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Chapter 2 Notes


Structure and Bonding

Ionic Bonding

  • large difference in electronegativity ( >1.9)
  • complete transfer of electrons
  • ionic compounds normally exist as crystals… high melting points due to strong attractive forces
  • not directional (no orbital shapes)

Coulomb’s Law:

where k= coulombs constant, Q1,2 are the values of the charged ions, and r is the distance between the ions

    • the bigger the atoms, the smaller the force
    • smaller atoms have greater melting points

Covalent Bonding

  • directional (determines orbital shapes)
  • sharing of e-
  • can be covalent or polar covalent

Lewis Structures

  • applies only to stable species
  • put the valence e- around the outside of the atom
  • each atom in a molecule shares valence e- to attain the e- configuration of the noble-gas atom of the same period
  • Can Not Over Fill – Can only bond to the number of valence e- it has available

Formal Charges

  • Formal Charge = Valence e- ⎻ Non-bonding e- ⎻ Bonds
  • The # of e- and bonds (each bond= 1e-) compared to the number of valence e-
  • Each bond counts for 1 e-
  • The best structure has minimized formal charges and must be consistent with the electronegativities of the atoms

Octet Rule

  • Can Not Over Fill & H MUST be surrounded by 2e-

Resonance Structures

  • Differ in the position of the e-
  • The actual structure is an average of the 2 resonance structures – called a resonance hybrid
  • Allows one to estimate the energy of a molecule relative to others

Bond Order

  • Single bond has a bond order of 1, double bond = 2, triple bond = 3 …

Line Diagrams

  • solid line is a covalent bond
  • C atoms are at the intersection of 2 line unless stated otherwise
  • H atoms surround the C atom
  • Non-bonding e- are often omitted
  • Not C atoms (heteroatoms) must be drawn with the H atoms surrounding it


VSEPR Theory

  • Provides information about the 3D shape
  • , where m is the # of X atoms bonded to the central atom, and n is the # of lone pairs
  • Look at lone pairs and bonded atoms to determine electronic arrangement
  • Ignore lone pairs for molecular arrangement

Line-Wedge Symbols

  • Line: represents a bond in the plane of the page
  • Dashed Wedge: a bond going away from you (into the page)
  • Solid Wedge: a bond going toward you (out of the page)

Molecule Polarity

  • Polar: molecules with a dipole moment > 0, asymmetrical shapes
  • Non-polar: molecules with a dipole moment = 0, symmetrical shapes


Valence Bond Theory

  • Covalent bonds are formed by overlap of atomic orbitals (s, p, d, hybrid orbitals)
  • e- are localized in bonds
  • bonds are the result of bond overlap of orbitals on the same axis (head-on)
  • bonds are the result of side-to-side overlap of p orbitals, bonds form above and below the central atom due to the shape of p orbitals
  • double bonds have a bond
  • triple bonds have bonds


  • fixed combinations (mixtures) of 2/more valence atomic orbitals
  • hybrid orbitals were invented to make VB theory consistent with observed molecular shape (Linus Pauling)
  • sp = 2 regions of density, sp2= 3 region, sp3= 4 regions, sp3d= 5 regions, sp3d2= 6 regions
  • lone pairs are included as regions of density
  • ex. PCl3 has 4 regions of e- density

Boron Hydrides

  • compounds containing boron-hydrogen bonds called boranes
  • boron has an e- deficient bond which doesn’t allow it to form BH3 only B2H6 (diborane)
  • 3-centre, 2-electron bond: where one electron pair is shared between 3 atoms


Molecular Orbital Theory

  • MO theory made because…
      • VB theory incorrectly states that e- are localized, but resonance structures are evidence that this is untrue
      • VB doesn’t provide the relative energies of the electrons
      • VB doesn’t determine magnetism
  • Molecular orbitals in MO theory are formed by combining the wavefunctions of atomic orbitals (wave-particle duality)

Constructive Combination

  • When 2 atomic orbitals are in the same phase & interact
  • No new nodes are formed between the nuclei

Destructive Combination

  • 2 orbitals of opposite phase combine
  • generates a new node between the nuclei
  • doesn’t lead to bond formation… antibonding

MO Energies

  • the MO formed by constructive combination is stabilized therefore, lower in energy
  • the antibonding MO creates a new node and exposes the positively charged nuclei to each other, it is destabilized therefore higher in energy

Principles of MO theory

  1. # of MO’s formed = total # of atomic orbitals combined
  2. Bonding MO’s are always lower in energy than antibonding or zero bonding
  3. Must obey Pauli exclusion principal (2 e- with opposite spins in each orbital) and Hund’s rule (half fill all before doubling up)

MO Bond Order & Stability of Molecules

  • species with higher bond orders are more stable, a bond order of 0 means not net e- holding the molecule together

