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Oxford Vocabulary #1

Oxford Vocab Words #1

1. Adulterate- degrade, making something poorer in quality

2. Ambidextrous- able to use the right and left hands equally well.

3. Fortitude- courage in pain or adversity. (bravery)

4. Guise- an external form, appearance.

5. Insidious- proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with harmful effects. (Cunningly, sneaky.)

6. Reiterate- say something again (for emphasis.)

7. Stolid- calm, dependable (little emotion.)

8. Tentative- not certain (unconfident.)

9. Unkempt- not tidy or cared for (untidy.)

10. Verbatim- the same words as used originally (word for word.)

11. Bereft- deprived of or lacking.

12. Deploy- move/use

13. Gape- a wide opening

14. Intimation- hint (announcement)

15. Opulent- rich and luxurious (deluxe.)

16. Augments- making something greater by adding something to it (increase.)

17. Dour- unfriendly, stern, unsmiling.

18. Gibe- insulting or taunting remark (taunt.)

19. Pliable- easily bent, flexiple, influenced.

20. Warily- cautiously, carefully.


Oxford Vocabulary #1

Oxford Vocab Words #1

1. Adulterate- degrade, making something poorer in quality

2. Ambidextrous- able to use the right and left hands equally well.

3. Fortitude- courage in pain or adversity. (bravery)

4. Guise- an external form, appearance.

5. Insidious- proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with harmful effects. (Cunningly, sneaky.)

6. Reiterate- say something again (for emphasis.)

7. Stolid- calm, dependable (little emotion.)

8. Tentative- not certain (unconfident.)

9. Unkempt- not tidy or cared for (untidy.)

10. Verbatim- the same words as used originally (word for word.)

11. Bereft- deprived of or lacking.

12. Deploy- move/use

13. Gape- a wide opening

14. Intimation- hint (announcement)

15. Opulent- rich and luxurious (deluxe.)

16. Augments- making something greater by adding something to it (increase.)

17. Dour- unfriendly, stern, unsmiling.

18. Gibe- insulting or taunting remark (taunt.)

19. Pliable- easily bent, flexiple, influenced.

20. Warily- cautiously, carefully.