness practices can help center the mind, reduce distractions, and create a conducive environment for creative thinking.

  • Meditation: Engaging in mindfulness meditation can clear the mind and open up new pathways for creative ideas to emerge.

Actions to Enhance Creativity:

  • Take a Break: Step away from your work to reset and refresh your mind.

  • Take a Shower: Use this time for relaxation and to let your thoughts flow freely.

  • Take a Walk: Engage in physical activity to stimulate your brain and encourage divergent thinking.

  • Pay Attention to Mind Wanderings: Be mindful of where your thoughts drift during downtime, as they can be a source of creative inspiration.

The Role of Solitude in Creativity

  • Benefits of Solitude:

    • Provides space for reflection and the formation of new connections.

    • Helps avoid distractions, fostering a conducive environment for focused analytical thinking.

  • Historical Examples of Solitude:

    • Henry David Thoreau: Wrote “Walden” while living in isolation at Walden Pond.

    • Zadie Smith & Jonathan Franzen: Emphasized the importance of having a private workspace.

    • Steve Wozniak & Thomas Edison: Advocated for working alone as a means to foster invention.

  • Balancing Solitude and Collaboration:

    • While solitude is crucial for idea generation, sharing and collaborating are necessary to bring ideas to fruition.

Actions for Embracing Solitude:

  • Create a Distraction-Free Space: Find a place where you can be alone and free from interruptions.

  • Allocate Time for Solitude: Dedicate sufficient time in your space to allow your mind to engage deeply with creative tasks.

Mindfulness and Its Impact on Creativity

  • Understanding Mindfulness:

    • Involves actively noticing new things and paying attention to the present moment.

    • Encourages a nonjudgmental awareness of the unfolding experience.

  • Mindfulness Techniques:

    • Focused Attention (FA) Meditation: Concentrating on a single element, like breathing, to quiet the mind.

    • Open Monitoring (OM) Meditation: Paying attention to all thoughts and sensations without focusing on any particular object.

  • Research on Meditation and Creativity:

    • Studies suggest that OM meditation may be more beneficial for creativity than FA meditation.

    • OM meditation leads to greater activation of the Default Mode Network (DMN), which is associated with creative thinking.

Actions for Practicing Mindfulness:

  • Engage in Regular Meditation: Incorporate meditation into your daily routine to enhance mindfulness.

  • Prefer Open Monitoring Meditation: Choose OM meditation to foster a state conducive to creativity.

Key Takeaways:

  • Solitude is not just about being alone; it’s about creating the mental space necessary for deep creative work.

  • Mindfulness, particularly through OM meditation, can enhance creativity by allowing a free flow of thoughts and ideas.

  • The balance between focused attention and open monitoring can optimize the brain’s networks for creative thinking.

. Analogical Problem Solving:

  • Basic Idea: Using the solution to a similar problem (source problem) to solve a new problem (target problem).

  • Effectiveness: Presenting a source problem without indicating its relation to the target problem is often ineffective as individuals may not make the connection on their own.

2. Duncker’s Radiation Problem:

  • Description: A problem where a doctor must destroy a tumor with rays without harming surrounding tissue.

  • Solution: Use multiple low-intensity rays from different directions to converge on the tumor.

  • Illustration of Analogical Problem Solving: Researchers use this problem to show how analogical thinking can lead to creative solutions.

3. Steps in Analogical Problem Solving:

  • Three Steps:

    1. Noticing the analogous relationship.

    2. Mapping the correspondence between source and target problems.

    3. Applying the mapping to generate a solution.

  • Most Difficult Step: Noticing the analogous relationship is often the most challenging step to achieve.

4. Analogical Encoding:

  • Definition: A process where similarities between two problems are identified to facilitate problem-solving.

  • Strategies:

    1. Comparing two cases that illustrate a principle.

    2. Using stories or examples that highlight the underlying principle.

5. Analogical Paradox:

  • Definition: The discrepancy between the frequent use of analogies in real-world settings and the difficulty of applying them in laboratory research.

  • Real-World Study: In-vivo problem-solving research observes how people solve problems in naturalistic settings.

6. Expertise:

  • Definition: A high level of skill or knowledge in a particular field, often achieved through extensive experience.

  • Differences in Problem Solving: Experts solve problems faster and more successfully within their field but may not perform well outside their expertise.

7. Divergent Thinking and Connectivity:

  • Divergent Thinking: Generating multiple unique solutions to a problem.

  • Connectivity: Related to the brain’s ability to form connections between ideas.

  • Creativity Beyond Originality: Creativity also includes the usefulness and applicability of ideas.

8. Analogical Problem Solving Examples:

  • Velcro: Inspired by the hook-like structure of burrs.

  • Odón Device: A birthing device inspired by a method to extract a cork from a wine bottle.

