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Personality Approaches

Personality Approaches:

Personality is a socially and culturally constructed approach

→ Personality is shaped by inheritance and environmental factors

→ Personality is culturally constructed

  • People in individualist cultures value independence, competition, and personal achievement

  • People in collectivist culture value social harmony , respectfulness, and group needs over individual needs

→ Personality is socially constructed

  • People show different personality characteristics as the social situation changes

People show different personality characteristics in different social situations

→ People often say and do things online that they wouldn't normally say face to face which is described as the disinhibition effect


→ Personality is an individual's characteristic way of thinking, feeling and acting

→ Personality is mostly stable through life but characteristics can be improved


Personality Approaches

Personality Approaches:

Personality is a socially and culturally constructed approach

→ Personality is shaped by inheritance and environmental factors

→ Personality is culturally constructed

  • People in individualist cultures value independence, competition, and personal achievement

  • People in collectivist culture value social harmony , respectfulness, and group needs over individual needs

→ Personality is socially constructed

  • People show different personality characteristics as the social situation changes

People show different personality characteristics in different social situations

→ People often say and do things online that they wouldn't normally say face to face which is described as the disinhibition effect


→ Personality is an individual's characteristic way of thinking, feeling and acting

→ Personality is mostly stable through life but characteristics can be improved