Desire for new markets and raw materials.
Expansion of trade (Open Door Policy in China).
Need for naval bases and a stronger military presence (influenced by Alfred Thayer Mahan's The Influence of Sea Power Upon History).
Strategic acquisition of territories (e.g., Hawaii, Philippines).
Belief in Anglo-Saxon superiority and the idea of spreading civilization (White Man’s Burden, Social Darwinism).
Continuation of Manifest Destiny beyond North America.
Cuban independence movement and U.S. sympathy for rebels.
Role of Yellow Journalism in Inflaming Public Opinion.
Sinking of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor.
De Lôme Letter insulting President McKinley.
Treaty of Paris (1898): U.S. gains Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.
Cuba becomes a U.S. protectorate under the Platt Amendment.
Philippine-American War (1899-1902):
Filipinos, led by Emilio Aguinaldo, resisted U.S. control.
Brutal U.S. suppression; thousands of Filipinos were killed.
Debate over Annexation:
Pro-Imperialists: Economic benefits, spreading civilization.
Anti-Imperialists: Betrayed American ideals of self-government.
Roosevelt Corollary (1904):
Extension of the Monroe Doctrine.
The U.S. claimed the right to intervene in Latin American affairs.
Panama Canal (1904-1914):
The U.S. supports Panama’s independence from Colombia to build the canal.
Increases U.S. economic and military influence.
Open Door Policy (1899):
Promoted free trade in China.
Aimed to prevent European dominance over Chinese markets.
Boxer Rebellion (1900):
Chinese nationalists (Boxers) attacked foreign influence.
The U.S. and other powers sent troops to suppress the rebellion.
Pro-Imperialism Arguments:
Economic benefits (new markets, trade, resources).
Military expansion and global influence.
"Civilizing" and uplifting other nations.
Anti-Imperialism Arguments:
Violated American principles of democracy and self-determination.
Led to costly wars and brutal suppression of revolts.
Racist undertones and hypocrisy.
Alfred Thayer Mahan – Advocated for a strong navy.
Yellow Journalism – Sensationalist news used to provoke war.
USS Maine – U.S. battleship that exploded in Cuba, leading to war.
Platt Amendment – Limited Cuba’s independence, and allowed U.S. intervention.
Emilio Aguinaldo – Leader of Filipino resistance against the U.S.
Roosevelt Corollary – Gave U.S. power to intervene in Latin America.
Open Door Policy – U.S. effort to keep China open for trade.
Boxer Rebellion – Anti-foreigner uprising in China.
Explain one economic, political, and social reason for U.S. imperialism.
How did the Spanish-American War change U.S. foreign policy?
Compare the arguments of imperialists and anti-imperialists in the late 19th century.
How did the Roosevelt Corollary expand U.S. involvement in Latin America?