9. Problem Solving as a Process:

  • Meaning: Problem solving involves a series of steps, from identifying the problem to implementing a solution.

10. Factors in Generating Ideas:

  • Role of Knowledge: A strong knowledge base can aid in idea generation.

  • Brainstorming: Can be effective individually but less so in groups.

  • Creative Cognition Approach: Encourages combining unrelated concepts to generate novel ideas.

    11. Deactivating the Left Anterior Temporal Lobe:

    • Expectation for Increased Creativity:

      • The left anterior temporal lobe (ATL) is associated with recognizing and grouping patterns. Deactivating it might reduce cognitive constraints, allowing for more creative thinking.

    • Chi and Snyder’s Experiment:

      • Used transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) to deactivate the left ATL and activate the right ATL.

      • Participants attempted to solve the nine-dot problem.

      • Results showed an increase in problem-solving success, suggesting enhanced creativity.

    12. Kounios and Coworkers’ Experiment:

    • EEG and Problem Solving:

      • Measured EEG activity before participants saw a problem.

      • Found different brain states preceding insight (sudden realization) and noninsight (analytical) problem solving.

    • Results:

      • Increased frontal lobe activity was linked to insight solutions.

      • Increased occipital lobe activity was linked to noninsight solutions.

    13. Involvement of DMN and ECN in Creativity:

    • Evidence:

      • Studies show that both DMN and ECN are active during creative tasks, particularly during the evaluation phase.

    • Paradox:

      • DMN is associated with mind wandering, while ECN is associated with focused attention.

      • Their joint involvement is paradoxical because they typically have opposing functions but collaborate during creative thinking.

    14. Daydreaming and Solitude:

    • Daydreaming:

      • Volitional daydreaming can lead to creative insights.

      • Famous individuals used activities like walking or showering to enhance mind wandering.

    • Solitude:

      • Provides a distraction-free environment for deep thinking.

      • Many creative individuals, including writers and inventors, have emphasized the importance of solitude for creativity.

    15. Meditation Types and Creativity:

    • Focused Attention (FA) Meditation:

      • Involves concentrating on a single element, such as breathing.

      • Aims to quiet the mind and reduce mind wandering.

    • Open Monitoring (OM) Meditation:

      • Encourages paying attention to all thoughts and sensations without focus.

      • Does not decrease mind wandering and may be more beneficial for creativity.

    • Greater Creativity:

      • OM meditation has been shown to result in greater creativity, likely due to its allowance for a free flow of thoughts.


Chapter 12 notes

Definition of a Problem:

  • A problem is an obstacle between a current state and a goal, where the solution is not immediately clear (Duncker, 1945; Lovett, 2002).

  • It involves a situation where a goal needs to be achieved, but the path to it isn’t obvious.

The Gestalt Approach to Problem Solving:

  • Introduced in the 1920s, the Gestalt psychologists expanded their interest from perception to learning, problem solving, and attitudes (Koffka, 1935).

  • Problem solving is seen as:

    1. Representation in the Mind: How individuals mentally visualize a problem.

    2. Restructuring: The process of reorganizing this mental representation to find a solution.

Representing a Problem in the Mind:

  • Representation varies among individuals and can differ from the physical presentation of the problem.

  • For example, in a crossword puzzle, people may focus on different sections or types of words, leading to various mental representations.

Influence of Representation on Problem Solving:

  • The Gestalt psychologists believed that the success of solving a problem is significantly influenced by its mental representation.

  • A problem’s solution often depends on how it is represented in the mind.

Example of Problem Representation and Restructuring:

  • Kohler’s problem: Determining the length of segment x in a circle with radius r.

  • The problem is initially represented as a circle with lines creating a triangle.

  • The restructuring involves seeing the triangle as a rectangle with x as the diagonal.

  • Recognizing that the diagonal is equal to the radius, we conclude that the length of x is equal to r.

Key Concept:

  • Restructuring is a pivotal concept in the Gestalt approach, where the perception of the problem changes, leading to a solution without the need for mathematical equations.

Insight in Problem Solving:

  • Definition: Insight is a sudden comprehension or realization that leads to a solution, involving a reorganization of a person’s mental representation of a stimulus, situation, or event (Kounios & Beeman, 2014).

  • Key Components:

    • Restructuring: Corresponds to the reorganization of mental representation.

    • Sudden Comprehension: Aligns with the Gestalt emphasis on the immediate realization of a solution.

Metcalfe and Wiebe’s Experiment:

  • Objective: To differentiate between insight problems (solutions appear suddenly) and noninsight problems (solutions emerge through a methodical process).

  • Method: Participants were given both types of problems and asked to rate their “warmth” (closeness to a solution) every 15 seconds.

