Causes of Ab Behivior 3

Cognitive Behavioral Paradigm

  • The cognitive behavioral paradigm asserts that all behaviors (both normal and abnormal) result from learning processes.

  • This paradigm emphasizes that understanding the processes of learning is essential to understanding behavior.

Classical Conditioning

  • Definition: Classical conditioning is a type of learning through association between stimuli.

  • Discovered By: Ivan Pavlov; sometimes referred to as Pavlovian conditioning.

Phases of Classical Conditioning

  • Phase 1: Before Conditioning

    • Unconditioned Stimulus (US): Food

      • Automatically elicits an unconditioned response (UR).

    • Unconditioned Response (UR): Salivation

      • This is an automatic reflex action in response to food.

    • Neutral Stimulus (NS): Bell

      • Prior to conditioning, the bell does not produce a response from the dog.

  • Phase 2: During Conditioning

    • Pairing of Stimuli:

      • The neutral stimulus (bell) is presented before the unconditioned stimulus (food).

      • The bell is rung first, followed by the presentation of food.

      • This sequence elicits an unconditioned response (salivation) since food is present.

  • Phase 3: After Conditioning

    • Conditioned Stimulus (CS): The bell

      • After several pairings, the dog learns to associate the bell with food.

      • The bell becomes the conditioned stimulus (learned stimulus).

    • Conditioned Response (CR): Salivation in response to the bell

      • Now, when the bell rings alone, the dog salivates—a learned response.