Paramagnetism & Diamagnetism

  • Paramagnetism: due to unpaired magnetism (at least 1 unpaired electron)
  • Diamagnetism: even spin (not magnetism)

* The lewis structure for O2 incorrectly predicts it to be diamagnetic

Diatomic (Homonuclear) Second Row Elements

  • Valence electrons in the n=2 orbital
  • 8 MOs formed (2s, 2px, 2py, 2pz) each with 1 bonding & 1 antibonding
  • ‘ * ‘ indicates that they are antibonding orbitals
  • sideways overlap MOs are due to in-phase (constructive) or out-of-phase (destructive) combinations
  • π MOs are formed from constructive combining, & π* MOs are formed from destructive combination (for 2py + 2py or 2pz + 2pz)
  • if the orbital lies on the plane it is xy, yz, or xz, if it lies on the axis subscript is the same as the axis x2, y2, z2

Relative Energies

  • varies depending on molecule
  • π2py & π2pz MOs are degenerate (same energy) because they are formed by the same kind of overlap
  • σ2px has a different energy because it was formed by head-on overlap

Semiconductors & Band Theory

  • used to explain the insulting, semiconducting, and conducting properties of various materials
  • conductor conducts electricity, insulator does not, and semiconductor has properties of both
  • as the # of atoms increases, the energy gap between the bonding and antibonding decreases
  • the upper half of the energy band is the conducting band, and lower half is the valence band
  • Band Gap: energy gap ΔEg between the valence and conductor band

If ΔEg < 0.5 eV = conductor, ΔEg = 0.5-3 eV = semiconductor, ΔEg > 3 eV = insulator

* Insulators have larger band gaps, conductors have 0 band gap

  • as temperature increases, conductivity increase

because more thermal energy is added to the system


Intermolecular Forces: between molecules to hold them together

Types (in order of decreasing strength)

    • Van der Waals Forces “Dispersion”: temporary cloud of e-, surface area is a factor to determine strength (larger SA = larger dispersion)
    • Dipole-Dipole Interactions: permanent dipoles of polar molecules
    • Hydrogen Bonding: when H is bonded to highly electronegative atom (N,O, Cl, F), attaches through a lone pair to a nearby molecule

Boiling Points & Melting Points

  • Stronger IM forces = higher b.p. (for similar size molecules)
  • Boiling points increase with molecular mass (due to dispersion forces)
  • Trends similar for melting points, highly symmetric molecules have higher melting points than irregularly shaped molecules of the same type and mass
  • Intermolecular forces are broken

Chapter 2 Notes


Structure and Bonding

Ionic Bonding

  • large difference in electronegativity ( >1.9)
  • complete transfer of electrons
  • ionic compounds normally exist as crystals… high melting points due to strong attractive forces
  • not directional (no orbital shapes)

Coulomb’s Law:

where k= coulombs constant, Q1,2 are the values of the charged ions, and r is the distance between the ions

    • the bigger the atoms, the smaller the force
    • smaller atoms have greater melting points

Covalent Bonding

  • directional (determines orbital shapes)
  • sharing of e-
  • can be covalent or polar covalent

Lewis Structures

  • applies only to stable species
  • put the valence e- around the outside of the atom
  • each atom in a molecule shares valence e- to attain the e- configuration of the noble-gas atom of the same period
  • Can Not Over Fill – Can only bond to the number of valence e- it has available

Formal Charges

  • Formal Charge = Valence e- ⎻ Non-bonding e- ⎻ Bonds
  • The # of e- and bonds (each bond= 1e-) compared to the number of valence e-
  • Each bond counts for 1 e-
  • The best structure has minimized formal charges and must be consistent with the electronegativities of the atoms

Octet Rule

  • Can Not Over Fill & H MUST be surrounded by 2e-

Resonance Structures

  • Differ in the position of the e-
  • The actual structure is an average of the 2 resonance structures – called a resonance hybrid
  • Allows one to estimate the energy of a molecule relative to others

Bond Order

  • Single bond has a bond order of 1, double bond = 2, triple bond = 3 …

Line Diagrams

  • solid line is a covalent bond
  • C atoms are at the intersection of 2 line unless stated otherwise
  • H atoms surround the C atom
  • Non-bonding e- are often omitted
  • Not C atoms (heteroatoms) must be drawn with the H atoms surrounding it


VSEPR Theory

  • Provides information about the 3D shape
  • , where m is the # of X atoms bonded to the central atom, and n is the # of lone pairs
  • Look at lone pairs and bonded atoms to determine electronic arrangement
  • Ignore lone pairs for molecular arrangement

Line-Wedge Symbols

  • Line: represents a bond in the plane of the page
  • Dashed Wedge: a bond going away from you (into the page)
  • Solid Wedge: a bond going toward you (out of the page)

Molecule Polarity

  • Polar: molecules with a dipole moment > 0, asymmetrical shapes
  • Non-polar: molecules with a dipole moment = 0, symmetrical shapes