  • Findings:

    • Insight Problems: Participants’ warmth ratings remained low until they experienced a sudden jump to a high rating just before solving the problem.

    • Noninsight Problems: Participants’ ratings increased gradually, indicating a steady approach towards the solution.

Examples of Insight Problems:

  1. Triangle Problem: Requiring the repositioning of dots to change the triangle’s orientation.

  2. Chain Problem: Finding a cost-effective way to join chain pieces into a loop with limited funds.

Examples of Noninsight Problems:

  • Algebraic equations that require systematic analysis and application of learned techniques.

Results Interpretation:

  • The experiment showed that insight problem solutions do occur suddenly, as participants were unable to predict their proximity to a solution until just before they found it.

  • In contrast, participants solving algebra problems could sense their gradual progress towards the solution.

Debate Among Modern Researchers:

  • There is ongoing discussion about whether the processes involved in insight problem solving are always distinct from those in analytical, noninsight problem solving.

Obstacles to Problem Solving:

  • Fixation: A major obstacle where focus on specific characteristics prevents finding a solution.

  • Functional Fixedness: A type of fixation where familiar functions or uses of an object hinder problem-solving (Jansson & Smith, 1991).

Examples of Functional Fixedness:

  • Candle Problem (Duncker, 1945): Using a matchbox as a support rather than a container.

  • Two-String Problem (Maier, 1931): Using pliers as a weight to create a pendulum, not just as a tool.

Mental Set:

  • A preconceived notion about how to approach a problem based on past experiences.

  • Can arise from knowledge about usual uses of objects or from the situation created while solving a problem.

Luchins Water Jug Problem (1942):

  • Demonstrates how mental set influences problem-solving.

  • Participants used a formula (B - A - 2C) to solve a series of problems.

  • When presented with simpler solutions (A + C or A - C), those with a mental set were less likely to use them.

Impact of Mental Set:

  • Mental Set Group: Established a mental set for using a specific procedure, leading to less use of simpler solutions.

  • No Mental Set Group: Not exposed to the procedure, used simpler solutions more often.

Gestalt Psychology’s Contribution:

  • Emphasizes that problem-solving depends on the representation of the problem in the mind.

  • This concept has influenced modern research and the information-processing approach to problem-solving.

Newell and Simon’s Problem-Solving Approach:

  • Initial State: The starting conditions of a problem.

  • Goal State: The solution of the problem.

  • Operators: Actions that transition the problem from one state to another, governed by rules.

  • Problem Space: All possible states that could occur when solving a problem.

Tower of Hanoi Problem:

  • Objective: Move discs from the left peg to the right peg, following specific rules.

  • Rules:

    1. Move one disc at a time.

    2. Only move a disc if there are no discs on top of it.

    3. Never place a larger disc on top of a smaller disc.

Problem-Solving as Search:

  • Involves a sequence of choices and steps, creating intermediate states towards the goal state.

  • The process includes establishing subgoals to create intermediate states closer to the goal.

Key Concepts:

  • Means-End Analysis: A strategy to reduce the difference between the initial and goal states.

  • Subgoals: Smaller goals that aid in creating intermediate states, sometimes appearing to increase the distance to the goal state but ultimately leading to the shortest path.


  • Initial State: All three discs are on the left peg.

  • Intermediate State: After moving the smallest disc to the right peg, the two larger discs remain on the left.

  • Goal State: All three discs are on the right peg.

  • Subgoal Example: To free up the medium-sized disc, move the small disc from the middle peg back to the left peg.

Tower of Hanoi & Means–End Analysis:

  • Problem Space: Includes the initial state, goal state, and all possible intermediate states.

  • Optimal Solution Path: The shortest path from the initial to the goal state, which may not be immediately apparent.

Means–End Analysis Strategy:

  • Goal: Reduce the difference between the initial and goal states.

  • Subgoals: Create intermediate states that bring you closer to the goal.

  • Forward Planning: Look ahead to avoid moves that may seem beneficial but ultimately hinder progress.

Application of Strategy:

  • Subgoal 1: Free up the large disc.

  • Subgoal 2: Free up the third peg.

  • Subgoal 3: Move the large disc onto the third peg.

  • Subgoal 4: Free up the medium disc by moving the small disc back to the first peg.

Real-Life Application:

  • Planning a trip with multiple flights, considering factors like layover time and budget constraints.

  • Setting subgoals that may initially seem counterintuitive, such as flying away from the final destination to eventually get closer to it.


  • Demonstrates the practical application of problem-solving strategies in everyday situations.

  • Highlights the importance of subgoals and the ability to adapt strategies when faced with new information or constraints

Mutilated Checkerboard Problem:

  • Problem Statement: Can 31 dominos cover a checkerboard with two opposite corners removed?

