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Unit 7: Ideas About Science (Biology B OCR GCSE)

Investigating Phenomena Scientifically 🧠

Key Concepts:

  • Scientific Investigations: Careful data collection and analysis.

    • Stages: Hypothesis, predictions, experiments, conclusions.

    • 📊 Remember: Follow the steps methodically.

Hypotheses and Predictions:

  • Hypothesis: Possible explanation for an observation.

    • A hypothesis must be made before any data can be collected and analysed.

    • 📝 Example: “Plants need nutrients to grow. Fertiliser provides nutrients.”

  • Prediction: Testable statement based on the hypothesis.

    • The prediction will state how the effect of a factor will affect the outcome.

    • 🧩 Example: “If fertiliser is added, basil seedlings will grow taller.”


  • Experiments are carried out to test the prediction.

  • Variables:

    • Independent Variable: What you change (e.g., light intensity).

    • Dependent Variable: What you measure (e.g., photosynthesis rate).

    • Control Variables: Kept constant for a fair test (e.g., temperature).

    • 🔬 Example: Measuring bubbles in pondweed photosynthesis experiment.

  • Fair Test: Control variables must be kept constant.

    • Tools: Stopwatch, water bath for temperature control.

Data Collection:

  • When planning an experiment, you must decide what data needs to be collected and what measurements will be taken.

    • Depending on the type of investigation, this may include choosing a sample size or range of values that will be measured.

  • Sample Size: Large enough for valid conclusions, small enough to be manageable.

    • Method: Clear, concise, repeatable.

    • 🧩Example: Use a measuring cylinder for 1 cm³ accuracy.

  • Once the data type is chosen and the variables are outlined, the experiment method can be written.

    • Apparatus list: Appropriate equipment must be selected.

    • The equipment must be suitable for the job and must provide precise, valid, and accurate data.

Risk Assessment:

  • Hazard: something that could cause harm.

  • Risk: the chance that the hazard will cause harm.

  • Hazards and Risks:

    • Identify and reduce risks (e.g., wear safety glasses with irritants).

    • ⚠️ Example: Hydrogen peroxide safety.

Data Processing and Presentation 🧠

  • After experimenting to investigate a hypothesis, there is a process of collecting, presenting, and analysing data.

Processing Data:

  • Significant Figures:

    • Consistent in all measurements.

    • 🔢 Tip: Round to the lowest significant figure in calculations.

  • SI Units: Standard units (e.g., second, meter, kilogram).

    • You need to be able to convert between units, as some equations will require measurements in specific units.


SI Base Unit


Second, s


Metre, m


Joule, J


Kilogram, kg

  • Errors:

    • Random Errors: Environmental changes, worn instruments.

    • Systematic Errors: Consistent inaccuracies.

    • Anomalous Results: Do not fit the trend, exclude if justified.

    • 🔍 Example: Anomalous bubble count in photosynthesis experiment.

Presenting Data:

  • Tables: Drawn with a ruler, units in headers.

    • 📊 Example: Mean height of plants in cm.

  • Bar Charts:

    • For categorical data, easy to compare.

  • Graphs: For continuous data, plot points and draw best-fit lines.

    • Continuous data: data that can be measured and can have any value within a range.

    • 📈Example: Graph of gas produced over time.

  • Range Bars:

    • Indicate uncertainty or variation.

    • Gradient Calculation: Rate of reaction from graph slope.

    • 🔍Example: (Change in y) ÷ (Change in x).

  • Extrapolation: continuing the trend further to obtain more data points just outside the range.

    • Interpolation: constructing new data points within the range of known data points using a line of best fit.


  • Statistics give values that can be easily compared across a range of experiments.

  • Range: Spread of data (largest - smallest).

  • Mean: Average value (sum of values ÷ number of values).

  • 📉 Tip: Exclude anomalies.

Experiment Improvements:

  • Fair Test Evaluation:

    • Was the method valid? Was it a fair test? Were all variables controlled? Were there anomalous values? Was there enough evidence to reach a valid conclusion?

    • 🔄 Suggestions: Narrow intervals for more accuracy.

    • 🌱Example: Test enzyme activity at 35°C, 40°C, 45°C.

Drawing Conclusions and Scientific Development 🧠

Drawing Conclusions:

  • Data Analysis:

    • Conclude based on data only.

    • Pattern recognition and correlation.

    • Individual cases do not provide convincing evidence for or against correlation.

    • 📈Example: Conclude enzyme A is more effective if data supports it.

