Ch 35 Endocrine SPP

Chapter 35: The Endocrine System

Lesson 35.1 Objectives

  • Theory Objectives:

    • Identify the location of each endocrine gland.

    • Diagram the principal actions and target tissues for hormones of the hypothalamus and pituitary, parathyroid, adrenal, and pancreas glands.

    • Summarize the effects of thyroid hormones.

    • Compare care for common diagnostic tests for the endocrine system.

  • Clinical Practice Objectives:

    • Assess for specific age-related changes in the endocrine system in older adults.

    • Educate patients about diagnostic tests for endocrine disorder symptoms.

    • Perform a focused assessment on potentially endocrine-disordered patients.

    • Distinguish appropriate nursing diagnoses and interventions for common endocrine disorder issues.

Organs and Structures of the Endocrine System

  • Endocrine Glands:

    • Pituitary gland (anterior and posterior)

    • Thyroid gland

    • Parathyroid glands

    • Adrenal glands

    • Pancreas (beta cells)

    • Ovaries and testes

    • Pineal gland

    • Thymus gland

    • Heart

Functions of the Endocrine System

  • Major Functions:

    • Alter chemical reactions and control rates of activities within cells.

    • Change cell membrane permeability and select substances transported across membranes.

    • Activate cellular mechanisms like growth and reproduction control.

Pituitary Gland

  • Effects of Pituitary Hormones:

    • Posterior pituitary: stores and releases oxytocin and ADH (produced in hypothalamus).

    • Anterior pituitary: secretes hormones into bloodstream based on releasing hormones from hypothalamus.

Thyroid Gland

  • Effects of Thyroid Hormones:

    • Secretes thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), and thyrocalcitonin.

    • Thyroid hormones stimulate:

      • Cellular heat production

      • Protein and lipid synthesis, mobilization, and degradation

      • Manufacture of coenzymes from vitamins

    • Regulate carbohydrate metabolism and tissue response to epinephrine and norepinephrine.

Parathyroid Glands

  • Functions:

    • Produce and secrete parathormone (parathyroid hormone).

    • Calcitonin (from thyroid) balances parathormone.

    • Key role in regulating plasma calcium levels.

Adrenal Glands

  • Functions:

    • Adrenal medulla secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine (catecholamines) as a response from the sympathetic nervous system.

    • Adrenal cortex secretes adrenal corticosteroids including mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids.

Aging Effects on the Endocrine System

  • Indicators include:

    • Smaller pituitary gland

    • Nodular/lumpy thyroid

    • Hormone levels may increase or decrease

    • Blood glucose levels rise

    • Decreased thyroid hormone levels

Pancreas Hormonal Functions

  • Endocrine Functions:

    • Produces hormones: insulin (from beta cells) and glucagon (from alpha cells).

    • Insulin allows body cells to use glucose as fuel.

    • Glucagon stimulates glycogen conversion to glucose in the liver.

Endocrine System Disorders

  • Types of Dysfunction:

    • Primary dysfunction (hypersecretion/hyposecretion, tumors, inflammation, infection, autoimmune response).

    • Secondary dysfunction (medications, trauma, hormone therapy, temporary or permanent).

Preventing Goiter

  • Prevention Strategy:

    • Sufficient iodine intake helps prevent goiter (thyroid overgrowth).

  • Diagnosis:

    • Thyroid panel; parathyroid function via serum calcium and phosphate; adrenal gland function through electrolyte panels, glucose levels, hormone levels, ECG.

Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus

  • Criteria:

    • Symptoms and either:

      • Random blood glucose ≥ 200 mg/dL

      • Fasting glucose ≥ 126 mg/dL

      • Glucose tolerance test ≥ 200 mg/dL

  • Additional Tests:

    • Glucose tolerance test

    • Hemoglobin A1c (goal to increase adult diabetes screenings).

    • Fructosamine assay.

Nursing Management of Endocrine Disorders

  • Focus Areas:

    • Conduct thorough focused assessments.

    • Develop nursing diagnosis.

    • Set care goals and evaluate them.

    • Engage in community care.