  • Key Principle: Each domino covers two squares of different colors.

  • Solution: No, it’s not possible because the two removed corners are of the same color, leaving an imbalance in the count of the two colors.

Influence of Problem Representation:

  • Different representations (blank, colored, labeled with “black and pink,” or “bread and butter”) affect the ease of finding the solution.

  • The “bread and butter” representation led to quicker solutions due to the strong association and contrast between the two elements.

Think-Aloud Protocol:

  • A method where participants verbalize their thought process while solving a problem.

  • Reveals shifts in perception and problem representation, akin to the Gestalt concept of restructuring.

Analogical Transfer:

  • Drawing parallels between the checkerboard problem and a story about pairing up individuals in a village.

  • Understanding the connection between the pairs in the story and the checkerboard squares aids in solving the problem.


  1. Psychological Definition of a Problem:

    • A problem is defined as an obstacle that prevents a person from easily achieving a desired goal. It involves a situation where the solution is not immediately obvious or available.

  2. Gestalt Approach to Problem Solving:

    • The basic principle is that problem-solving is a matter of perceiving the structure of the problem in the right way. It often requires a reorganization or restructuring of this perception.

    • Circle Problem: Illustrates restructuring by recognizing a line as the diagonal of a rectangle, leading to the realization that its length is equal to the radius of the circle.

    • Candle Problem: Demonstrates functional fixedness, where individuals are fixated on the typical function of an object (a box as a container) and fail to see alternative uses (a box as a support).

    • Two-String Problem: Shows how functional fixedness can be overcome by using an object (pliers) in an unconventional way (as a weight to create a pendulum).

    • Water Jug Problem: Highlights how mental sets can lead to a fixation on a particular solving strategy, which may not always be the most efficient.

  3. Insight:

    • Insight is a sudden realization that can lead to a solution of a problem. It involves a reorganization of a person’s mental representation of a problem.

    • Evidence: Experiments like those by Metcalfe and Wiebe show that people solving insight problems have a sudden increase in their “warmth” ratings, indicating a sudden realization of the solution.

  4. Newell and Simon’s Approach:

    • They described problem-solving as a search through a problem space from the initial state to the goal state, using operators to transition between states.

    • Means–End Analysis: Illustrated by the Tower of Hanoi problem, it involves setting subgoals to reduce the difference between the current state and the goal state.

    • Think-Aloud Protocol: A method where individuals verbalize their thought process during problem-solving, providing insight into their cognitive strategies.

  5. Mutilated Checkerboard Experiment:

    • Shows that the way a problem is presented can significantly influence the ability to solve it. Different representations can lead to quicker or slower solutions.

    • Implications: Suggests that the problem space approach must consider how information is presented and perceived, as this can greatly affect the search process within the problem space.

Analogical Problem Solving:

  • Definition: Using the solution to a similar, previously solved problem to guide the solution of a new problem.

  • Effectiveness: Depends on the ability to recognize similarities between the source and target problems.

Analogical Transfer:

  • Target Problem: The new problem that needs to be solved.

  • Source Problem: A problem that shares similarities with the target problem and can suggest a solution.

  • Successful Transfer: Occurs when the solution to the source problem enhances the ability to solve the target problem.

Duncker’s Radiation Problem:

  • Problem Statement: Destroying a tumor with rays without harming healthy tissue.

  • Solution: Use multiple low-intensity rays from different directions to converge on the tumor.

Fortress Story:

  • Analogy: The dictator’s fortress corresponds to the tumor; small groups of soldiers on different roads correspond to the low-intensity rays.

  • Result: Reading the story improved participants’ ability to solve the radiation problem, but many still struggled without a prompt to think about the story.

Three Steps of Analogical Problem Solving:

  1. Noticing: Recognizing the analogous relationship between the source and target problems.

  2. Mapping: Identifying the correspondence between elements of the source problem and the target problem.

  3. Applying: Generalizing the solution from the source problem to the target problem.


  • Noticing and Mapping: These are the most difficult steps, often requiring explicit prompting or training to achieve.

Analogical Encoding:

  • A training procedure that helps individuals notice similarities between problems, facilitating analogical transfer.

Analogical Encoding:

  • Definition: A process where similarities between two problems are identified to facilitate problem-solving.

  • Experiment by Gentner and Goldin-Meadow (2003): Demonstrated that comparing two cases that illustrate a principle can help participants discover similar problem features.

  • Negotiation Strategies: Participants learned about trade-off and contingency strategies and then applied these strategies to new negotiation problems.

  • Results: Participants tended to use the strategy emphasized in the sample cases when presented with a new problem.

Analogy in the Real World:

  • Analogical Paradox: Despite difficulties in laboratory settings, analogies are commonly used in real-world problem-solving.