Correlation and Causation:

  • Correlation: Relationship between variables.

    • 🧩 Example: Smoking correlated with lung cancer, but not always causative.

  • Causation: Direct cause-and-effect relationship.

    • One event is the result of the occurrence of the other event.

    • Correlation doesn’t always mean causation.

    • 📉 Example: CO₂ levels causing global temperature rise.

Modification of Scientific Theories:

  • New Evidence: Leads to theory modification.

    • The proposition of a scientific explanation involves creative thinking.

    • 🧬 Example: Darwin's theory supported by modern genetics.

  • Technological Advances: Enable better evidence and theory adjustments.

    • 🌱Example: Antibiotic resistance studies.

  • Scientific theory: a general explanation that can be applied to numerous situations.

Peer Review:

  • Peer review: Scientific community checks new findings.

    • Ensures validity before acceptance.

Models and Limitations:

  • Models are used to help explain ideas and to test explanations quickly.

    • It represents the main features of a system and can be used to predict possible outcomes.

  • Types of Models:

    • Representational (visual), descriptive (explanatory), mathematical (predictive).

    • 🧩 Example: Lock-and-key enzyme model's limitations.

  • Benefits and Risks:

    • Science improves quality of life (e.g., antibiotics, fertilisers).

    • Consider ethical implications (e.g., stem cell research).

Scientific and Technological Impact on Society 🧠

Benefits of Science

  • Improve quality of life:

    • Vaccinations.

    • Antibiotics

    • Fertilisers for crops.

    • Water can be processed to be made potable.


  • Some applications of science can risk people’s quality of life or the environment.

  • Everything carries a certain level of risk.

  • People are generally happier to accept a risk if it is something they choose to do, rather than imposed.

  • People often have an idea of a perceived risk, which can differ from a calculated risk.

    • Perceived risk: an overestimate of the risk.

Ethical issues

  • Some scientific explanations can have ethical implications.

    • 🧬Example: use of embryonic stem cells, genetic engineering.

Communicating science

  • Scientists must communicate their work in a way that can be understood by a large range of audiences.

Tips for Remembering Confusing Concepts 🧠

General Tips:

  • Create Mnemonics:

    • Use acronyms or phrases to remember lists (e.g., “HOMES” for Great Lakes: Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior).

  • Visual Aids:

    • Draw diagrams or mind maps to visualise relationships and processes.

  • Teach Someone Else:

    • Explaining concepts to others can reinforce your understanding.

Scientific Investigations:

  • Stages Order:

    • Hypothesis, Prediction, Experiment, Conclusion (H-PEC).

    • 🌱 Hypothesis: Plants need nutrients.

    • 🌱 Prediction: Fertiliser helps growth.

    • 🧪 Experiment: Add fertiliser.

    • 📊 Conclusion: Analyse results.

  • Variables:

    • Independent (I change), Dependent (Data), Control (Constant).

    • 🔧 Independent: Thing you change.

    • 📏 Dependent: Thing you measure.

    • 🛠️ Control: Things you keep the same.

Data Processing:

  • Significant Figures:

    • Think “Consistent Figures” to remember consistency.

    • ✏️ Consistent in all calculations.

  • Errors:

    • Random: R for Random events, Systematic: S for Same every time.

    • 🎲 Random: Fluctuates.

    • 📉 Systematic: Consistent error.

  • Graph Rules:

    • Dependent (Vertical), Independent (Horizontal) (D-I-V-H).

    • 📈 Dependent: y-axis (Vertical).

    • 📊 Independent: x-axis (Horizontal).

Models and Theories:

  • Models Types:

    • Representational (R), Descriptive (D), Mathematical (M).

    • 📘 Representational: Physical analogy.

    • 📖 Descriptive: Specific explanation.

    • 🔢 Mathematical: Data patterns.

  • Causation vs. Correlation:

    • 🔗 Causation: Direct link. Cause-Effect.

    • 📊 Correlation: Relationship, not cause.

    • Correlation doesn’t always mean causation.

Practical Examples:

  • Hypothesis Example:

    • Nutrients and fertiliser link: Think N-F Link (Nutrients-Fertiliser).

    • 🌱 Hypothesis: Nutrients boost growth.

    • 🌿 Prediction: Fertilised plants grow better.

  • Graph Example:

    • Remember Bubbles for Photosynthesis: B-P (Bubbles-Photosynthesis).

    • 💧 Hypothesis: Light affects photosynthesis.

    • 🌞 Prediction: More light, more bubbles.


