Delegation Explained | Organisational Design

What is delegation?

  • The assignment to others of the authority for particular functions, tasks, and decisions

Examples of delegation:

  • The Human Resources Director of a public limited company delegates authority for recruitment and training to the Recruitment and Training Manager

  • The supermarket Store Manager delegates authority for ensuring products are properly displayed to her Section Managers

Benefits of Effective Delegation:

  • Lower management stress and workload

  • A good method of on-the-job training

  • Allows senior management to focus on key tasks

  • Subordinates are empowered and motivated

  • Better decisions or use of resources (potentially)

Drawbacks of Delegation:

  • It is harder in a smaller business- fewer people

  • Cannot/should not delegate responsibility

  • Depends on the quality/experience of subordinates

  • This may increase the workload and stress of subordinates