  • In Vivo Problem-Solving Research: Observational method used to study how people solve problems in natural settings.

  • Findings: Researchers and engineers frequently use analogies during meetings to solve scientific problems and design new products.

Implications for Expertise:

  • Practice and training can enhance problem-solving abilities, leading some individuals to become experts in specific areas

Understanding Expertise in Problem Solving:

1. Acquisition of Expertise:

  • Time Investment: Experts typically invest between 10,000 to 20,000 hours in their domain, leading to a high level of skill and knowledge.

  • Deliberate Practice: This time is spent not just playing or engaging in the activity but also in studying, analyzing, and actively improving their skills.

2. Expert vs. Novice Problem-Solving:

  • Speed and Success: Experts generally solve problems faster and with a higher success rate than novices due to their extensive domain-specific experience.

  • Knowledge and Chunking: Experts possess a vast amount of knowledge and can chunk information based on meaningful patterns, which novices cannot. This was demonstrated in Chase and Simon’s chess study, where masters excelled in memorizing actual game positions due to their ability to recognize and chunk familiar configurations of pieces.

3. Organization of Knowledge:

  • Principle-Based Categorization: Experts organize their knowledge based on underlying principles rather than superficial features. Chi et al.'s study on physics problems showed that experts categorized problems based on principles like conservation of energy, while novices focused on the appearance of diagrams.

4. Analytical Approach:

  • Problem Analysis: Experts spend more time analyzing problems before attempting to solve them. This initial investment in understanding the problem often leads to more effective solutions.

5. Domain-Specific Expertise:

  • Specialization: Expertise is highly domain-specific. Voss et al.'s study on political scientists and chemists highlighted that expertise does not necessarily transfer to unrelated fields.

  • Limitations of Expertise: Being an expert can sometimes be a hindrance, especially when problems require out-of-the-box thinking. Established knowledge can create cognitive biases that make experts less open to novel solutions.

6. Cognitive Processes in Expert Problem Solving:

  • Pattern Recognition: Experts have an enhanced ability to recognize patterns and apply them to solve new problems within their domain.

  • Memory Retrieval: They have efficient retrieval processes that allow them to access relevant information quickly.

  • Mental Simulations: Experts often run mental simulations to predict the outcomes of different problem-solving strategies.

7. Training for Expertise:

  • Analogical Encoding: A technique used to train individuals to notice similarities between problems, enhancing their problem-solving skills.

  • Real-World Application: Analogies are frequently used in professional settings, as shown by Dunbar’s in-vivo problem-solving research, which captures the natural use of analogy in scientific and engineering contexts

Creative Problem Solving:

  • Originality and Utility: Creativity is not just about originality; it also encompasses the usefulness of the solution. The story of Niels Bohr demonstrates that creative answers can sometimes defy conventional expectations, yet they can be practical and grounded in scientific principles.

  • a physics student, who is later revealed to be Niels Bohr, is asked during an exam to explain how to measure the height of a building using a barometer. Instead of providing the expected answer involving barometric pressure differences, the student offers a series of alternative solutions:

    1. String Method: Attach the barometer to a string, lower it from the building’s roof to the ground, and then measure the length of the string.

    2. Gravitational Fall: Drop the barometer from the roof and calculate the building’s height based on the time it takes to reach the ground, using the gravitational constant.

    3. Shadow Proportions: Place the barometer in the sun and measure the lengths of its shadow and the building’s shadow to determine the building’s height using proportions.

Defining Creativity:

  • Divergent Thinking: This form of thinking is characterized by generating multiple unique solutions to a problem. It’s a key aspect of creativity but not the entirety of it.

  • Usefulness: According to Kaufman, for a solution to be considered creative, it must also be useful or have potential value, which aligns with the definition by Smith et al.

Practical Creativity in Inventions:

  • Analogical Problem Solving: Many inventions arise from observing a phenomenon and drawing analogies to solve a problem. George de Mestral’s invention of Velcro and Jorge Odón’s birthing device are prime examples of creativity stemming from analogical thinking.

The Process of Creative Problem Solving:

  • Basadur’s Model: Basadur et al. propose a four-stage process of creative problem solving, starting with problem generation and culminating in solution implementation

    Stage I: Problem Generation

    • Fact Finding: The first step involves gathering information, understanding the context, and identifying the need for a solution.

    • Problem Finding: This step is about defining the actual problem by analyzing the facts and understanding the underlying issues.

    Stage II: Problem Formulation

    • Idea Finding: Once the problem is clearly defined, this phase focuses on generating a wide range of potential solutions through brainstorming and divergent thinking.

    • Problem Definition: Here, the generated ideas are refined and clarified to define the problem more precisely, setting the stage for developing a solution.

