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Valence Electrons and Lewis Dot

  • Valence electrons

    • Located in the outermost electron shell

      • least tightly held by the atom

    • Participate in bonds and electrons

      • reactivity

      • electronegativity

      • # bond formation

    • Group number determines the number of valence electrons

      • Na is in group 1, which has one valence electron

        • electron configuration: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1

      • Chlorine is in group 7, which has 7 valence electrons

        • 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5

    • Octet: full eight electrons

      • noble gases except He

  • Lewis Dot

    • Lewis Theory

      • atoms will form bonds with their valence electrons to fill their outer orbitals to mimic the electron configuration of the noble gases (octet rule)

    • Procedure for drawing Lewis Structures

      • Step 1: count the number of valence electrons

      • Step 2: find the # electrons needed to fulfill octet rule

      • Step 3: Determine the # bonds in the molecule

        • (Step 2-Step 1)/2

      • Step 4: Choose a Central Atom

        • Often the least electronegative

          • Electronegativity DECREASES moving DOWN a group and INCREASES moving from LEFT to RIGHT across a period

          • Hydrogen and halogen atoms tend to appear on the outside of the molecules

      • Step 5: Draw a skeletal structure

        • Connect the atoms to the central atoms with a straight line representing a bond between the two atoms

        • Central atoms must have 4 atoms around it

      • Step 6: Place electrons around outside atoms

        • Complete the octets around each of the outer atoms

      • Step 7: Complete the octet for the central atom with the remaining electrons

      • Leftover bonds should be created as double bonds with lone pairs


Valence Electrons and Lewis Dot

  • Valence electrons

    • Located in the outermost electron shell

      • least tightly held by the atom

    • Participate in bonds and electrons

      • reactivity

      • electronegativity

      • # bond formation

    • Group number determines the number of valence electrons

      • Na is in group 1, which has one valence electron

        • electron configuration: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1

      • Chlorine is in group 7, which has 7 valence electrons

        • 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5

    • Octet: full eight electrons

      • noble gases except He

  • Lewis Dot

    • Lewis Theory

      • atoms will form bonds with their valence electrons to fill their outer orbitals to mimic the electron configuration of the noble gases (octet rule)

    • Procedure for drawing Lewis Structures

      • Step 1: count the number of valence electrons

      • Step 2: find the # electrons needed to fulfill octet rule

      • Step 3: Determine the # bonds in the molecule

        • (Step 2-Step 1)/2

      • Step 4: Choose a Central Atom

        • Often the least electronegative

          • Electronegativity DECREASES moving DOWN a group and INCREASES moving from LEFT to RIGHT across a period

          • Hydrogen and halogen atoms tend to appear on the outside of the molecules

      • Step 5: Draw a skeletal structure

        • Connect the atoms to the central atoms with a straight line representing a bond between the two atoms

        • Central atoms must have 4 atoms around it

      • Step 6: Place electrons around outside atoms

        • Complete the octets around each of the outer atoms

      • Step 7: Complete the octet for the central atom with the remaining electrons

      • Leftover bonds should be created as double bonds with lone pairs