Page 1: Culture & Its Definition

Page 2: Understanding Culture

  • Definition: Culture refers to the socially constructed and learned behaviors and beliefs that characterize distinct social groups.

  • Characteristics:

    • Shared practices among groups

    • Includes beliefs, values, knowledge, customs, and social norms

    • Encompasses various aspects such as

      • social activities

      • economics

      • politics

      • agriculture

      • laws and justice

      • health, environment, education, and religion

Page 3: Transmission of Culture

  • Culture is transmitted to future generations through:

    • Communication (oral and written)

    • Art (music, storytelling, dance, painting)

  • Culture can change over generations, which often leads to gaps in understanding between different age groups.

Page 4: Elements of Culture

  • Different authors identify varying elements of culture; common counts include 3, 5, 8, or more, depending on the focus of their study.

Page 5: Selected Elements of Culture Impacting Tourism

  1. Art

  2. Beliefs and Values

  3. Geography

  4. Language

  5. Law and Politics

  6. Religion

  7. Technology

  8. Social Organization

Page 6: Art in Culture

  • Definition: Art reflects the creative ideas and imagination of individuals through various mediums.

  • Significance:

    • Tangible expressions of creativity that convey societal meanings

    • Includes paintings, artifacts, music, literature, architecture, and performance arts

  • Art reflects historical developments and emotional expressions of a society.

Page 7: The Role of Art

  • Artworks hold cultural significance and reflect the values of a group.

  • Different forms of art can include visual (paintings, sculptures) and performing (dance, music) expressions.

Page 8: Influence of Shared Beliefs and Values

  • Beliefs and Values:

    • Shape artistic inspiration and creativity

    • Passed on through generations, evolving over time

Page 9: Understanding Values

  • Definition: Values encompass ethics, principles, and standards significant to individuals or groups.

  • Influence:

    • Established during early life by key individuals

    • Guide decision-making and relationship building

    • Conflicts may lead to inconsistency in value adherence.

Page 10: Cultural Geography

  • Examines differentiation and material culture that unify regional ideas.

  • Explores spatial perceptions and cultural distributions across landscapes.

Page 11: Geography and Its Impact on Culture

  • Definition: Geography studies physical landscapes shaped by human activities.

  • Influences relationships and service delivery in tourism based on geographical differences of clients and colleagues.

Page 12: Importance of Language

  • Role in Culture: Primary method for communicating cultural values and beliefs.

  • Language transmission occurs through written and spoken forms.

  • Preserves and adapts cultural elements across generations.

Page 13: Unique Aspects of Language

  • Each culture's language reflects its heritage and can denote geographical origins.

  • Effective communication requires a shared language, critical in tourism environments.

Page 14: Language Proficiency for Tourism Professionals

  • Advantages: Speaking English is beneficial as it is widely used worldwide.

  • Opportunity to learn additional languages based on tourism trends to enhance job prospects and customer relations.

  • Miscommunication can often stem from language barriers.

Page 15: Law & Politics in Cultural Influence

  • Various approaches link culture to law, including:

    • Historical: Law as a cultural product

    • Constitutive: Law as part of cultural identity and practices

Page 16: Religion's Role in Culture

  • Significant influence in many societies including the Philippines.

  • Impacts daily activities, values, and societal norms.

  • Religious demographics (CIA Factbook 2019):

    • Roman Catholic: 80.6%

    • Protestant: 8.2%

    • Other Christian: 3.4%

    • Muslim: 5.6%

    • Tribal and other religions: 0.2-1.9%

Page 17: Competency in Religious Awareness

  • Important for tourism professionals to understand varied religious practices and their impacts on social interactions and service provision.

  • Religious festivals and practices are significant attractions in the Philippines.

Page 18: Social Organization Changes Due to Tourism

  • Tourism can alter social structures and organizations, influencing family and community roles.

  • Employment shifts from traditional roles (farming) to tourism jobs can affect local culture and authenticity.

Page 19: The Impact of Technology on Tourism

  • Technology as a facilitator—can enrich tourist experiences through various means, but can also detract from the authentic cultural experience.

Page 20: Customer Relations in a Tech-Driven Environment

  • Priority should remain on maintaining hospitality and personal connections despite technological advancements in service.

Page 21: Any Questions?

  • Thank you!