    Stage III: Problem Solving

    • Evaluation and Selection: The ideas generated in the previous stage are critically evaluated, and the most promising solutions are selected based on criteria such as feasibility, impact, and innovation.

    • Planning: This step involves developing a detailed plan for implementing the chosen solution, including resources needed, timelines, and action steps.

    Stage IV: Solution Implementation

    • Selling Idea: Before a solution can be implemented, it often needs to be ‘sold’ or presented convincingly to stakeholders to gain their support and commitment.

    • Taking Action: The final step is the actual implementation of the solution, where plans are put into action, and the solution is brought to fruition..

  • Knowledge Base: The Wright brothers’ invention of the airplane showcases that a strong knowledge base is crucial for creative problem solving, as it provides the foundation for generating innovative ideas.

Generating Ideas:

  • Linus Pauling’s Principle: The key to generating ideas is to have many, learning which to discard and which to develop further.

  • Knowledge vs. Flexibility: While knowledge is essential, too much of it can lead to cognitive fixation, hindering creativity. This was evident in the case of Jorge Odón, whose lack of medical expertise allowed him to think outside the box.

Overcoming Preconceptions:

  • Functional Fixedness: Preconceptions can limit creativity, as demonstrated by Steven Smith’s experiment where provided examples influenced participants’ designs.

  • Brainstorming: Group brainstorming can be less effective than individual brainstorming due to social dynamics and cognitive load.

Creative Cognition Technique:

  • Ronald Finke’s Method: Finke’s creative cognition approach encourages individuals to combine random object parts to create novel inventions, fostering divergent thinking and innovation.

1. Deactivating Brain Areas to Increase Creativity:

  • The Nine-Dot Problem: A classic example where individuals often struggle to think beyond perceived boundaries.

  • Experiment by Chi and Snyder (2012): They hypothesized that deactivating the left anterior temporal lobe (ATL), which is involved in pattern recognition, might reduce cognitive constraints and enhance creative thinking.

  • Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS): This method was used to modulate the activity of the ATL, with the cathodal electrode reducing excitability in the left ATL and the anodal electrode increasing it in the right ATL.

  • Results: Participants who received tDCS were more likely to solve the nine-dot problem, suggesting that altering brain activity can impact creative problem-solving abilities.

2. Brain States Favoring Different Types of Problem Solving:

  • Insightful vs. Analytical Problem Solving: Research indicates that different brain states may be conducive to either insightful (sudden, creative solution) or analytical (step-by-step logical analysis) problem solving.

  • Neural Correlates: Insightful problem solving is often associated with a state of relaxation and diffused attention, potentially linked to alpha wave activity in the brain, while analytical problem solving is linked to focused attention and may involve beta wave activity.

3. Brain Networks and Creativity:

  • Default Mode Network (DMN): This network is active when the mind is at rest and not focused on the outside world. It’s associated with daydreaming, imagination, and the generation of new ideas.

  • Executive Control Network: Involved in planning, decision-making, and problem-solving. It’s thought to be engaged during the evaluation and refinement of creative ideas.

  • Salience Network: Helps in switching between the DMN and the Executive Control Network, playing a role in identifying which ideas are worth pursuing

Preparation for Insight and Analytical Problem Solving:

EEG Activity: Before solving problems, EEG activity patterns differ depending on whether the solution will be reached through insight or analytical thinking. Increased frontal lobe activity is associated with insight solutions, while increased occipital lobe activity is linked to noninsight (analytical) solutions1.

Influence of Brain State: The state of the brain prior to encountering a problem can predispose an individual to solve it either through insight or analytical methods1.

Role of the Default Mode Network (DMN) in Creativity:

Mind Wandering and DMN: The DMN is active during mind wandering, which is often seen as a distraction but can also serve a creative function. Mind wandering can facilitate the incubation of ideas, leading to creative insights after a period of rest from focused work2.

Incubation Effect: Baird et al.'s study found that participants who engaged in an easy task, promoting mind wandering, showed a 40% increase in performance on a creative task compared to their baseline. This suggests that mind wandering can enhance creative problem-solving2.

DMN and Originality: Mayseless et al. demonstrated that higher originality in creative tasks correlates with increased activity in the DMN, supporting the idea that the DMN contributes to creative thinking2.

Executive Control Network and Creativity:

Balancing Creativity: While the DMN is associated with generating novel ideas, the executive control network is involved in planning, decision-making, and evaluating these ideas. The interplay between these networks is crucial for the creative process2.

Understanding the ECN and DMN in Creative Thinking

  • Executive Control Network (ECN):

    • Integral to creativity.

    • Directs attention during task performance.

    • Active during the evaluation phase of creative tasks.

  • Default Mode Network (DMN):

    • Typically associated with mind wandering.

    • Also more active during the evaluation phase of creative tasks.

