Untitled Flashcards Set

Here’s a simple, easy-to-understand study guide for your IB Psychology test tomorrow. I broke it down like I'm explaining it to a 10-year-old:


# IB Psychology Study Guide: Social Influence (Made Simple!)

## 1. Conformity: Why Do People Follow the Crowd?

### Big Idea:

Sometimes people change their behavior to fit in with others. This is called conformity.

### Key Study:

- Asch's Experiment (1950s): A guy named Solomon Asch showed people a bunch of lines and asked them which one matched a certain line. The catch? Some people in the group (who were secretly working with Asch) gave wrong answers on purpose.

- What happened? Many people went along with the wrong answers just to fit in. This shows normative social influence—people want to be liked and accepted.

### Why It Matters:

- We follow social norms (rules for how to act).

- The more people agree on something, the harder it is to go against them.

- Conformity happens more in cultures that focus on community (collectivism) than in those that focus on individuality (individualism).


## 2. Enculturation: How Culture Shapes Us from Birth

### Big Idea:

From the time we're born, we learn how to behave from our culture. This process is called enculturation.

### How We Learn Culture:

- Parents & Schools: They teach us what’s right and wrong.

- Friends & Media: We see how people act and copy them.

- Stories & Traditions: They show us what’s important in our culture.

### Example Study:

- Barry et al. (1959):

- They looked at different cultures and how they teach kids.

- In farming communities, kids are taught to follow rules (because farming needs careful planning).

- In hunting cultures, kids are taught to be independent and take risks (because hunting is unpredictable).

### Why It Matters:

- Your culture shapes how you think, feel, and act.

- It can affect things like whether you follow rules, how you treat others, and even how much you conform.


## 3. Acculturation: What Happens When You Move to a New Culture?

### Big Idea:

When people move to a new culture, they have to adjust. This process is called acculturation.

### Ways People Adapt:

1. Assimilation: They completely adopt the new culture and forget the old one.

2. Separation: They keep their old culture and avoid the new one.

3. Integration: They mix both cultures.

4. Marginalization: They feel lost between both cultures.

### Key Study:

- Torres et al. (2012)

- Studied Latino immigrants in the U.S.

- Found that people who faced discrimination (unfair treatment) had more stress.

- Those who learned English and adapted to U.S. culture felt less stressed.

### Why It Matters:

- Moving to a new culture is hard.

- How people adjust affects their mental health.

- Discrimination can make it even harder.


## Final Tips for the SAQs (Short Answer Questions)!

- Define key terms (e.g., conformity, enculturation, acculturation).

- Use studies as evidence (Asch for conformity, Barry et al. for enculturation, Torres et al. for acculturation).

- Explain why it matters in real life (How does it affect people today?).


That’s it! If you need help with anything specific, let me know. You got this! 💪📚
