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Biology- Cells- Cell structure

The animal cell doesn’t have a

  • cell wall

  • vacuole

  • chloroplast


  • The cell wall (only plant) on the outside of the plant cell

  • the cell membrane is a thin line outside an animal cell and inside the plant cell wall

  • ribosomes are the smallest dots spread around the cell

  • the nucleus is a huge blob

  • vacuole (only plant) huge blob in the middle

  • the cytoplasm is the whole inside

  • the mitochondria are the rectangle/oval-like shapes spread around the cell

  • the chloroplast(only plant) is the green dotes spread around the cell

Types of cells

  • Prokaryotic

A cell without a nucleus, usually small

  • Eukaryote

all types of parts of a cell

  • nucleus

  • cell membrane

  • chloroplast

  • cytoplasm

  • cell wall

  • mitochondria

  • ribosomes


Biology- Cells- Cell structure

The animal cell doesn’t have a

  • cell wall

  • vacuole

  • chloroplast


  • The cell wall (only plant) on the outside of the plant cell

  • the cell membrane is a thin line outside an animal cell and inside the plant cell wall

  • ribosomes are the smallest dots spread around the cell

  • the nucleus is a huge blob

  • vacuole (only plant) huge blob in the middle

  • the cytoplasm is the whole inside

  • the mitochondria are the rectangle/oval-like shapes spread around the cell

  • the chloroplast(only plant) is the green dotes spread around the cell

Types of cells

  • Prokaryotic

A cell without a nucleus, usually small

  • Eukaryote

all types of parts of a cell

  • nucleus

  • cell membrane

  • chloroplast

  • cytoplasm

  • cell wall

  • mitochondria

  • ribosomes