    • Works in conjunction with the ECN during creative thinking.

Coordinated Effort Between ECN and DMN

  • Opposing Functions in Harmony:

    • ECN is usually active during focused tasks.

    • DMN is active during mind wandering.

    • In creativity, they work together to guide thought processes.

  • ECN as a “Traffic Cop”:

    • Guides thoughts in novel directions.

    • Helps avoid unoriginal ideas.

Research Findings by Melissa Ellamil and Roger Beaty

  • Ellamil’s 2012 Study:

    • Showed increased activity in both ECN and DMN during creative evaluation.

    • Suggests a coordinated effort in creative thinking.

  • Beaty’s Research:

    • Found stronger functional connectivity between DMN and ECN in highly creative individuals.

    • Indicates that creative individuals can better manage their imagination for complex idea exploration.

Implications for Creative Process

  • Collaboration Between Networks:

    • Traditionally antagonistic networks collaborate for creativity.

    • Highlights the brain’s adaptability in the creative process.

  • Facilitating Creativity:

    • The brain reconfigures its activity to enable creative thinking.

    • This cooperation is key to the unique nature of creative thinking.

Key Takeaways:

  • The ECN and DMN, though typically serving opposing roles, collaborate during creative tasks, particularly in the evaluation phase.

  • This collaboration may enhance the ability to manage imagination and explore complex ideas, which is crucial for creativity.

  • Understanding the interplay between these networks can provide insights into how to foster creativity in various contexts.

Daydreaming and Mind Wandering:

  • Volitional Daydreaming: Intentionally allowing your mind to wander can lead to creative insights. This deliberate disengagement from external tasks to engage in internal thought is linked to increased creativity.

  • Famous Examples: Historical figures like Charles Darwin and Friedrich Nietzsche used walking as a means to stimulate their minds, leading to creative thoughts and breakthroughs.

  • Research Support: Studies have shown that activities promoting mind wandering, such as walking, can significantly boost creative output.


  • Importance of Alone Time: Solitude can provide the mental space necessary for deep thought and reflection, which are crucial for creativity.

  • Creative Greats: Many renowned creators, including writers and scientists, have found solitude to be a vital component of their creative process.


  • Focused Attention: Mindfulness practices can help center the mind, reduce distractions, and create a conducive environment for creative thinking.

  • Meditation: Engaging in mindfulness meditation can clear the mind and open up new pathways for creative ideas to emerge.

Actions to Enhance Creativity:

  • Take a Break: Step away from your work to reset and refresh your mind.

  • Take a Shower: Use this time for relaxation and to let your thoughts flow freely.

  • Take a Walk: Engage in physical activity to stimulate your brain and encourage divergent thinking.

  • Pay Attention to Mind Wanderings: Be mindful of where your thoughts drift during downtime, as they can be a source of creative inspiration.

The Role of Solitude in Creativity

  • Benefits of Solitude:

    • Provides space for reflection and the formation of new connections.

    • Helps avoid distractions, fostering a conducive environment for focused analytical thinking.

  • Historical Examples of Solitude:

    • Henry David Thoreau: Wrote “Walden” while living in isolation at Walden Pond.

    • Zadie Smith & Jonathan Franzen: Emphasized the importance of having a private workspace.

    • Steve Wozniak & Thomas Edison: Advocated for working alone as a means to foster invention.

  • Balancing Solitude and Collaboration:

    • While solitude is crucial for idea generation, sharing and collaborating are necessary to bring ideas to fruition.

Actions for Embracing Solitude:

  • Create a Distraction-Free Space: Find a place where you can be alone and free from interruptions.

  • Allocate Time for Solitude: Dedicate sufficient time in your space to allow your mind to engage deeply with creative tasks.

Mindfulness and Its Impact on Creativity

  • Understanding Mindfulness:

    • Involves actively noticing new things and paying attention to the present moment.

    • Encourages a nonjudgmental awareness of the unfolding experience.

  • Mindfulness Techniques:

    • Focused Attention (FA) Meditation: Concentrating on a single element, like breathing, to quiet the mind.

    • Open Monitoring (OM) Meditation: Paying attention to all thoughts and sensations without focusing on any particular object.

  • Research on Meditation and Creativity:

    • Studies suggest that OM meditation may be more beneficial for creativity than FA meditation.

    • OM meditation leads to greater activation of the Default Mode Network (DMN), which is associated with creative thinking.

Actions for Practicing Mindfulness:

  • Engage in Regular Meditation: Incorporate meditation into your daily routine to enhance mindfulness.

  • Prefer Open Monitoring Meditation: Choose OM meditation to foster a state conducive to creativity.

Key Takeaways:

  • Solitude is not just about being alone; it’s about creating the mental space necessary for deep creative work.

