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Benefits of 6th schedule over 5th schedule areas

• Democratic devolution of powers, preserve and promote the distinct culture

of the region, protect agrarian rights including rights on land and enhance transfer

of funds for speedy development.

• Legislative Power: ADCs are empowered to make legislative laws with due

approval from the governor.

• Limitation to power of Parliamentary or state legislature over

autonomous regions: Acts passed by Parliament and state legislatures may

or may not be levied in these regions unless the President and the governor

gives her or his approval.

• Judicial powers: councils can constitute village courts within their jurisdiction

to hear trial of cases involving the tribes. Governors of states that fall under the

Sixth Schedule specifies the jurisdiction of high courts for each of these cases.

• Regulatory power: The district council can establish, construct or manage

primary schools, dispensaries, markets, ferries, fisheries, roads and so on in

the district. It can also make regulations for the control of money lending and

trading by non-tribals. But such regulations require the assent of the Governor.

• Tax revenue collection: - The district and regional councils are empowered

to assess and collect land revenue and to impose certain

specified taxes.

Conclusion There is need for real devolution of power and autonomy through creation of elected

village councils in all areas and ensuring accountability of

Village Councils to Gram Sabha, ensure regular election conducted by the State

Election Commission, ensure women and other ethnic minorities are not excluded

from representation in council, bring transparency in planning, implementation and

monitoring of developmental programmes.


Benefits of 6th schedule over 5th schedule areas

• Democratic devolution of powers, preserve and promote the distinct culture

of the region, protect agrarian rights including rights on land and enhance transfer

of funds for speedy development.

• Legislative Power: ADCs are empowered to make legislative laws with due

approval from the governor.

• Limitation to power of Parliamentary or state legislature over

autonomous regions: Acts passed by Parliament and state legislatures may

or may not be levied in these regions unless the President and the governor

gives her or his approval.

• Judicial powers: councils can constitute village courts within their jurisdiction

to hear trial of cases involving the tribes. Governors of states that fall under the

Sixth Schedule specifies the jurisdiction of high courts for each of these cases.

• Regulatory power: The district council can establish, construct or manage

primary schools, dispensaries, markets, ferries, fisheries, roads and so on in

the district. It can also make regulations for the control of money lending and

trading by non-tribals. But such regulations require the assent of the Governor.

• Tax revenue collection: - The district and regional councils are empowered

to assess and collect land revenue and to impose certain

specified taxes.

Conclusion There is need for real devolution of power and autonomy through creation of elected

village councils in all areas and ensuring accountability of

Village Councils to Gram Sabha, ensure regular election conducted by the State

Election Commission, ensure women and other ethnic minorities are not excluded

from representation in council, bring transparency in planning, implementation and

monitoring of developmental programmes.