Bio Lectures Jan 23/25/29

  • 1-22 (autosomes) - related to phenotype

  • 23rd pair of homologous chromosomes are the sex chromosomes, determines if ure male or female

  • Chromosomes are numbered by size - the chromatids that share the same pattern as another chromatied

  • sex cells - 23 pairs of chromosomes(haploid), rest of the body - 46 pairs of chromosomes

  • fathers determine the biological sex

Down syndrome - Trisomy #21

Edward syndrome - Trisomy #18wh

How to determine karotype:

  • Anmiocentesis: procedure fluid taken from the fetus and tested

Selective Breeding

Selective breeding: method used by farmers to alter the appeareance of crops but selectively picking the most desired traits.

  1. aims to improve the features of a species

  2. selected the best off] the produced offspring and mate these

  3. can produce high resistance yielded crops

  4. used in livestock farms with the best species - products of selective breeding

  5. the best=most expensive using genetic engineering

  6. essential for food consumption, economical purposes etc.

Examples of selective breeding:

  • roses are bred for color, shape, scent

  • sheep - bred for quality wool and lamb production

  • apples - bred for color, taste and texture

  • dogs - bred for speed and endurance (cross breeding different breeds of dogs)

  • linseed- bred for oil production


  • Produces an organisms with right features for a particular function

  • more efficient and economically viable process for farming and horticulture(the art and science of growing plants)


  • reduces biodiversity/gene pool

  • genetic variation is decreased to the the decreased variety in alleles and amount of alleles in the population/small gene pool

  • failure of adaption from the lack of genetic variation

  • lead to unexpected health problems

Process of selective breeding:

  1. take the traits of individuals and select the best one

  2. picking the best one in every generation