Unit 7: Ideas About Science (Biology B OCR GCSE)

Investigating Phenomena Scientifically 🧠

Key Concepts:

  • Scientific Investigations: Careful data collection and analysis.

    • Stages: Hypothesis, predictions, experiments, conclusions.

    • 📊 Remember: Follow the steps methodically.

Hypotheses and Predictions:

  • Hypothesis: Possible explanation for an observation.

    • A hypothesis must be made before any data can be collected and analysed.

    • 📝 Example: “Plants need nutrients to grow. Fertiliser provides nutrients.”

  • Prediction: Testable statement based on the hypothesis.

    • The prediction will state how the effect of a factor will affect the outcome.

    • 🧩 Example: “If fertiliser is added, basil seedlings will grow taller.”


  • Experiments are carried out to test the prediction.

  • Variables:

    • Independent Variable: What you change (e.g., light intensity).

    • Dependent Variable: What you measure (e.g., photosynthesis rate).

    • Control Variables: Kept constant for a fair test (e.g., temperature).

    • 🔬 Example: Measuring bubbles in pondweed photosynthesis experiment.

  • Fair Test: Control variables must be kept constant.

    • Tools: Stopwatch, water bath for temperature control.

Data Collection:

  • When planning an experiment, you must decide what data needs to be collected and what measurements will be taken.

    • Depending on the type of investigation, this may include choosing a sample size or range of values that will be measured.

  • Sample Size: Large enough for valid conclusions, small enough to be manageable.

    • Method: Clear, concise, repeatable.

    • 🧩Example: Use a measuring cylinder for 1 cm³ accuracy.

  • Once the data type is chosen and the variables are outlined, the experiment method can be written.

    • Apparatus list: Appropriate equipment must be selected.

    • The equipment must be suitable for the job and must provide precise, valid, and accurate data.

Risk Assessment:

  • Hazard: something that could cause harm.

  • Risk: the chance that the hazard will cause harm.

  • Hazards and Risks:

    • Identify and reduce risks (e.g., wear safety glasses with irritants).

    • ⚠️ Example: Hydrogen peroxide safety.

Data Processing and Presentation 🧠

  • After experimenting to investigate a hypothesis, there is a process of collecting, presenting, and analysing data.

Processing Data:

  • Significant Figures:

    • Consistent in all measurements.

    • 🔢 Tip: Round to the lowest significant figure in calculations.

  • SI Units: Standard units (e.g., second, meter, kilogram).

    • You need to be able to convert between units, as some equations will require measurements in specific units.


SI Base Unit


Second, s


Metre, m


Joule, J


Kilogram, kg

  • Errors:

    • Random Errors: Environmental changes, worn instruments.

    • Systematic Errors: Consistent inaccuracies.

    • Anomalous Results: Do not fit the trend, exclude if justified.

    • 🔍 Example: Anomalous bubble count in photosynthesis experiment.

Presenting Data:

  • Tables: Drawn with a ruler, units in headers.

    • 📊 Example: Mean height of plants in cm.

  • Bar Charts:

    • For categorical data, easy to compare.

  • Graphs: For continuous data, plot points and draw best-fit lines.

    • Continuous data: data that can be measured and can have any value within a range.

    • 📈Example: Graph of gas produced over time.

  • Range Bars:

    • Indicate uncertainty or variation.

    • Gradient Calculation: Rate of reaction from graph slope.

    • 🔍Example: (Change in y) ÷ (Change in x).

  • Extrapolation: continuing the trend further to obtain more data points just outside the range.

    • Interpolation: constructing new data points within the range of known data points using a line of best fit.


  • Statistics give values that can be easily compared across a range of experiments.

  • Range: Spread of data (largest - smallest).

  • Mean: Average value (sum of values ÷ number of values).

  • 📉 Tip: Exclude anomalies.

Experiment Improvements:

  • Fair Test Evaluation:

    • Was the method valid? Was it a fair test? Were all variables controlled? Were there anomalous values? Was there enough evidence to reach a valid conclusion?

    • 🔄 Suggestions: Narrow intervals for more accuracy.

    • 🌱Example: Test enzyme activity at 35°C, 40°C, 45°C.

Drawing Conclusions and Scientific Development 🧠

Drawing Conclusions:

  • Data Analysis:

    • Conclude based on data only.

    • Pattern recognition and correlation.

    • Individual cases do not provide convincing evidence for or against correlation.

    • 📈Example: Conclude enzyme A is more effective if data supports it.

