Lecture 1- research process 1

Course Introduction

  • Course Code: PSY 105

  • Title: Introduction to Quantitative Methods I

  • Focus: The Research Process

Menu for Today's Course

  • Course Outline

  • Psychology as Science

  • Research Process

  • Literature Review

  • Theoretical Framework

  • Research Gaps

LMS Portal Access

  • Enrollment in PSY 105 grants access to the PSY 105 LMS page.

  • If not enrolled, use credentials:

    • Username: n5_PSY105_S2

    • Password: Welcomepsy123!

Significance of Psychology

  • To engage with psychology effectively, scientific studies/research must be conducted.

Ways We Acquire Knowledge

  1. Tenacity

  2. Experience

  3. Authority

  4. Reason and Logic (Science)

Psychological Myths

  • Myths often exist without scientific support, including:

    • Most people use only 10% of their brain.

    • Personality traits are unchangeable.

    • Domestic violence is mostly perpetrated by men.

    • Opposites attract.

Persistence of Psychological Myths

  • Reasons for Persistence:

    • Selective perception and memory

    • Confirmation bias

    • Hindsight bias

    • Terminological confusion

    • Inferring causation from correlation

  • Importance of scientific research principles to mitigate biases during research.

Principles of Science

  • Empirical: Based on observable data.

  • Objective: Free from personal bias.

  • Rational: Based on logical reasoning.

  • Testable: Claims can be measured and scrutinized.

  • Falsifiable: Claims can be disproven.

  • Tentative: Open to change based on new evidence.

  • Rigorously Evaluated: Constant assessment against scientific principles.

Scientific Method Key Features

  • Objectivity: Ensuring unbiased results.

  • Self-correction: Adapting based on findings.

  • Replication: Verifying results through repeated studies.

  • Control: Managing variables during experiments.

Distinctions in Research

  1. Non-Science:

    • Unverifiable claims, belief-based, lacks empirical predictions.

  2. Science:

    • Peer-reviewed, follows rigorous methods, objective.

  3. Pseudoscience:

    • Unsupported claims, non-peer-reviewed, anecdotal evidence.

Limitations in Scientific Study

  • Not all phenomena are falsifiable or testable, which limits what can be scientifically explored.

Psychological Research Definition

  • A systematic investigation focused on observable & verifiable data to explain, predict, and control human thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Goals of Psychological Research

  • Describe: Define phenomena.

  • Explain: Provide reasoning behind observations.

  • Predict: Anticipate future behaviors.

  • Test: Ensure findings are verification-ready.

  • Control: Influence behavior in specific contexts.

Steps in the Research Process

  • Repeat as necessary:

    1. Proposal

    2. Ethical Review

    3. Identify Research Gap

    4. Conduct Literature Review

    5. Formulate Research Question

    6. Formulate Testable Hypothesis

    7. Determine Research Design

    8. Identify Population and Measures

    9. Conduct Research

    10. Analyze Data

    11. Report Findings

    12. Implications

Starting Blocks: Planning Research

  • Literature Review: Assess existing knowledge and variables.

  • Identify Research Gaps: Determine unanswered questions and investigate unexplored areas.

Literature Review Process

  • Synthesize academic publications and theories to identify gaps for future research.

  • Use primary sources like research articles, and be cautious of secondary sources.

Importance of Theoretical Framework

  • Provides a structured explanation of phenomena and reasons behind findings.

  • Essential for understanding relationships between variables.

Errors in Research Ideas

  • Nobel Laureate Error: Overemphasis on impact.

  • Undergraduate Research Paper Error: Misconceptions about the viability of research topics.

Identifying Research Gaps

  • Rooted in weaknesses from previous research and theoretical justifications. Always include the significance of the gap.

Future Steps in PSY 105

  • Upcoming topics:

    • Research question formulation

    • Hypothesis delineation

    • Research design and participant selection

    • Ethical considerations in research.
