Opportunity Cost (or Real Cost): The cost of the alternative foregone by present consumption of goods and services (i.e. sacrifice).
This can be at individual (for purchases), business firm (for production) or government (for allocation).
Production Possibility Frontier (PPF) is a graph of all possible combination of 2 goods or services that can be produced at a given time.
It is assumed that:
Only 2 goods or services can be produced (e.g. food and clothes)
All resources are fully employed (land, labour, capital & enterprise)
Technology is constant or fixed
Resources available is unchanged or fixed
On PPF, it shows what an economy can produce at maximum capacity such that resources are fully employed.
If it is inside or below the curve, it is not at maximum capacity and hence, resources are not fully employed or unemployment (i.e. inefficient).
If it is above the curve, it means the economy cannot attain the production, so it cannot operate beyond the PPF.
Point A (50 units of Food, 150 Cars) moving to Point B (100 Food, 100 Cars), means in order to improve 50 units of Food, 50 units of Cars have to be sacrificed.
Hence, from Point A to Point B, the Opportunity Cost to produce an extra 50 units of Food is 50/50=1 Car. (Numerator /above the line is units given up, Denominator / below the line is gained).
If from Point B to Point A, in order to improve 50 units of Car, 50 units of Food have to be sacrificed. Hence, from Point B to Point A, the Opportunity Cost to produce an extra 50 units of Car is 50/50=1 Food.
If there is improvement in Technology, efficiency can be achieved and hence able to produce more goods with given amount of resources. Hence, the PPF would shift.
With new technology in car production, the curve can shift from PQ to P1Q (able to produce 100 more cars with same level of resources).
If improvement in food production technology, the curve can shift from PQ to PP2 (able to produce 100 more food with same level of resources).
If there are new resources (or increase in number of workers), PPF would shift outwards from PQ to P1P1. This would indicate economic growth.
But, if the resources have been destroyed (e.g. disasters, war), PPF would shift inwards from PQ to P2P2. This would indicate a recession.
In reality, the world is much more complex, the goods are not perfectly substitutable, hence the PPF is NEVER presented as a straight line. It is often in the shape of concave.