  • Mindfulness, particularly through OM meditation, can enhance creativity by allowing a free flow of thoughts and ideas.

  • The balance between focused attention and open monitoring can optimize the brain’s networks for creative thinking.

. Analogical Problem Solving:

  • Basic Idea: Using the solution to a similar problem (source problem) to solve a new problem (target problem).

  • Effectiveness: Presenting a source problem without indicating its relation to the target problem is often ineffective as individuals may not make the connection on their own.

2. Duncker’s Radiation Problem:

  • Description: A problem where a doctor must destroy a tumor with rays without harming surrounding tissue.

  • Solution: Use multiple low-intensity rays from different directions to converge on the tumor.

  • Illustration of Analogical Problem Solving: Researchers use this problem to show how analogical thinking can lead to creative solutions.

3. Steps in Analogical Problem Solving:

  • Three Steps:

    1. Noticing the analogous relationship.

    2. Mapping the correspondence between source and target problems.

    3. Applying the mapping to generate a solution.

  • Most Difficult Step: Noticing the analogous relationship is often the most challenging step to achieve.

4. Analogical Encoding:

  • Definition: A process where similarities between two problems are identified to facilitate problem-solving.

  • Strategies:

    1. Comparing two cases that illustrate a principle.

    2. Using stories or examples that highlight the underlying principle.

5. Analogical Paradox:

  • Definition: The discrepancy between the frequent use of analogies in real-world settings and the difficulty of applying them in laboratory research.

  • Real-World Study: In-vivo problem-solving research observes how people solve problems in naturalistic settings.

6. Expertise:

  • Definition: A high level of skill or knowledge in a particular field, often achieved through extensive experience.

  • Differences in Problem Solving: Experts solve problems faster and more successfully within their field but may not perform well outside their expertise.

7. Divergent Thinking and Connectivity:

  • Divergent Thinking: Generating multiple unique solutions to a problem.

  • Connectivity: Related to the brain’s ability to form connections between ideas.

  • Creativity Beyond Originality: Creativity also includes the usefulness and applicability of ideas.

8. Analogical Problem Solving Examples:

  • Velcro: Inspired by the hook-like structure of burrs.

  • Odón Device: A birthing device inspired by a method to extract a cork from a wine bottle.

9. Problem Solving as a Process:

  • Meaning: Problem solving involves a series of steps, from identifying the problem to implementing a solution.

10. Factors in Generating Ideas:

  • Role of Knowledge: A strong knowledge base can aid in idea generation.

  • Brainstorming: Can be effective individually but less so in groups.

  • Creative Cognition Approach: Encourages combining unrelated concepts to generate novel ideas.

    11. Deactivating the Left Anterior Temporal Lobe:

    • Expectation for Increased Creativity:

      • The left anterior temporal lobe (ATL) is associated with recognizing and grouping patterns. Deactivating it might reduce cognitive constraints, allowing for more creative thinking.

    • Chi and Snyder’s Experiment:

      • Used transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) to deactivate the left ATL and activate the right ATL.

      • Participants attempted to solve the nine-dot problem.

      • Results showed an increase in problem-solving success, suggesting enhanced creativity.

    12. Kounios and Coworkers’ Experiment:

    • EEG and Problem Solving:

      • Measured EEG activity before participants saw a problem.

      • Found different brain states preceding insight (sudden realization) and noninsight (analytical) problem solving.

    • Results:

      • Increased frontal lobe activity was linked to insight solutions.

      • Increased occipital lobe activity was linked to noninsight solutions.

    13. Involvement of DMN and ECN in Creativity:

    • Evidence:

      • Studies show that both DMN and ECN are active during creative tasks, particularly during the evaluation phase.

    • Paradox:

      • DMN is associated with mind wandering, while ECN is associated with focused attention.

      • Their joint involvement is paradoxical because they typically have opposing functions but collaborate during creative thinking.

    14. Daydreaming and Solitude:

    • Daydreaming:

      • Volitional daydreaming can lead to creative insights.

      • Famous individuals used activities like walking or showering to enhance mind wandering.

    • Solitude:

      • Provides a distraction-free environment for deep thinking.

      • Many creative individuals, including writers and inventors, have emphasized the importance of solitude for creativity.

    15. Meditation Types and Creativity:

    • Focused Attention (FA) Meditation:

      • Involves concentrating on a single element, such as breathing.

      • Aims to quiet the mind and reduce mind wandering.

    • Open Monitoring (OM) Meditation:

      • Encourages paying attention to all thoughts and sensations without focus.

      • Does not decrease mind wandering and may be more beneficial for creativity.

    • Greater Creativity:

      • OM meditation has been shown to result in greater creativity, likely due to its allowance for a free flow of thoughts.