Correlation and Causation:

  • Correlation: Relationship between variables.

    • 🧩 Example: Smoking correlated with lung cancer, but not always causative.

  • Causation: Direct cause-and-effect relationship.

    • One event is the result of the occurrence of the other event.

    • Correlation doesn’t always mean causation.

    • 📉 Example: CO₂ levels causing global temperature rise.

Modification of Scientific Theories:

  • New Evidence: Leads to theory modification.

    • The proposition of a scientific explanation involves creative thinking.

    • 🧬 Example: Darwin's theory supported by modern genetics.

  • Technological Advances: Enable better evidence and theory adjustments.

    • 🌱Example: Antibiotic resistance studies.

  • Scientific theory: a general explanation that can be applied to numerous situations.

Peer Review:

  • Peer review: Scientific community checks new findings.

    • Ensures validity before acceptance.

Models and Limitations:

  • Models are used to help explain ideas and to test explanations quickly.

    • It represents the main features of a system and can be used to predict possible outcomes.

  • Types of Models:

    • Representational (visual), descriptive (explanatory), mathematical (predictive).

    • 🧩 Example: Lock-and-key enzyme model's limitations.

  • Benefits and Risks:

    • Science improves quality of life (e.g., antibiotics, fertilisers).

    • Consider ethical implications (e.g., stem cell research).

Scientific and Technological Impact on Society 🧠

Benefits of Science

  • Improve quality of life:

    • Vaccinations.

    • Antibiotics

    • Fertilisers for crops.

    • Water can be processed to be made potable.


  • Some applications of science can risk people’s quality of life or the environment.

  • Everything carries a certain level of risk.

  • People are generally happier to accept a risk if it is something they choose to do, rather than imposed.

  • People often have an idea of a perceived risk, which can differ from a calculated risk.

    • Perceived risk: an overestimate of the risk.

Ethical issues

  • Some scientific explanations can have ethical implications.

    • 🧬Example: use of embryonic stem cells, genetic engineering.

Communicating science

  • Scientists must communicate their work in a way that can be understood by a large range of audiences.

Tips for Remembering Confusing Concepts 🧠

General Tips:

  • Create Mnemonics:

    • Use acronyms or phrases to remember lists (e.g., “HOMES” for Great Lakes: Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior).

  • Visual Aids:

    • Draw diagrams or mind maps to visualise relationships and processes.

  • Teach Someone Else:

    • Explaining concepts to others can reinforce your understanding.

Scientific Investigations:

  • Stages Order:

    • Hypothesis, Prediction, Experiment, Conclusion (H-PEC).

    • 🌱 Hypothesis: Plants need nutrients.

    • 🌱 Prediction: Fertiliser helps growth.

    • 🧪 Experiment: Add fertiliser.

    • 📊 Conclusion: Analyse results.

  • Variables:

    • Independent (I change), Dependent (Data), Control (Constant).

    • 🔧 Independent: Thing you change.

    • 📏 Dependent: Thing you measure.

    • 🛠️ Control: Things you keep the same.

Data Processing:

  • Significant Figures:

    • Think “Consistent Figures” to remember consistency.

    • ✏️ Consistent in all calculations.

  • Errors:

    • Random: R for Random events, Systematic: S for Same every time.

    • 🎲 Random: Fluctuates.

    • 📉 Systematic: Consistent error.

  • Graph Rules:

    • Dependent (Vertical), Independent (Horizontal) (D-I-V-H).

    • 📈 Dependent: y-axis (Vertical).

    • 📊 Independent: x-axis (Horizontal).

Models and Theories:

  • Models Types:

    • Representational (R), Descriptive (D), Mathematical (M).

    • 📘 Representational: Physical analogy.

    • 📖 Descriptive: Specific explanation.

    • 🔢 Mathematical: Data patterns.

  • Causation vs. Correlation:

    • 🔗 Causation: Direct link. Cause-Effect.

    • 📊 Correlation: Relationship, not cause.

    • Correlation doesn’t always mean causation.

Practical Examples:

  • Hypothesis Example:

    • Nutrients and fertiliser link: Think N-F Link (Nutrients-Fertiliser).

    • 🌱 Hypothesis: Nutrients boost growth.

    • 🌿 Prediction: Fertilised plants grow better.

  • Graph Example:

    • Remember Bubbles for Photosynthesis: B-P (Bubbles-Photosynthesis).

    • 💧 Hypothesis: Light affects photosynthesis.

    • 🌞 Prediction: More light, more bubbles.