Valence Bond Theory

  • Covalent bonds are formed by overlap of atomic orbitals (s, p, d, hybrid orbitals)
  • e- are localized in bonds
  • bonds are the result of bond overlap of orbitals on the same axis (head-on)
  • bonds are the result of side-to-side overlap of p orbitals, bonds form above and below the central atom due to the shape of p orbitals
  • double bonds have a bond
  • triple bonds have bonds


  • fixed combinations (mixtures) of 2/more valence atomic orbitals
  • hybrid orbitals were invented to make VB theory consistent with observed molecular shape (Linus Pauling)
  • sp = 2 regions of density, sp2= 3 region, sp3= 4 regions, sp3d= 5 regions, sp3d2= 6 regions
  • lone pairs are included as regions of density
  • ex. PCl3 has 4 regions of e- density

Boron Hydrides

  • compounds containing boron-hydrogen bonds called boranes
  • boron has an e- deficient bond which doesn’t allow it to form BH3 only B2H6 (diborane)
  • 3-centre, 2-electron bond: where one electron pair is shared between 3 atoms


Molecular Orbital Theory

  • MO theory made because…
      • VB theory incorrectly states that e- are localized, but resonance structures are evidence that this is untrue
      • VB doesn’t provide the relative energies of the electrons
      • VB doesn’t determine magnetism
  • Molecular orbitals in MO theory are formed by combining the wavefunctions of atomic orbitals (wave-particle duality)

Constructive Combination

  • When 2 atomic orbitals are in the same phase & interact
  • No new nodes are formed between the nuclei

Destructive Combination

  • 2 orbitals of opposite phase combine
  • generates a new node between the nuclei
  • doesn’t lead to bond formation… antibonding

MO Energies

  • the MO formed by constructive combination is stabilized therefore, lower in energy
  • the antibonding MO creates a new node and exposes the positively charged nuclei to each other, it is destabilized therefore higher in energy

Principles of MO theory

  1. # of MO’s formed = total # of atomic orbitals combined
  2. Bonding MO’s are always lower in energy than antibonding or zero bonding
  3. Must obey Pauli exclusion principal (2 e- with opposite spins in each orbital) and Hund’s rule (half fill all before doubling up)

MO Bond Order & Stability of Molecules

  • species with higher bond orders are more stable, a bond order of 0 means not net e- holding the molecule together

Paramagnetism & Diamagnetism

  • Paramagnetism: due to unpaired magnetism (at least 1 unpaired electron)
  • Diamagnetism: even spin (not magnetism)

* The lewis structure for O2 incorrectly predicts it to be diamagnetic

Diatomic (Homonuclear) Second Row Elements

  • Valence electrons in the n=2 orbital
  • 8 MOs formed (2s, 2px, 2py, 2pz) each with 1 bonding & 1 antibonding
  • ‘ * ‘ indicates that they are antibonding orbitals
  • sideways overlap MOs are due to in-phase (constructive) or out-of-phase (destructive) combinations
  • π MOs are formed from constructive combining, & π* MOs are formed from destructive combination (for 2py + 2py or 2pz + 2pz)
  • if the orbital lies on the plane it is xy, yz, or xz, if it lies on the axis subscript is the same as the axis x2, y2, z2

Relative Energies

  • varies depending on molecule
  • π2py & π2pz MOs are degenerate (same energy) because they are formed by the same kind of overlap
  • σ2px has a different energy because it was formed by head-on overlap

Semiconductors & Band Theory

  • used to explain the insulting, semiconducting, and conducting properties of various materials
  • conductor conducts electricity, insulator does not, and semiconductor has properties of both
  • as the # of atoms increases, the energy gap between the bonding and antibonding decreases
  • the upper half of the energy band is the conducting band, and lower half is the valence band
  • Band Gap: energy gap ΔEg between the valence and conductor band

If ΔEg < 0.5 eV = conductor, ΔEg = 0.5-3 eV = semiconductor, ΔEg > 3 eV = insulator

* Insulators have larger band gaps, conductors have 0 band gap

  • as temperature increases, conductivity increase

because more thermal energy is added to the system


Intermolecular Forces: between molecules to hold them together

Types (in order of decreasing strength)

    • Van der Waals Forces “Dispersion”: temporary cloud of e-, surface area is a factor to determine strength (larger SA = larger dispersion)
    • Dipole-Dipole Interactions: permanent dipoles of polar molecules
    • Hydrogen Bonding: when H is bonded to highly electronegative atom (N,O, Cl, F), attaches through a lone pair to a nearby molecule

Boiling Points & Melting Points

  • Stronger IM forces = higher b.p. (for similar size molecules)
  • Boiling points increase with molecular mass (due to dispersion forces)
  • Trends similar for melting points, highly symmetric molecules have higher melting points than irregularly shaped molecules of the same type and mass
  • Intermolecular forces are broken